Agro-Industrialist - AIU

"Vote Smart, From The Start"

The Agro-Industrialists union was formed by Jeremy Hatchet and Azim Hanif with the mutual intrest of representing the workforce as two proud men who grew up working and then managing to make their ways to the top we came to a new found posistion our employees being forced to still work hard and longer than they should have to be so we formed this party to give them back all they deserve for keeping this republic afloat and we wish to increase the condition in wich they work and increase the over all social welfare of the people of the republic

Agro-Industrialist (AIU)

  • Colors: Blue(#1b4f72)/Gray(#f8f9f9)

  • Founded: 2210

  • Leader: Jeremy Hatchet

  • Headquarter: Persephone

  • Last Election Result:

    • 2210 - Merged with the SEA

    • 2230 - 14 Seats

Jeremy Hatchet

Jeremy Hatchet started off a orphan abandoned on some farm steps, the eucalyptus farm where the owners at the time took me in and raised me as their own started having me work at the age of 15 we started growing getting more and more workers and becoming profitable and not just struggling when i turned to 25 the farm was handed over to me so my parents could retire and ever since then ive aspired to make the workers conditions better not for just my family on the farm but for all the people of the republic

Program 2210

  • Construct hydro farms to expand the production of food

  • Increase consumer goods that way the people have a wide range of luxurariez

  • Increase the overwall worker happiness via social welfare