Guidelines FOR Cosplayer Application

1. Must be a Cosplayer. Photographers, vloggers, influencers, streamers, artists, other content creators, and normal otaku/anime fans will not be accepted. If you are any of these titles AND a cosplayer, you can still apply as Cosplayer. This app is made to support Cosplayers, we hope you understand. In addition, you can only post your cosplay photos in the app.

2.A. Please provide your social media links. Untraceable URLs will be disapproved.

Examples for approved Social Media URL: "" ""

2.B. Social Media Account Link(URL) must be your own account.

2.C. Role-playing/new/suspicious applications will be rejected. If you encounter such profiles in the app, please report to the Otasuke Messenger here.

2.D. Make sure that your cosplay photos on your provided social media URL are set to Public audience so that the admins can view and verify them.

3. If your Cosplayer Account application was rejected, you can message us and provide proof on your social media profile that you are a cosplayer (ex. cosplay photos/trials). The admins will carefully recheck your social media profile.

4. Otasuke! is limited to Philippine cosplayers. Please wait for further announcements for the app's international release.