OVI Lawyer Urbancrest, OH - Sabol Mallory LLC

OVI Lawyer Urbancrest, OH - Sabol Mallory LLC - (614) 300-5088 

It is illegal to drive a vehicle while intoxicated. If you are charged with OVI in Ohio, you face serious penalties, including jail time. A criminal record will follow you, and you may lose your license. However, you may qualify for an OVI diversion program if you meet the criteria. If you are eligible, you will be placed into a pretrial intervention (PTI) program and receive treatment instead of going to trial. Call Sabol Mallory, LLC for a free case evaluation. Our "OVI Lawyer Urbancrest, OH" have more than years of experience and have helped numerous clients. 

Sabol Mallory LLC

OVI Lawyer Urbancrest, OH

743 S Front St

Columbus, OH 43206

(614) 300-5088

How do I beat an OVI charge in Ohio? 

An arrest for a DUI in Ohio can be devastating to your career and your family. It can have long-lasting consequences for your future. An OVI conviction in Ohio can be a criminal conviction and you could lose your license, have your vehicle impounded, and be required to pay expensive fines and fees. Most people believe that a DUI charge will cost them thousands of dollars in legal fees, but a lot of people are surprised to learn that the total cost of a DUI can run into tens of thousands of dollars. The cost can include attorney’s fees, court costs, breathalyzer tests, criminal charges, license suspension, insurance surcharges, probation, restitution, and other costs. If you are arrested for OVI in Ohio, you should contact a lawyer who can help you avoid the consequences of an OVI arrest. An OVI lawyer can help you understand your options, advise you of your rights, and assist you in negotiating a fair resolution. At Sabol Mallory LLC Urbancrest OH, we understand that an arrest for OVI in Ohio is a difficult time for you and your family. We will help you navigate the complex system of Ohio’s drunk driving laws so you can avoid an OVI conviction. Our attorneys have decades of experience and know how to negotiate for fair resolutions. We can help you beat an OVI charge.

What Happens When You Get a DUI? 

Getting a DUI can be scary. The worst-case scenario is you get arrested and then end up with a criminal record. A conviction can change your life forever. Many people think that if they just have a few drinks, it’s not a big deal. The truth is that if you have had too much to drink, then it is not a good idea to drive. The consequences of getting a DUI are real. If you are charged with a DUI, you will have to pay fines and court costs. Your license can be suspended and your criminal record may follow you around for the rest of your life. 

You may also have to pay attorney fees and the legal costs of defending yourself. If you are facing a DUI charge, you need to get help. The first thing you need to do is consult with a DUI lawyer who knows what to do to defend your rights. The best way to avoid a DUI conviction is to consult with an experienced DUI lawyer. At Sabol Mallory LLC Urbancrest OH, we have over years of experience defending people accused of driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. With that experience, we can help you with a DUI charge, no matter what type of DUI you have been charged with.

How long do the police have to charge you for drunk driving?

These questions may seem like they are only relevant to those who have been arrested for drunk driving. However, there are a number of different ways that the police can charge someone with a DUI in Ohio. Depending on the severity of the offense, the police can either issue a citation or arrest you. Regardless of how they choose to proceed, the police are required by law to release you from custody within a certain amount of time. In Ohio, the police have three hours to charge you with a DUI. Once the three hours are up, the police must release you. It is then up to the prosecutor to decide whether to file charges against you. In some cases, prosecutors can decide to drop charges if they believe they have sufficient evidence against you. However, they also have the option of filing charges if they do not feel confident that they have enough evidence to prosecute you.

If you are charged with a DUI, you can hire a criminal defense lawyer to represent you in court. A criminal defense lawyer will be able to help you avoid a conviction if you are charged with a DUI. If you do end up being convicted of a DUI, your criminal record will prevent you from receiving any type of professional license. For example, you could not be considered for a job requiring security clearance. If you are facing a criminal charge for a DUI, you should contact a criminal defense lawyer immediately.