Lots of tools exist to automate tasks like linting, building, packaging, testing, or deploying software systems. Examples include the TypeScript Compiler, linters like ESLint and TSLint as well as build systems like Make, Ant, Gulp, Jake, Rake, and MSBuild.

These tools are mostly run from the command line and automate jobs inside and outside the inner software development loop (edit, compile, test, and debug). Given their importance in the development life cycle, it is helpful to be able to run tools and analyze their results from within VS Code. Tasks in VS Code can be configured to run scripts and start processes so that many of these existing tools can be used from within VS Code without having to enter a command line or write new code. Workspace or folder specific tasks are configured from the tasks.json file in the .vscode folder for a workspace.

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VS Code currently auto-detects tasks for the following systems: Gulp, Grunt, Jake, and npm. We are working with the corresponding extension authors to add support for Maven and the C# dotnet command as well. If you develop a JavaScript application using Node.js as the runtime, you usually have a package.json file describing your dependencies and the scripts to run. If you have cloned the eslint-starter example, then executing Run Tasks from the global menu shows the following list:

Not all tasks or scripts can be auto-detected in your workspace. Sometimes it is necessary to define your own custom tasks. Assume you have a script to run your tests in order to set up some environment correctly. The script is stored in a script folder inside your workspace and named test.sh for Linux and macOS and test.cmd for Windows. Run Configure Tasks from the global Terminal menu and select the Create tasks.json file from template entry. This opens the following picker:

Note: If you don't see the list of task runner templates, you may already have a tasks.json file in your folder and its contents will be open in the editor. Close the file and either delete or rename it for this example.

We are working on more auto-detection support, so this list will get smaller and smaller in the future. Since we want to write our own custom task, select Others from the list. This opens the tasks.json file with a task skeleton. Replace the contents with the following:

You can also compose tasks out of simpler tasks with the dependsOn property. For example, if you have a workspace with a client and server folder and both contain a build script, you can create a task that starts both build scripts in separate terminals. If you list more than one task in the dependsOn property, they are executed in parallel by default.

If you specify "dependsOrder": "sequence", then your task dependencies are executed in the order they are listed in dependsOn. Any background/watch tasks used in dependsOn with "dependsOrder": "sequence" must have a problem matcher that tracks when they are "done". The following task runs task Two, task Three, and then task One.

You can create user level tasks that are not tied to a specific workspace or folder using the Tasks: Open User Tasks command. Only shell and process tasks can be used here since other task types require workspace information.

Sometimes you want to control how the Integrated Terminal panel behaves when running tasks. For instance, you may want to maximize editor space and only look at task output if you think there is a problem. The behavior of the terminal can be controlled using the presentation property of a task. It offers the following properties:

You can modify the terminal panel behavior for auto-detected tasks as well. For example, if you want to change the output behavior for the npm: run lint from the ESLint example from above, add the presentation property to it:

You can also mix custom tasks with configurations for detected tasks. A tasks.json that configures the npm: run lint task and adds a custom Run Test tasks looks like this:

As mentioned above, you can customize auto-detected tasks in the tasks.json file. You usually do so to modify presentation properties or to attach a problem matcher to scan the task's output for errors and warnings. You can customize a task directly from the Run Task list by pressing the gear icon to the right to insert the corresponding task reference into the tasks.json file. Assume you have the following Gulp file to lint JavaScript files using ESLint (the file is taken from -eslint):

When authoring tasks configurations, it is useful to have a set of predefined common variables such as the active file (${file}) or workspace root folder (${workspaceFolder}). VS Code supports variable substitution inside strings in the tasks.json file and you can see a full list of predefined variables in the Variables Reference.

The task system supports defining values (for example, the command to be executed) specific to an operating system. To do so, put an operating system specific literal into the tasks.json file and specify the corresponding properties inside that literal.

Task properties can also be defined in the global scope. If present, they will be used for specific tasks unless they define the same property with a different value. In the example below, there is a global presentation property, which defines that all tasks should be executed in a new panel:

If you only need to tweak it for a specific task, then add the OS-specific command necessary to change the encoding to the tasks command line. The following example is for Windows using code page of 437 as its default. The task shows the output of a file containing Cyrillic characters and therefore needs code page 866. The task to list the file looks like this assuming that the default shell is set to cmd.exe:

If an existing problem matcher is close to what you need, you can modify it in your tasks.json task. For example, the $tsc-watch problem matcher only applies to closed documents. If you want to have it apply to all documents you can modify it:

Alternatively, you can override a task's shell with the options.shell property. You can set this per task, globally, or per platform. For example, to use cmd.exe on Windows, your tasks.json would include:

Example I have Project R5 S5 Launch with all of it's tasks (Music, Edit, Filming, Sound) linked and named under that R5 S5 Launch. When I duplicate that project to a new project R5 S6 Launch it currents links all the tasks still to R5 S5 Launch tasks but I would like to be able to have the tasks duplicated and under the new project name as well.

Using the Android app. On My Tasks view. There is the option to sort each section by due date. Turning this on does what I expect and sorts the tasks within each section by the due dates for those tasks. However, once that feature is turned on, I can no longer reorder the sections nor move tasks from one section to another. This seems like a bug to me.

Hey @Eleanor, @abiciea, @laurak, @Pedros, @Learning_ForTE, @Shanerh, thanks for the feedback and ideas! Have you already checked out making a table widget on a dashboard? There you can combine boards in one spot and filter by yourself to see all of your tasks in one place

So it looks like Monday.com acknowledges this is a glaring gap in your functionality and you have nothing currently available that addresses it properly. Search seems to be the best option, but search does not show all tasks that are searched for. It somehow selects certain tasks to show, but does not show all of them?

Recently I started getting task reminders in Asana for tasks I had previously marked completed. When I open the new task that Asana is creating it claims I created and assigned the task 21 days ago to myself, but I did not actually create the task. In all instances it is always 21 days ago and also shows a project status of completed on the task that it creates. I generally just delete the duplicate task that Asana is creating, but would be great to understand why Asana is doing this for tasks I marked completed 2-3 months ago and what I could do to prevent this from happening.

Hi @Steven_Bennion, thanks for reaching out! As @lpb mentioned, this type of issue is usually related to recurring tasks. When you mark a recurring task complete, it will automatically duplicate and show as incomplete in your task list with a new due date. This is currently expected behaviour, you can learn more here.

Another option is that the task was created via a project template. For example, if you create a new project from a template and the template has tasks assigned to you, all these tasks will be duplicated (including due date, custom fields, etc) and will show incomplete.

Thank you Emily. The tasks were not setup as a recurring (just had to lookup how to do that) and did not use a template. They were setup using the email Asana add-in for Outlook. It is only happening with task I create for myself from Outlook using the add-in.

You can use icons in the task list to complete some quick tasks. Click to delete a task. Click or to mark a task as completed. To mark a completed task as not completed, click . To change the date associated with a flag or mark the item complete, right-click it.

The My tasks section of the Tasks app will be in sync with the To Do app, but there are things you can do to your tasks, and ways you can interact with them, that are available in one app or the other. The following list breaks down what you can do where.

The Shared plans section of the Tasks app will be in sync with Planner, but there are things you can do to your tasks, and ways you can interact with them, that are available in one app or the other. The following list breaks down what you can do where.

A unique feature of the Tasks app how it displays tasks and information associated with them in rows and columns. This is called List view, and allows you to change many tasks at once, which wasn't as possible in either To Do or Planner before. It also allows you to filter your tasks, which wasn't available to To Do previously. ff782bc1db

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