Ottawa Traditional Karate Academy

Established in 1996

OTKA teaches students, of all ages, Traditional Gōjū-ryū Karate focusing on fundamental techniques, structured movements (Katas). The OTKA program focusses on personal development by improving students' fitness, discipline and self-confidence.

Gōjū-ryū Karate

Traditional Okinawa Goju-ryu Karate training is strenuous and disciplined. The emphasis is on the repetitious practice of basic technique and kata.

It is a lifelong commitment. It is not a short-term course. Because of this, it lets the students improve their fitness and self-discipline, as it strengthens their bodies and cultivates their minds.

Standard Belt System

OTKA offers an ongoing program that allows students to progress at their own pace as they learn the required katas to move through the Standard Belt System.

Sensei John Notley

Sensei John is a committed and proven karate instructor:

  • 1993 - began practicing Karate

        • is a 5th Dan Black Belt Karate and 2nd Dan Black Belt Jiu Jitsu.

  • City of Ottawa:

        • developed and ran a Karate program for students aged 9-13.

  • 1996 - present: Sensei at OTKA

My son has studied karate with OTKA for more than 10 years. Right from the beginning I was impressed with the focus on self control and independence. As he has moved through the program he has been supported in developing leadership skills and self confidence, as well as making many friends. John fosters inclusiveness and is respected by all the students in the group. I would highly recommend this program for anyone and would be happy to chat with anyone who is considering signing up.

My son began the OTKA program in 2007 and since then, his confidence in himself has improved dramatically. He is also much more physically active and concerned about making healthy choices in his life.



Swordplay Ottawa

1760 St. Laurent Blvd, Ottawa,

ON K1G 1A2

Wednesdays: 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Saturdays: 9:30am - 10:30am