An Introvert's Guide to Walking

Ever had this awkward feeling when you are walking down the street and you accidentally make eye contact with a stranger? Or is it just me?

In case you are an introvert, such little things will bother you the most. "Should I have had smiled? Or should I have just ignored them? But ignoring would have felt awkward too?"

Small talks is an old enemy. Hence, I just smile and avoid saying Hi or Goodbye altogether. You might think this is all so silly. In which case you definitely don't understand our plight. I mean, there is a reason jokes like these exists:

Coming to the point, here is the solution to avoid awkward eye contact with strangers that one of my friends lent me.

Imagine you are on the street and you see someone walking towards you from distance. Wait till she/he comes close enough for you to recognize if he/she is an acquaintance or a stranger, but still distant enough to make eye contact.

if(person == acquaintance)


wait till he/she comes close enough to enter your (Hi / *smiling*) zone. Don't make eye contact until this point and brace yourself. When you are at the right distance, look into their eyes when they see you, give a smile, or say "Hi".


if(person == stranger)


Just keep walking as if that person doesn't exist.


Pretending that people don't exist has been my secret to behaving confident. But this trick has helped me avoid a lot of awkward stares.

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