
The college to fulfill its social obligation has chosen the educational advent of the orphanages only because it felt that it is the area which not only needs a little bit of attention from the main stream society also empathy for those hapless children who are forsaken by their own from their very infancy. The college after discussions with them has found out that the little grants these orphanages get is lens than enough to render them education and necessary items for their upbringing. They lack in IT infrastructure and who knows not that computers literacy is a very demanding aspect of the present society. The college faced the challenge of how to lend them this facility and sorted out that on one Saturday the selected faculty will carry the essential gadgets to the orphanages and train them as far as possible. Since these orphanages can mange four square meals for their inmates, its entertainment for the children college feels that for an all round development of a child as a child needs same thing more that its basic want the college has arranged for film shows primarily educational and for kids with its own projector and devices.