If you are installing ownCloud using one of the various Linux package managers, we strongly recommend that you avoid automatically updating the owncloud-complete-files package, when running a system update or upgrade and when upgrading other packages. That way, there are no surprise changes (whether positive or negative) to your ownCloud installation.

If you are using Zypper, use the addlock or al commands. Similar to apt-mark hold these add a package lock that prevents the package from being modified. The example below shows how to use the command to lock owncloud-complete-files.

Owncloud Download In Linux

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After a reboot of the computer the client always wants to authorizes through the browser. (When setting up the client, It did not ask me for username or password, only for the server address).

There is an entry in my kdewallet (Contents tab) but in the Applications tab there is an entry only in the upper field ("These applications are currently connected to this wallet") and not the lower one ("These applications are authorized to acess this wallet"). This is weird, because I actually granted access to owncloud multiple times.

Syncing of my folders works fine once authorized.

I don't think that you can compare the windows and the linux clients, those are probably using completely different methods to save the password (I think something something like e.g. seahorse/gnome-keyring doesn't exist on windows).

When the desktop app tries to auth through the browser, it probably uses Oauth2 as the authentication path, instead of the locally stored password. Please try to disable the Oauth2 app in your owncloud installation, this should force the client to use the local password, e.g. from gnome keyring or KDE kwallet

3 - Creating WebDAV Mounts on the Linux Command Linux using aforementioned manual 4.2.4; result "[mntent]: line 14 in /etc/fstab is bad

mount: can't find /home/rost/owncloud in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab"

Line 14 is checked and is correct.

Once you get the Owncloud page, you need to create an admin account and a Data folder location, where all files/folders will be stored (or leave default location i.e. /var/www/owncloud/data or /var/www/html/owncloud/data). Next, you need to enter mysql database username, password, and database name, refer to the screenshot below.

I followed your guide step by step. I now have a working owncloud. But I am afraid to let it out on the internet since I get a message when I log in as admin saying my .htaccess file is not working. How can I solve this problem? Thanks for a great website!

In the future you should regularly create a database dump and copy it to a backup server together with the content of the data directly and the config.php file. And consider moving to Nextcloud because it is more secure, faster, fully open source and has more features. Migration from owncloud to nextcloud is fully supported and easy.Good look with your issue

I run an owncloud server and would like to access it locally over NFS. (I know there is webdav, but that's too slow for streaming.)

It works for me BUT read-only. If I want to have write access, I have to change permissions to the files and folders on the owncloud server, which are normally something like that:

I don't really understand. 

As far as I understand, the whole owncloud directory is owned by http (user and group), and each file and folder written in it by owncloud is owned by http. So I don't give ownership to a group, owncloud does: to http.

I don't know how I can be able to control that apart from changing permission "by hand".

Meanwhile, I also found the solution for the other clients:

In /etc/exports, there was another line especially for that client (including instead of with other arguments than the working ones (rw,all_squash,anonuid=33,anongid=33). As that line was created for another resource, I didn't thought it interfere with that owncloud share, but it did. So deleting that other line in /etc/exports (that line was for testing only anyway) and rereading that file solved it for the other client, too. :-)

I just create owncloud server using my old PC with Intel Quadcore, 8GB memory, Centos 7, Apache, Mysql database. I already install RAID drive to make the read speed more faster. However, I try to upload all my files (about 1.8TB of Documents, Photo, Music, and Video) to this Owncloud server and as a result I already spend about a day just to upload less then 30% with the server load between 4-5. I then come up with idea I have another same PC and I plan to combine this another PC to make the process faster. I read that there are some clustering open source like Beowulf cluster. My question is can I use Beowulf cluster ( _cluster) for Owncloud or any other clustering software that I can use? Thanks

Is it server-application-bound? (check: PHP CPU usage on server) If so, you can set up a load-balancing between the two servers, install php+owncloud on the second one, point it to the first one's DB instance, and reduce the load.

I use netgear products for several years, but now I'm the owner of an RN214 NAS (already did the upgrade to OS 6.5). Of course I know basic information about networks, but I'm not familiar with ReadyNAS and Linux. My paln / project is to install my own owncloud device with this NAS. I tried to get some information before buying, but this was quite boring so that I bought the device to test it in reality.

I know that there is the possibility to use the owncloud from the app store of the RN214, BUT this is only version 6.0 as I saw. That's why I want to install a current version. Of course I already was here:

Why does this force problems and why is it a problem due to conflicts with OS partition? The owncloud is visible as the one installed as app. Where is the difference? Is the shown update procedure for a app version the same like shown in the video?

Ok, I understand. I am already in contact with whocares, but nevertheless of course I want to learn something. How would a configuration work or what would I have to do to avoid storing the cloud data in the OS partitition? Where is this partition respectivelly how can I see that the data is stored there or not there? Or is there any step for step installation guide beside "using an app" for the installation of owncloud on ReadyNAS OS6? or is the way shown in my posted video the 'correct' one?

We manually changed these two files eariler. So I reverted the files to their default values and rebooted but this appeared to break OwnCloud. I got an error about the .ocdata file in /mnt/FreeNAS/owncloud. I then reverted back to the changed values of 1024M rebooted again and I could access OwnCloud plus the error had disappered...

Hey guys!

First time linux user here, please bear with me. I need to install the sciebo desktop client on Garuda. For some strange reason, packages are available for all major linux operating systems except for Arch. So what I did is download the Debian package and build it with debtap; I deleted the qt5-dependencies from Debian and installed the qt5 package on Arch instead. It works without any problems to build the respective .pkg.tar.zst files and install them with pacman. The sciebo client works fine and synchronizes correctly. Unfortunately, neither the synchronization icons nor the right-click option to copy a download link to the clipboard work. They should come from sciebo-client-overlays-icons and sciebo-client-dolphin, respectively. I have double-checked that these packages are installed. Does anyone of you know what I did wrong?

As I pointed out in the last paragraph, owncloud does not have dolphin integration either; the optional dependencies are for nautilus, nemo and caja, respectively. sciebo itself works great, the only problem is dolphin integration. So either I use sciebo, which I got working smoothly by using debtap, and do not have dolphin integration, or I use owncloud, which works fine, and I do not have dolphin integration. In any case, though, I do not have dolphin integration. But this is what I need.

I use the owncloud client heavily for work and I have noticed lately that the icon has disappeared from the system tray. On startup, the owncloud desktop app (version 2.7.1, installed from the stable repos) will open itself but no icon will show up on the tray. It is not a huge problem since it seems that the client is working in the background and my files are getting synced, but it does bother me a bit.

I completely respect that these opensource projects have a commercially supported version, and I'm not adverse to paying for it, but in the case of owncloud it just seems to be doing material damage to the community version.

I need to extend the space on the harddrive of my owncloud. I followed this guide and this worked two times on different UCS ownclouds so far, but now with the 3 installation everytime i complete the first half my owncloud just stops working completely.

If you are using a self-signed SSL certificate, you will need to add "--trust" to the command. They've also added support for .netrc for your login information, and a less verbose option. Be sure to just run the command "owncloudcmd" once from the console to see all the options.

In 2016, ownCloud GmbH received investment capital and was able to take over the business of the American company ownCloud Inc.[2][3] In the following years, Nextcloud and ownCloud developed into different directions: Nextcloud Hub has become a modern communication platform with many community-driven applications, owncloud focused on large-scale enterprise deployments, many of them in science and education.

In 2018, ownCloud launched its own SaaS offering ("owncloud.online") for small and medium-sized enterprises and associations. The offering is intended to provide a secure and GDPR-compliant collaboration solution for organizations without their own IT department.[6] ff782bc1db

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