A fan letter

Dear Quantum Field Theory,

Why are you so hard to understand? It has been more than 5 years now, since I first came to know about you. And since then I have tried so hard to wrap by head around you.

I tried suggestions from Mark Srednicki and Matthew Schwartz, but they were so demanding from the start.

Anthony Zee claimed that you are not so complicated, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

It was only through Ashoke das and Ashok Sen that I got few insights of your personality, for which I am extremely grateful to them.

But it's not enough, I want more. I want to sit next to you and listen to you stories. I am not asking you to tell me about neutrino masses and baryonic asymmetry. I will be completely content with your adventures with Feynman and Gerard 't Hooft. Is that too much to ask?

I accept that my fan-ship towards you has not been consistent, but it wasn't for the lack of trying. It was more so because you are so intimidating.

Everyone loves you, your elegance, how much hard work has gone into your achievements. You paved the foundation for Electroweak and QCD, no one is denying that.

I even wish that you grow beyond the standard model someday.

But at least try to see that I am merely a newbie trying to make sense of what it is all about. I did not grew up with group theory or Lagrangian dynamics. I barely managed to understand get a glimpse of your elder sister, Quantum Mechanics. And that too after getting my face bruised with linear algebra.

I don't know if I am worthy of you, but I know one thing, that you won't get bored hanging out with me.

Please give me chance to know you and experience your beauty.

Yours sincerely,

A diehard fan

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