The Goals and Scoping tab is basic information you will want to know before you begin the process of collecting any data. Its a helpful set of questions (lifted straight from the class!) that helps you define your scope. Once your scoping is complete you can click the begin assessment button (which will link you to the OSINT process tab) or just click the next tab labeled OSINT Process.

The Additional Resources tab is a collection of resources that you can use to collect additional data. It is in no way a comprehensive list but is a pretty good collection of resources. It has different web resources based on the piece of data you have, collections sites that have additional resources, tools that can help mine more data and flow charts from IntelTechniques.

Osint Mind Map Download

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You can get the mind map at WebBreachers github repository. You will need a MindMap application in order to use it. I use XMind Pro but they have a free version as well. It works on Windows, Linux, and macOS and is pretty full featured.

We were asked to help make a TV show about the information that people share online being abused by scammers. The point was to demonstrate how easy it is for skilled individuals who know where to look to find it. Much of it can be obtained in seconds starting using minimal data.

The ruse was to attract members of the public with street magic demonstrations and mind reading. Everyone participating was asked to sign a release form, this was actually a signed authorisation to perform OSINT on the individual for the purposes of the show, AND to appear on TV.

These are common con techniques and used by social engineers. The form asked for three things: Full name, email address, and date of birth. Some did read the small print and declined, which was expected.

Trust is subjective, and it should not always be about trusting the person in front of you, but also trust in the goods, services, or actions they want you to take. What do they want, why do they want it, and what will they use it for?

The recording took place last summer in a caf in Willesden Green, which had an outside seating area, and we were sat inside. It meant that we could see the target and hear what was being said from microphones carried by Alexis. From the moment the release form was signed we began our searching.

In one case a visitor from Japan was one of the targets and without any applicable language skills on our team the searches were not going to easily happen in real time. Targets who were UK based, had been in one area for a while, or were quite open in their approach to social media were easier to find.

This is the under reported aspect of OSINT that many do not realise. Just because you have a social media profile and use the internet does not mean an attacker can find the information in seconds, the movies and shows like this make it look trivial, but in many cases OSINT can take time. Correlation is a key tenet of our client investigations, it would be a terrible thing to suggest an executive could be exposed to blackmail for something that is unrelated to them simply because they have the same name and date of birth as another person on the internet.

Because we had the targets email address, we could do some online searches in areas where data about past breaches can be found. In some parts of the internet, access to past breach data is available, these have usually been leaked from dark web sources, sometimes this is available for free, sometimes behind a small subscription, however, it is not always accurate and current.

Some easily accessible breaches are over a decade old and hold passwords which are no longer in use, were invalid at time of capture, or have been incorrectly cross referenced to accounts that the users have no knowledge of. That does not mean it is not right sometimes, if the targets have not changed a password in a while, they can still be valid. As the show proved we found a valid (complex) password for a target who had not changed that password recently AND had reused it across multiple accounts.

Top tip #3:

Use Have I been Pwned to find breaches where your data may have been compromised, and where you may need to change your password and enable multi-factor authentication.

We really enjoyed working with Alexis. He has been a speaker on the infosec circuit and was one of the keynotes at the inaugural 44CON London security event in 2011. He has always been on the side of the consumer and promoting awareness about cons, scams, and common techniques used by hackers and conmen.

While the pressure of doing OSINT in real time was fun, it was hugely limited compared to our Executive Exposure Assessment service. The information found was great for TV, but did not provide as detailed a picture of the exposure an individual faces when in the cross hairs of a skilled OSINT investigator or an attacker.

It has been a while since the last episode of Week in OSINT, but after being ill during the holidays, I chose to spend some time on things that are way more important than this weekly blog! But now it was about time again I published a new episode, and here it is! I have been going over interesting articles and media from the last few weeks, and there was quite a lot. So here is a small snippet of interesting things I found during my searches:

Earlier this month TropChaud [ ] posted a blog post about links that were added to MetaOSINT. In the blog post the type of links, and platforms targeted, are listed and analysed. Some very interesting results can be seen, like the huge amount of additions on the topic of geopolitics. With the current turmoil in the world, that is of no surprise of course. This was a fascinating read, and great to see that MetaOSINT is still expanding!

