
Everyone has their own natural frequency. We connect instantly with some, while not so much with others. But I am certain, for at least once, you'd have come across a quote by someone, that resonated with you so well, that for a tiny moment, you felt a deep connection with that someone out there.

And then I came across the following quote :

I think, I would have been an amazing friend with Carolina de Robertis and hundreds of total strangers whose language I might not speak, whose name I could not pronounce, BUT whose quotes impeccably reflect my inner self.

Quotes are nothing less than portals to meet your best friends, you never knew existed. Because,

“Perhaps one did not want to be loved so much as to be understood.”

- George Orwell, 1984

(When you love quotes, your mind becomes a search engine to find the most apt quote for any given situation.)

Apart from providing a solace, quotes can also help you course-correct your trajectory. There are some quotes, so canonical that they could bring about a paradigm shift in your perspective. e.g. For Spiderman, it was Uncle Ben's words :

"With great power comes great responsibility."

It seems obvious to assume that quotes carry enormous wisdom. Which is often true, but not always. Not every quote should be adopted with its face value.

e.g. When I mention the quote :

“Strong people don't put others down... They lift them up.” - Michael P. Watson

You would have pictured it as this :

But someone else pictured it as :

Let this silly example be a reminder that even if quotes convey the feelings superbly well, the wisdom they impart could be derived only through a unique perspective. And it is entirely up to us to decide what is our right direction.

To put it in words of my another best friend :

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