Privacy Policy For Outramparkapps

OutramParkApps value your privacy. This privacy privacy policy is intended to clearly inform you of the following:

1. What information we collect

2. How to use your information

3. How we protect your privacy

4. Change policy

5. Contact the developer

Before installing our application, please read this privacy policy carefully. If you have accepted the installation, you agree to this privacy policy.

Information collected

1.Your collected application information includes: device information, operating system, diary. For example we can collect your device IMEI.

2. Other information you provide for the application. Be sure you will not provide the application with sensitive information such as information regarding race or ethnic origin, political, religious or other religious views, health information, trends sexuality, membership of organizations in the past, including union members.

Non-Personally Identifiable Information

Non-personally identifiable Information means information from which an individual cannot directly be identified. Additionally, non-personal data means "aggregate" and "de-personalized" information.

We may use tools or third party analytical software to automatically collect non-personal identifiable information about users whenever they interact with our apps. Non-personal identification information may include the type of your phone and technical information about users means of connection to our apps, such as the versions of phone model and other similar information.

Log Data: When you interact with us using the Application, our systems may automatically collect your unique User Device number, the IP address, or operating system you use, and the dates and times of your use ("Log Data").