Nico 'Dutch OSINT Guy' Dekens [   ] gave a talk at LeHack 2023, and in December his talk was published on YouTube. His talks about the mindset of OSINT, probably contain the most important lessons you can learn: Your brain is the most important and only tool you really need, and as people that know me personally, I am a true believer of that. Because I need to understand how information was found, so I can document it, and it can be Independently verified. In this talk, he goes over all the important things that are part of doing research, from the intake all the way to collecting and analysis.

Craig Silverman [  ] is a reporter at ProPublica [ ], and he was a guest at the Authentic8 podcast NeedleStack. He talks about his work as an investigative journalist, talks about how hs started out, shares some tails from the trenches, but also talks about the dangers of AI in the context of disinformation. An interesting interview, with an equally interesting person!

Rae Baker [  ] published an article earlier this month on different threats that can occur in our oceans. Whether it is illegal fishing, dumping of waste, ship breaking or any other action that can cause problems to the environment, Rae has the different techniques covered that can help investigate it. This blog post is a treasure trove of resources, and contains a lot of links, no matter what type of investigation you do.

Micah Hofmann [   ] and Griffin Glynn [   ] appeared on another video of David Bombal [  ], where they once again talked about OSINT. From April 2022 on, when members of OSINTCurious appeared at his channel for the first time, he keeps featuring some awesome people to talk about all kinds of aspects of OSINT. This time, Micah and Griffin talk about MyOSINT Training, and

Earlier this month, Pangar-Ban [ ] posted a tip over on X about Google Businesses. He found out it is possible to retrieve the first two letters of an email address that is connected to a Google Business page. The steps are easy to follow too:

Google seems to give you the first two characters, but also whether it is a Gmail address, or whether it is a different domain. It isn't a lot, but maybe it gives you a small hint you may have missed something out there. Thanks for sharing!

We can do the same in our OSINT research or Online investigations. I do not mean literally reset your investigative computer or casework. We can use the RESET techniques to help our OSINT state of mind which I blogged about back in 2018. Below you will find the five RESET tips you can embed in your OSINT process to become a better and more focused researcher:

Routines will come with thoughts on possibilities. Do not keep your thoughts on (new) possibilities to yourself, in your own mind. Write them down. Write them down in a journal for example. A new idea on a (new) possibility can come in handy immediately but can also come in useful days, weeks, months or even years later. These new possibilities should also be embedded in your (renewed) routine. Now your OSINT routine or process will continuously evolve. And with that you evolve and become an even better OSINT specialist.

Every researcher has emotions. Do not fight them or hide them. Again journal them, expose them. It prevents you from making biased judgements or tunnel vision. Also it helps you prevent getting vicarious trauma from your OSINT research.

Sever literally means disconnect or cut off. But within your OSINT research sever means stepping away from your focus. Give the mind rest. This will help gain more focus or give thoughts more room over time. Spend time offline, screens and apps make your brain crave for that dopamine rush. Spending time away from screens (computer, tablet, phone, console) is what an investigative mind needs to (re)find its focus.

Take time to explore (new) things. It is an important and underestimated part of OSINT to take the time and explore. It is your task and a professional to understand how platforms work and what meaningful information can be gathered from these platforms. This means you need to explore and research the platforms (or sources) before you start doing investigations ON these platforms. A great example of taking the time to explore are the flowcharts that Sinwindie makes about the OSINT possibilities various platforms have you can investigate. Exploring means trying new things. Do not be scared to fail. Exploring and learning means failing. By failing you still learn and get the chance to explore why you failed to become better next time. 152ee80cbc

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