Download Snes9x For Windows 10

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I have not tried using it with the other snes cores but when I try and use vulkan with snes9x under windows 7 64, I get an instant bsod when I try and load a game. I could have swore I had it working a few weeks ago but maybe I was using gl or dx11. Both of those still seem to work fine for snes9x.

Each Background layer in the SNES can be clipped using the Window Mask registers. The SNES has two of these mask windows, and the left and right sides of each mask window can be controlled independently. The top and bottom edges cannot be set at all (see section on IRQ tricks for a work-around). When a mask is enabled, the contents of the background covered by the mask is not drawn. Each mask window can be enabled for each background individually, ie BG1 could have windows 1 and 2 enabled while BG2 has window 1 only and BG3 has no windows enabled. The window's right and left edges are in absolute screen X coordinates, in other words the scroll settings of the backgrounds do not affect the mask region.

The two mask windows can be combined to form a "supermask". The areas of the windows can be ORed, ANDed, XORed, or XNORed together. For example, if Window 1 and 2 are XORed together, any area where the windows overlap will be "unmasked" while areas with no overlap are masked. XNOR is even stranger, since overlapping areas and areas that neither window cover are masked while areas covered by a single window are unmasked. It is left as an exercise to the reader to find a use for these modes. There is an additional bit that swaps the covered area of a window; ie instead of the window's area being masked, the window's area is unmasked while uncovered area is masked. Confused? How about some cute ASCII images to illustrate the modes (+ is unmasked space, # is masked space, assume a 10x4 pixel screen for the examples):

One of the color addition/subtraction modes allows a fixed color value to be added to either the whole screen or the area covered (or the inverse of the area covered) by the window masks defined for "Fixed Color +/-" as listed above. The fixed color value is set by register $2132, which has a bit for Red, Green, and Blue, and a 5-bit luminance value. This limits the hue of the fixed color to one of the 8 primary and secondary colors, but allows 32 levels of intensity of these colors. Don't ask me why, I sure didn't design it. The "color window" can be enabled for the Main screen or the Sub screen (but I can't figure out why, since the sub-screen is useless in fixed color mode as far as I can tell) Each background layer can have color +/- enabled or disabled individually. Some applications of this mode are to darken or lighten a particular region of a background layer. I've personally used it to create shadow and lighting effects; I set up HDMA transfers to alter the left and right position of a window every scanline to create non-rectangular shapes. I've also used it to darken the backgroundsbehind text, creating a sort of translucent text window; I set vertical IRQs at the top and bottom scanline of the window and in the handlers enable and disable the color subtraction, creating a box that does not extend to the top or bottom of the screen like the windows normally do. See IRQ tricks later in the document for more detail.

bsnes and snes9x are recommended. They use your PC clock with no option to modify it, though. SNESGT had the option to modify the clock, but it wasn't updated for a while and isn't really recommended for SNES emulation in general. No$SNS has good BS-X emulation (and the best debugger tools for ROM hackers and translators) but falls behind the others when it comes to general emulation.

You'll need the BS-X BIOS to properly emulate the Satellaview. It goes as "BS-X.bin" under the "BIOS" folder when using snes9x. There are many variants. You'll want the translated one (with English text) with removed DRM so that you can play a given broadcast without restrictions on how many times you can do so, like in the original hardware. 5376163bf9

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