2/ @warpdotdev A new terminal developed in Rust, I instantly fell in love when I tried it. There's just no going back from the incredible navigation workflows you can achieve with this tool. If the terminal had been invented today, this what we would get. Bravo!

@warpdotdev is early access and yet absolutely mindblowing!Became my new favorite terminal overnight.Best features from all the different shells I've used and a modern look UI + keybindings. Could not have asked for more.

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I am trying out @warpdotdev, a modern approach to a terminal. I've been stuck with iTerm2, thinking that there was a lot of room for more value in one of the apps I spend more time on, but I've never found anything compelling enough.

Winding the warp: If, as you wind a warp on a reel or board, you overlap the rounds you have already made with the new rounds, the warp threads wound last will go through a longer path than the ones wound first and therefore be longer. If you know which side of the loom is the one these threads are on (the first threads wound would be the ones on the opposite side), that can be a clue that the difference in warp length happened on the warping board.

Solution: Wind the threads so that the successive ends are side by side with the earlier rounds. Wind warps of many ends in several different chains so that the threads will fit on the board side by side.

Beaming the warp #1: If you are holding the warp under tension while someone else is turning the beam, there can be enough torque in the beam to turn it in smaller circumferences nearest the handle (the warp will therefore be tighter there).

Beaming the warp #2: If you are holding the warp while the beam is turning, greater pull will occur on the ends at the edges of the group you are holding, and the ends will therefore be tighter on those edges and looser in the center.

Beaming the warp #3: If the warp is not wound tightly on the beam, any pressure on individual threads can cause them to tighten around the beam and become looser than the others at the fell (this will happen to threads on the selvedges if there is draw-in; these warp threads will therefore become looser).

Hi Mrtrix community,

I seem to be running into some trouble transforming tractography that was done in native space into MNI common space.

i am using a warp file made with fsl FNIRT. based on previous threads here, I used:

This tripped me up. Did you use mrtransform for this? If not, the first check would be to transform the template image to subject space with mrtransform and the warp warp_def.nii.gz. I suspect this does not work.

population_template ~/Desktop/data/ctrl/frontalparc/ctrl_template_t1Brain t1Brain_template.nii.gz -transformed_dir ./transformed/ -linear_transformations_dir ./linear_transformations -warp_dir ./warps

Also, this assumes that subject FOD image and subject T1 are aligned (please check with mrview -overlay.load -overlay.opacity 0.3)? If not you need to concatenate the transformation from DWI to T1 to T1 template (feed the output of warpconvert and the linear transformation from T1 to DWI data into transformcompose, in that order and use the DWI image as -template argument). As a sanity check, you should be able to use the resulting warp to transform the T1 template to subject DWI space (mrtransform). You can debug this step by step by warping the streamlines twice, once from subject DWI to subject T1 space (by generating a linear warp field), then to T1 template space using the output of warpconvert.

Thanks for that last bit of advice - that did it. I was trying to put them into T1 template space, which just confused things. Using the commands provided above it was relatively straighforward to warp the SLs into group FA space.

And from there, I disabled warping and the loss drop considerably, and now I'm getting details in the pictures while reaching 200K iterations, that I simply hadn't got in my >600K, a long week, sessions!!

Do you think there is anything to gain from doing a little bit of no warp in between "normal" training?

IE : run for 10 hours normally (in my case, almost exactly 10K iterations with Dlf-H128 and current settings) , turn off warp for a couple of hours to force in some quick unprecise clarity, then turn on again?

Actually testing now, but since this is my first project, I have no references -.-

with all warp charges now being based off this that means i have to use Quicken even though i never did before as i didnt like the changes it made and its benefit of 2 warp charges per kill was also removed.

also we no longer gain warp charges off any enemy kill just elite and special kills and theirs no node that gives us the lost 2 warp charges per kill,

Warp Siphon (Changed)

killing an elite or specialist enemy gains you a warp charge for 25s stacking 4 times.

your next combat ability spends all warp charges but reduces the cooldown of your next combat ability by 7.5% per warp charge

-6% peril generation reduction for each warp charge

Integrate empyrean empowerment into warp siphon. That way you get same base functionality out of warp charges as before the redesign (i.e. a damage boost per charge). Then move warp battery to where empyrean empowerment was, and then separate quicken and move it to where warp battery was.

I'm pretty sure that when I played KSP a while ago, on Windows, I could hold ALT while enabling time warp to force use of physics warp even when I was in space (the default being "on rail" warp). Is this still a thing?

On a side note, if you're in a situation where normal warp cannot be done, you can put your mouse in the upper left and click on the time warp arrows manually. This will also put you into Physics Warp. I don't know of a way to force Physics Warp when you're in a situation where normal warp works by doing that, though. If normal warp is available clicking on the arrows will just do that.

But when flying, in space, right shift + ":" does nothing (without holding right shift, it increases "normal" warp speed). When I'm in atmosphere, I can control physics warp just fine (with the GUI or with the keyboard), but I can't force it when in space.

The issue here is that on the French layout the [ . ] and [ / ] are shifted. I think that's what's causing the problem. Although I'm not sure why it's working for you sometimes. I couldn't get it to work at all. The only warp controls I got to work was Decrease Time Warp.

I don't think "/" is stop warp on my config, I can stop warp with "!" which is a different key. If it was "/" that might explain things though, since it's the same key as ":" but shifted... I'll try to change the key mapping (I haven't changed it at all until now) and see if I can get it to work...

OK, fixed it. I just reassigned to the same keys. Except for some reason, they are not displayed like the default config (except ";" which I also reassigned but didn't change name). But now it works both for normal warp and force physics warp with right shift. Thanks for the hint!

So my problem is solved, but just in case it could help with any further debugging or whatever, I just realized now that I'm not using the french version of the game. I'm using the english version, but with the french layout (physical french keyboard, linux french layout, and in-game french layout). In this config, it appears the default keybindings are incorrect, but once you know it, easy to fix by reassigning warp keys.

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