Oxygen makes things burn much faster. Think of what happens when you blow into a fire; it makes the flame bigger. If you are using oxygen in your home, you must take extra care to stay safe from fires and objects that might burn.

Make sure you have working smoke detectors and a working fire extinguisher in your home. If you move around the house with your oxygen, you may need more than one fire extinguisher in different locations.

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Do not use Vaseline or other petroleum-based creams and lotions on your face or upper part of your body unless you talk to your respiratory therapist or health care provider first. Products that are safe include:

National Fire Protection Association website. Medical oxygen safety tip sheet. www.nfpa.org/downloadable-resources/safety-tip-sheets/medical-oxygen-safety-tip-sheet. Updated 2016. Accessed November 28, 2023.

Background:  Morbidly obese patients undergoing general anesthesia are at risk of hypoxemia during anesthesia induction. High-flow nasal oxygenation use during anesthesia induction prolongs safe apnea time in nonobese surgical patients. The primary objective of our study was to compare safe apnea time, between patients given high-flow nasal oxygenation or conventional facemask oxygenation during anesthesia induction, in morbidly obese surgical patients.

Results:  Forty patients completed the study. Baseline parameters were comparable between groups. Safe apnea time was significantly longer (261.4  77.7 vs 185.5  52.9 seconds; mean difference [95% CI], 75.9 [33.3-118.5]; P = .001) and the minimum peri-intubation SpO2 was higher (91.0  3.5 vs 88.0  4.8; mean difference [95% CI], 3.1 [0.4-5.7]; P = .026) in the high-flow nasal oxygenation group compared to the control group.

Conclusions:  High-flow nasal oxygenation, compared to conventional oxygenation, provided a longer safe apnea time by 76 seconds (40%) and higher minimum SpO2 in morbidly obese patients during anesthesia induction. High-flow oxygenation use should be considered in morbidly obese surgical patients.

Oxygen is a safe gas and is non-flammable; however, it supports combustion. Materials burn more readily in an oxygen-enriched environment. Also follow the instructions from your oxygen supply company regarding safe usage. Never change the flow rate on your oxygen from what your doctor prescribed.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized environment. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a well-established treatment for decompression sickness, a potential risk of scuba diving. Other conditions treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy include:

In a hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber, the air pressure is increased 2 to 3 times higher than normal air pressure. Under these conditions, your lungs can gather much more oxygen than would be possible breathing pure oxygen at normal air pressure.

Your body's tissues need an adequate supply of oxygen to function. When tissue is injured, it requires even more oxygen to survive. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases the amount of oxygen your blood can carry. With repeated treatments, the temporary extra high oxygen levels encourage normal tissue oxygen levels, even after the therapy is completed.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is used to treat several medical conditions. And medical institutions use it in different ways. Your health care provider may suggest hyperbaric oxygen therapy if you have one of the following conditions:

For your safety, items such as lighters or battery-powered devices that generate heat are not allowed into the hyperbaric chamber. You also may need to remove hair and skin care products that are petroleum based, as they are a potential fire hazard. Your health care team will provide instruction on preparing you to undergo hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

To benefit from hyperbaric oxygen therapy, you'll likely need more than one session. The number of sessions depends upon your medical condition. Some conditions, such as carbon monoxide poisoning, might be treated in three visits. Others, such as nonhealing wounds, may require 40 treatments or more.

To effectively treat approved medical conditions, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is usually part of a broad treatment plan. This plan may include other therapies and medicines that are designed to fit your unique needs.

Objective:  This systematic review aimed to describe the connection between the inspired oxygen fraction and pulmonary complications in adult patients, with the objective of determining a safe upper limit of oxygen supplementation.

Methods:  MEDLINE and Embase were systematically searched in August 2019 (updated July 2020) for studies fulfilling the following criteria: intubated adult patients (Population); high fractions of oxygen (Intervention) versus low fractions of (Comparison); atelectasis, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), pneumonia and/or duration of mechanical ventilation (Outcome); original studies both observational and interventional (Studies). Screening, data extraction and risk of bias assessment was done by two independent reviewers.

