Oscar Barrera-Rodríguez 

Ph.D. in Economics at the Paris School of Economics

Postdoctoral researcher 

CY Cergy Paris Université CNRS -THEMA-

Job Market Paper -Full paper- 

Quantitative and Qualitative Economics on Attitudes and Tax Preferences 

Oscar Barrera-Rodriguez, Emmanuel Chavez

Some  Popular Writings and Media.

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher affiliated with the "Théorie Économique, Modélisation et Applications" (THEMA) laboratory at the CY Cergy Paris Université CNRS. Additionally, I am a research fellow at the World Inequality Lab in Paris. I earned a Ph.D. in Economics from the Paris School of Economics in 2020, having previously obtained a Master's in Public Policy and Development from the same institution in 2014. My research interests are at the intersection of development and political economy.

My primary research focuses on understanding the role of information (including disinformation) and social exposure in shaping individual opinions and attitudes toward society in various contexts. These include political preferences, perceptions of migrants, child stimulation practices, and nutrition.

Another research area explores the political economy of political cleavages and social inequality, aiming to understand better the geographic and socio-demographic factors influencing electoral preferences.



Tour de chênes –33 boulevard du Port

95011 Cergy
