I've been following this post to install TensorFlow with GPU support and whenI tried to install NVIDIA Drivers 440 I ran the file and disabled the default Nouveau diver. I believe that everything installed correctly, but after rebooting my machine I seem to be stuck with a GUI that doesn't work. I can open the settings application, but that's it. Nothing else will work/run/start/load etc... I can't even open a terminal window of any kind to try to fix my problem. I don't even have the ability to navigate files using the GUI....

Yes, you can use the Terminal Services Manager MMC to see who is connect to the terminal server and log them off if needs be. You can install this by installing the Server 2003 support tools on your machine, or by accessing it on any 2003 Server.

Os X Server Serial Number Terminal

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If you find yourself unable to logon to your server via RDP, you can connect using the console, this will connect you to the actual console session, the one you will see if you logged onto the machine using an actual keyboard and monitor to do this, run the following command from the run box:

you should be able to use qwinsta /server:[servername] from the command line to see who's logged on. use rwinsta to force them off. alternatively use teh console login mstsc /console to open an extra session if it's configured and not already in use

It will have a Users tab that tells you who is logged in, are they idle or disconnected, and what terminal session they're using. You can right-click on a name to send a message, remote-control their session if you want to see what they're up to, or boot them off the server by selecting Log Off.

I have multiple hard disks which get connected to my server and I'm not sure which one is what in the view of sdXY. If I could see the serial numbers of my hard disks from terminal, I could easily identify them.

Yet a third might be to use a host-only network server where either a dedicated server program or one of the instances coordinates communications with the other instances. If the host exits, one of the other instances can self-promote to being the server.

Another example I came up and wanted to know is, if I write a CGI program (use C or C++) for let's say a Apache web server, what is the standard input and output of my CGI program ? (According to this C++ CGI tutorial, I guess the standard input and output of the CGI program are in some ways redirected to the Apache server. Because it's using cout to output the html contents, not by return. )

The standard input and standard output (and standard error) streams can point to basically any I/O device. This is commonly a terminal, but it can also be a file, a pipe, a network socket, a printer, etc. What exactly those streams direct their I/O to is usually determined by the process that launches your process, be that a shell or a daemon like cron or apache, but a process can redirect those streams itself it it would like.

I'll use Linux as an example, but the concepts are similar on most other OSes. On Linux, the standard input and standard output stream are represented by file descriptors 0 and 1. The macros STDIN_FILENO and STDOUT_FILENO are just for convenience and clarity. A file descriptor is just a number that matches up to some file description that the OS kernel maintains that tells it how to write to that device. That means that from a user-space process's perspective, you write to pretty much anything the same way: write(some_file_descriptor, some_string, some_string_length) (higher-level I/O functions like printf or cout are just wrappers around one or more calls to write). To the process, it doesn't matter what type of device some_file_descriptor represents. The OS kernel will figure that out for you and pass your data to the appropriate device driver.

This example creates a child process and redirects its output to a pipe. The program run in the child process (ls) can treat the standard output stream just as it would if it were referencing a terminal (though ls changes some behaviors if it detects its standard output isn't a terminal).

This sort of redirection can also be done from a terminal. When you run a command you can use the redirection operators to tell your shell to redirect that commands standard streams to some other location than the terminal. For instance, here's a convoluted way to copy a file from one machine to another using an sh-like shell:

This article describes how to make sure that only one user at a time can connect to a Windows Server 2003 terminal server in Remote Administration Mode remotely or at the console. By default, with a Windows Server 2003 terminal server in Remote Administration mode, you can have two remote sessions and one console session, for a total of three active sessions.

The next time you connect to this computer by using the Remote Desktop connection, you must type the new port. If you're using a firewall, make sure to configure your firewall to permit connections to the new port number.

A terminal or comm server commonly provides out-of-band access for multiple devices. A terminal server is a router with multiple, low speed, asynchronous ports that are connected to other serial devices, for example, modems or console ports on routers or switches.

The terminal server allows you to use a single point to access the console ports of many devices. A terminal server eliminates the need to configure backup scenarios like modems on auxiliary ports for every device. You can also configure a single modem on the auxiliary port of the terminal server, to provide dial-up service to the other devices when network connectivity fails.

This document shows how to configure a terminal server to access only the console ports on other routers through Reverse Telnet. Reverse Telnet allows you to establish a Telnet connection out on the same device you telnet from, but on a different interface. For more information on Reverse Telnet refer to Establishing a Reverse Telnet Session to a Modem.

Configure the terminal server so that you can access the terminal server from anywhere. In order to make the terminal server accessible, assign a registered public Internet address, and locate the server outside the firewall. When you do so, firewall issues do not interrupt your connection. You can always maintain connectivity to the terminal server and access the connected devices. If you are concerned about security, configure access lists to allow access only to the terminal server from certain addresses. For a more robust security solution, you can also configure server-based authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) for example, RADIUS or TACACS+.

You can configure a modem on the auxiliary port of the terminal server for dial backup in the event your primary connection (through the Internet) goes down. Such a modem eliminates the need to configure a dial backup for each device. The terminal server is connected through its async ports to the console ports of the other devices. For more information on how to connect a modem to the AUX port, refer to the Modem-Router Connection Guide.

Use the  ip default gateway statement, and point to the the next hop router on the Internet. This command enables you to have connectivity to the terminal server through the Internet even if routing is not enabled. For example, the terminal server is in ROM monitor (ROMMON) mode as a result of a bad reboot after a power outage.

name: This field indicates the name of the host. The name field need not match the actual name of the router to which you want to connect. However, ensure that you enter a name you would want to use in the reverse Telnet. When you use this command and the name field, you do not have to know the actual port number of the remote device.

tcp-port-number: This field represents the TCP port number you want to connect to when you use the defined host name along with an EXEC  connect  or  telnet  command. In our example configuration, use a reverse Telnet so the port number is be 2000+line number.

port: This field indicates a decimal TCP port number. The Telnet router port (decimal 23) on the host is the default decimal TCP port number. For reverse Telnet, the port number must be 2000+line number. Line numbers range from 1-16 in our configuration. Use the  show line EXEC command to view the available lines.

3. Enter the session (conn) number to connect to the corresponding device. For example, to connect to 2511-1 type 1 , which is the connection number. However if you hit the return key, you are connected to the current terminal session, which in this case is router 2511-3.

Establish a Telnet connection to the IP address port to test direct connectivity. You must telnet from both an external device and the terminal server. For example, telnet 2003 .

Use a PC/dumb terminal to connect directly to the console of the target router. The target router is the device connected to the terminal server. This step helps you identify the presence of a port issue.

It is rather common to run the ssh service on a non-default port to prevent brute force attacks, etc. so you need to specify the (correct!) port number. If you aren't sure what this is, you can check with your service provider or if you have some other method of accessing the service with sudo netstat -ltnp | grep ssh

Sometimes, when I logon to do some work, I see that a number of users are already logged on. I get a message that too many users are logged in and I will need to log one of them out. Can I increase the number of users that can login simultaneously? How many users can login by default?

There are two servers that I need people to be able to logon to remotely. Do I need to buy a separate set/number of licenses for each server, and then install those licenses on one terminal services server? I understand that I will also need to install RDC or some terminal server software on the servers that people will need remote access to. Please correct me, where I am wrong. be457b7860


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