Please visit my new site:

I have moved to a new position as leader of the 

Computational Synthetic Biology Group

Spanish National Research Council

Institute for Integrative Systems Biology (I2SYSBIO)



 I formerly worked at the BioProcess Engineering Group (IIM-CSIC) developing tools for Biosystems Identification, Design and Control for Synthetic and Systems Biology applications

My research interests include:

> Systematic inference of design principles of biological networks (through optimization).

> Automated design of genetic circuits for Synthetic Biology.

> Effective detection of complex behaviour in biochemical networks exploiting their inherent structural properties. I am particularly interested in the emergence of bistability and oscillations in gene regulation and cell signaling.

> The effect of molecular noise in gene regulation, and how to incorporate molecular noise in the design of biocircuits.

e-mail:                                             twitter: @Otero_Muras                                    


Participation in Recent/Upcoming Conferences:    

Scientific Committees:

Recent Publications:

You can find all my publications here:


After graduating in Chemical Engineering at Santiago de Compostela University I joined the Bioprocess Engineering Group at IIM-CSIC, where I developed my PhD thesis Modeling, dynamic analysis and control of biological networks defended on May 2010.

In 2010 I joined the Computational Systems Biology Group (Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering) at ETH-Zurich for a 3 year postdoc where i worked in the EU FP7 project IFNAction: A system view on the differential activities of human type I interferons.

Since 2013 I work at the BioProcess Engineering Group (IIM-CSIC),  in the projects MULTISCALES: Multi-scale inference, monitoring, optimization and control: from cells to bioreactors, and  SYNBIOFACTORY: Synthetic biology for bioproduction enhancement: Design, optimization, monitoring and control.

Editorial work:

from 2019 - Editorial Board Member of BMC Bioinformatics

from 2017- Editorial Board Member of BMC Systems Biology

from 2018- Editorial Board Member of Complexity


University of Vigo (2015)

M.Sc. in Biological Sciences> Systems Biology module (joint course).

ETH-Zürich (2010-2013)

