Beachbody was founded in 1998 by Carl Daikeler and Jon Congdon in Santa Monica, California.[5] Daikeler was previously in informercials for Lifeline Gym and :08 Min Abs in the 1990s. The founders received $500,000 in angel investing, developed a series of workout videos and bought the website[2][6]

In 2007, customers began selling workout DVDs.[2] The company announced that it was developing an OTT streaming platform in 2015 that would function similar to Netflix containing all of its exercise workouts previously available on DVD. The platform gained popularity early in the COVID-19 pandemic with more than half a million new subscribers at that time.[9][10]

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The company introduced a video on demand streaming subscription service known as Beachbody On Demand in 2015 with a library of at-home workouts from programs such as Insanity and P90X.[19] According to the CEO, the company's board was hesitant to offer all of its workout DVDs for a single subscription rate.[2]

Team Beachbody encourages members of the general public to enroll as "coaches". These customers-turned-salespeople register online as a "coach" and sell fitness packages using Beachbody products and programs including workout DVDs, food supplements and meal plans and in turn earning up to 25% commission[23] for each sale.[24] Carl Daikeler, a co-founder described coaches as serving as "walking billboards and salespeople who want to help their family and friends..."[3] and that the "average lifespan" of a coach is three months. In 2013, CNN reported that within two years of Team Beachbody's launch, sales of the parent company's products rose more than 60%.[25]

The Beachbody Company acquired MYXfitness, an exercise bike manufacturer, upon going public in June 2021. MYX remained in Greenwich, Connecticut and released an updated indoor cycle that July. It integrated Beachbody On Demand and Openfit within an existing library of workout content.[28][29]

The program keeps you moving from exercise to exercise, like circuit training. Some of the workouts focus on strength. Others include plyometrics (explosive "power" moves), kickboxing, cardio, abs/core, and yoga. The plan also includes a fitness guide and nutrition plan.

Cost: The least expensive option is about $120 for one year's access to the P0X program, which also includes meal plans and recipes. You can also buy a set of 12 DVDs with the program for $140. Equipment like chin-up bars, resistance bands, and 30-day supply of post-workout drinks will cost you more.

P90X, short for Power 90 X, is one of the most successful workout DVD series of all time (though you can now stream it online). The 12 workouts, repeated over the course of 90 days, are fairly long (45 to 60 minutes), intense and varied, ranging from weight-lifting and plyometrics to yoga and kickboxing.

Tony Horton, the charismatic host of P90X, leads you through the workouts with demonstrations, instructions and even a dash of humor. And though the program is recommended for more advanced exercisers, there are modifications for the moves in case they're too difficult.

This workout combines two of the largest groups of upper-body muscles: chest and back. And to work those muscle groups, you'll do two classic exercises: the push-up and pull-up. You'll perform different variations of these exercises to keep the workout interesting and challenging.

This is a high-impact workout filled with lots of jumping exercises (plyo). You'll burn calories and develop your inner athlete with this collection of agility-based movements. Of all the P90X workouts, this is one of the most challenging.

Grab your dumbbells and get ready to feel the burn in your shoulders and arms. This workout combines variations of the biceps curl, dumbbell press and fly. If you're looking to get ripped arms and shoulders, this workout is perfect for you.

This isn't your typical yoga session. It combines traditional breathing and flexibility work with the fast-paced and muscle-burning approach P90X is known for. It's not a break from the physique-changing workout intensity, however. Your muscles will be challenged.

Squats, lunges and rows make up the bulk of the exercises in this workout. Once again, you'll need a range of weights to accommodate all the exercises in this strength-training workout. You'll also find that pairing your upper-body and lower-body muscles is surprisingly efficient.

Cardio can be boring, but P90X has figured out how to keep it interesting. Kenpo X is their version of a martial arts workout. You'll kick and punch into the air to burn calories and improve your balance and coordination.

After pushing your muscles, lungs and heart to the limit in the other workouts, you'll need time to recover. This active recovery session takes you through stretches for all your tired and sore muscles and gives you a chance to catch your breath before you dive into the next workout.

There are 24 total moves in this workout, using your arms so much they might feel like noodles afterward. The pectorals (chest), deltoids (shoulders) and triceps all work in tandem to push things away from your body, so expect to do plenty of push-up variations in this workout.

