Welcome to Organic Materials Lab !

Contact Lenses
Microfluidic Sensors

Metal Nanocomposites
Optical Coating

Scope & Aims

We work at the interface of organic, physical, and material chemistry.

We design and synthesize multi-facet sensors that are capable of detecting trace chemicals and clinical signals useful for point of care diagnostics presented in paper, contact lens, and optical coatings, and will provide the foundation for a wide range of new types of chemical sensing materials.

A typical research project involves fundamental polymer and analytical chemistry.

Our current research interest lies

- Multi-functional Contact lens diagnosing disease and/or eluting drugs

- Paper based microfluidic sensors

- Metal nanocomposites for application in sensing, imaging and catalysis

- Optical coating materials with various properties



Serim won poster presentation award for excellence award at the 2023 Korean Society of Biomaterials Fall Conference

Congrats!! Organic Materials Lab members won the future challenge award on KOFWST-KBCS at the 2023 Spring meeting of the Korean Biochip Society

Congrats!! Prof. Noh won the outstanding senior researcher award on KSBM-KOFWST at the 2022 Fall meeting of the Korean Society for Biomaterials

Myungsung won the  excellent academic award at 2022 Korean Society of Vision Science and Korean Ophthalmic Optic Society joint conference