21st Open and User Innovation Conference, August 5 - 6, 2024,

Harvard Business School, Digital Data Design Institute.

The International Open and User Innovation (OUI) Conference is the leading academic conference on user innovation and open innovation, two closely related paradigms that have changed our thinking about the organization of innovation over the last decades.

Organized by the Open and User Innovation Society since 2002, the OUI Conference brings together researchers from around the world to discuss recent research on open and user innovation, innovation toolkits, innovation communities, crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, open-source software and open hardware, user-producer collaboration, innovation platforms and ecosystems, user entrepreneurship, open innovation policies, and related topics.

The community of scholars meeting at OUI is characterized by a very open, developmental academic culture sharing plenty of feedback and ideas. The conference mainly targets an academic audience of faculty, senior researchers, and Ph.D. students, but is also open to policymakers interested in open and user innovation.

OUI is multi-disciplinary and covers disciplines such as innovation management, strategic management, organization design, marketing, entrepreneurship, public policy, healthcare, psychology, law, and industrial engineering.

Important dates

May 31, 2024: Abstract submission closes

June 15, 2024: Authors are notified of acceptance

July 15, 2024: Deadline for at least one author being registered for presentation to be in included in the program

August 5 - 6, 2024: OUI Conference at Harvard Business School

Visit the following webpage to register: click here

RESEARCH POLICY Special issue (2021)

Research Policy  released a special issue on the emergence, implications, and diffusion of household sector innovation, with contributors from and edited by members of the OUI society. Click HERE to access.

Click here for more OUI Conference videos!

Former conference tracks include...

Open and User Innovation Platforms, Community Governance, and Organization Design

Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding

Open Software, Open Hardware, and Makers

Firms' Interactions with Open and User Innovation

Lead users, Toolkits, and User Identification

Psychology of innovation and Problem-solving 

Diffusion of Open and User Innovation

Healthcare, Sustainability, and Societal Challenges

Institutions, Innovation Law, and Policy

User and Social Entrepreneurship