Mission, Vision, & Goals

Where Learning Soars!

The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.
B.B. King


To provide easy access to free, quality resources and materials for learners, educators, and parents worldwide and in all areas of education.


All citizens of the world will have unlimited access to complete and comprehensive, quality resources for teaching and learning. Open source, global learning for all.


  • To maintain a free site with access to these resources that is easily accessible for all who have access to the internet.

  • To develop pages for each subject that offer resources for all topics within that content area.

  • To create engaging educational experiences for children of all ages.

  • To create equally rich resource sites in all major languages.

  • To visit with schools and nonprofits around the world to demonstrate use and get feedback for changes to site that would better serve their needs.

  • To work with educators and schools to develop or secure a global curriculum to share as open source for all schools that lack funding for quality resources.

The Dream

To step-by-step reach the day when OWLS provides complete resources for every class and topic, in every language; and a complete curriculum (early childhood through graduation) that is inclusive, diverse, and easily accessible for all. Even in dreams, we understand that this requires equitable access to devices and internet for all and potentially campuses of our own, so we know the road is long, but it is well worth the journey.