Results:  Out of 6120 records assessed for eligibility, 12 were included. Seven studies were conducted in the emergency setting, and five studies included patients undergoing elective surgery. Eight studies reported data on atelectasis, two on ARDS, four on pneumonia and two on duration of mechanical ventilation. There was a non-significant increased risk of atelectasis if an oxygen fraction of 0.8 or above was used, relative risk (RR): 1.37 (95% CI 0.95 to 1.96). One study showed an almost threefold higher risk of pneumonia in the high oxygen fraction group (RR: 2.83 (95% CI 2.25 to 3.56)). The two studies reporting ARDS and the two studies with data on mechanical ventilation showed no association with oxygen fraction. Four studies had a high risk of bias in one domain.

Conclusions:  In this systematic review, we found inadequate evidence to identify a safe upper dosage of oxygen, but the identified studies suggest a benefit of keeping inspiratory oxygen fraction below 0.8 with regard to formation of atelectases.

As more and more people are bringing medical oxygen into the home, they need to understand the new fire risks they also bring into the home. Physicians and other caregivers play a key role in educating patients about the safe use of oxygen.

What is the organization of cerebral microvascular oxygenation and morphology that allows adequate tissue oxygenation at different activity levels? We address this question in the mouse cerebral cortex using microscopic imaging of intravascular O2 partial pressure and blood flow combined with numerical modelling. Here we show that parenchymal arterioles are responsible for 50% of the extracted O2 at baseline activity, and the majority of the remaining O2 exchange takes place within the first few capillary branches. Most capillaries release little O2 at baseline acting as an O2 reserve that is recruited during increased neuronal activity or decreased blood flow. Our results challenge the common perception that capillaries are the major site of O2 delivery to cerebral tissue. The understanding of oxygenation distribution along arterio-capillary paths may have profound implications for the interpretation of blood-oxygen-level dependent (BOLD) contrast in functional magnetic resonance imaging and for evaluating microvascular O2 delivery capacity to support cerebral tissue in disease.

We have found that arterioles are responsible for 50% of the extracted O2 at baseline activity. Most of the remaining O2 exchange is taking place at the level of the first few capillary branches after precapillary arterioles, while majority of the capillaries (those of higher branching orders) on average release little O2 at rest. Our measurements and modelling results support this finding showing that high-branching-order capillaries may act as a dynamic O2 reserve that is recruited on demand to ensure adequate tissue oxygenation during increased neuronal activity or decreased blood flow. Our results challenge the common perception that O2 is almost exclusively released from the capillaries and provide a novel understanding of the distribution and dynamics of O2 extraction along the capillary paths in the cortex.

Our observation of the venular PO2 increase with cortical vessel diameter (Fig. 3) is similar to observations of other groups in the past in different organs7. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain why mixed venous blood in larger calibre venules has higher oxygenation than capillaries and postcapillary venules: (1) the existence of vascular shunts that will bypass the capillary network and allow direct oxygen advection from arterioles to venules; (2) oxygen diffusion from tissue back to venules, when venules are either close to arterioles or in tissue regions where average PO2 is high; (3) blood oxygenation and flow in a complex microvascular network are highly heterogeneous, and microvascular paths with higher blood flow have higher PO2 and SO2 due to the inverse relation between capillary flow and extraction efficacy. The last hypothesis of a positive correlation between flow and SO2 in microvascular paths implies that the mean SO2 of a population of microvascular segments is lower than the flow-weighted mean SO2 of the same segments, because the segments with high SO2 (and high flow) account for a large fraction of the oxygen transported through all segments. Pial venous SO2, in turn, represents the summed contribution of flow-weighted SO2 from many individual microvascular paths, and is therefore always higher than the mean SO2 in the feeding capillaries and postcapillary venules.

We applied a set of novel imaging and analysis tools to assess microvascular oxygenation in mouse primary SI cortex. Until recently, most evidence about cerebral microvascular oxygen distribution was obtained by invasive polarographic microelectrode measurements in the upper several tens of micrometres of the cortex. Our combination of recently developed two-photon PO2 microscopy with TPM imaging of microvascular morphology, Doppler OCT imaging of CBF, microvascular segmentation algorithms and oxygen delivery modelling based on anatomically accurate microvascular structures, allowed us to obtain very detailed maps of microvascular oxygenation over a substantial depth of the mouse cortex, to quantify the contribution of different microvascular segments to oxygen release to the tissue, and to elucidate shifts in their oxygen delivery during flow and metabolic perturbations. 2351a5e196

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