Contact information:

Mailing address: Calle 19A # 1-37 Este, Office W-805, Bogotá (Colombia)

Tel: +57 1 339 4949 Ext. 3941


Twitter: @OskarNupia

Oskar Nupia

Ph.D. in Economics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics of the Universidad de Los Andes in Bogota, Colombia. 

I teach Microeconomics and Game Theory.

My academic research focuses on Political Economy and Public Economics. I study voters’ and politicians’ behavior, elections and political campaigns, behavior in legislatures, and lobbying. All this with emphasis on efficiency and welfare. I also study the political economy of public resource allocation and the welfare properties of public policies. In my research, I mainly use Game Theory tools and, sooner or later, econometrics.

Sometimes I write in the media.

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