This workout combines all the cardio elements of other P90X workouts to keep things interesting and motivating. There's a yoga section, some kenpo moves and even part of the core synergistics workout.

This workout is short, sweet and to the point. You're going to focus all the attention on your abs as you follow Horton through this grueling routine. Most of the moves are variations on sit-ups and leg raises, meaning that for the most part, you'll be lying on your back.

P90X has been around for almost 15 years and boasts a fan club of celebrities for one good reason: It works. An abbreviation for Power 90 Extreme, the 90-day program was developed by fitness guru Tony Horton as a way to build muscle and burn fat by introducing new moves that challenge the body every session. P90X covers its bases, offering elements of strength training, cardio, yoga, plyometrics, and martial arts in a series of 12 different P90X workouts that you rotate through during the 13-week program.

Most Beachbody programs promise impressive weight loss and body composition changes, achieved through the specific workouts of the given program and a certain diet plan, often with a reliance on branded supplements.

Since its original release in 2005, P90X has been one of the most popular Beachbody workout programs. P90X is an intense, complete workout program that millions of people have completed since its inception.

The instructions are very clear, both in terms of what exercises to do and how to do them during each video workout, as well as how to follow the P90X workout from a global perspective (which workout to do each day, etc.).

Of course, you can choose to do fewer workouts per week and extend the duration of the program beyond the 90 days, but this will slow your progress, and it will still require an uninterrupted 60 to 75-minute daily time commitment.

The researchers thought these four workouts represented the program as a whole, and they wanted subjects to become proficient in each workout, so getting to that point with all 12 would be time-consuming.

Lastly, male subjects burned an average of 10.5-16.2 kcals per minute (for a total of 441-669 calories per workout), while the female subjects burned 7.2-12.6 kcals per minute (for a total of 302 to 544 kcals per workout). 

Members of Team Osan prepare to warm up before a P90X workout in the fitness center at Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea, Nov. 15, 2013. Tony Horton, P90X creator, visited Osan as part of a tour of 42 different military installations. (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Ashley J. Thum)

Tony Horton, P90X creator, counts down while members of Team Osan plank in the fitness center at Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea, Nov. 15, 2013. Horton led participants in 60-minute workouts at 6 a.m. and at noon. (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Ashley J. Thum)

Airmen and soldiers strengthen their cores during a P90X workout in the fitness center at Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea, Nov. 15, 2013. The hour-long workout featured martial arts, pushups and other high-speed strengthening techniques. (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Ashley J. Thum)

Chief Master Sgt. Derrick Grames, 51st Mission Support Group superintendent, holds the pushup position during a P90X workout in the fitness center at Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea, Nov. 15, 2013. P90X uses a whole-body approach to fitness that ensures multiple muscles and areas of the body are engaged at all times. (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Ashley J. Thum)

Tony Horton, P90X creator, leads a discussion about healthy living after a P90X workout in the fitness center at Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea, Nov. 15, 2013. Horton explained that exercise leads to increased cognition and other intellectual advantages. (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Ashley J. Thum)

Doubles is a little more literal: you do double workouts each day. You begin with the Classic workout for the first 30 days, followed by 60 days of a strength workout in the morning and a cardio workout in the evening.

The report from Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) said the congressman's campaign committee reportedly used campaign funds to finance a stay at a five-star hotel in Athens, Greece, buy workout tapes and reimburse his mother.

In 2011 Schock posed for the June cover of Men's Health magazine, revealing the congressman's well cared-for muscles and six-pack abs. The 30-year-old details in the magazine his workout routine - before a 5-mile run around the nation's capital, Shock clocks in at the weight room in the House gym at 6:30 a.m. The article also revealed Shock's, along with "a dozen or so congressmen," affinity for sessions of P90X, the exercise video series created by Tony Horton.

Credited as the man who sparked the fitness fad on the hill, former trainer Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., is a frequent proponent of the P90X workout, which he says helps him maintain his body fat between6 and 8 percent. Ryan told Politico in 2010 that he leads a P90X fitness class in the House gym every morning along with former Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich. and Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., which P90X creator Horton frequents every few months. 0852c4b9a8

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