Camera building and trouble shooting 

Building the AIY Camera

To build the camera, you need the AIY Google Vision Kit and the extra microSD card included in the small box of the package we send you.

Have some space and take your time 🙂 Ready?

Follow these detailed instructions steps 1 - 66

Pay particular attention to the orientation of the ribbon cables, make sure they face the right way and are pushed in all the way before closing the clamp. Do not do step 66 and insert the microSD card that is in the set.

WiFi Setup

We need to provide the Raspberry Pi in the camera with the name and the password for the WiFi connection. Use the same WiFi you computer or laptop is connected to. Here are the steps

Powering up

Follow these instructions to power up the camera and let it boot. Make sure you see the green light blinking  after a few seconds indicating activity. If it successfully starts up, you will hear a beep and the green LED in the front lights up - be patient, the first boot might take a minute or two.

If all starts up well, you hear a sound. After that if the camera detects a face, the button on top turns blue. If it detects joy, the color changes. If you camera does this - success you successfully build the AIY camera 🥳

Connecting to the camera

If the camera successfully connected to the WiFi, you should be able to access it using the link http://orcspi-vis.local:4664 and see the video stream with a box around detected faces and a joy score from your camera. If you cannot reach the site, check the WiFi trouble shooting below.

For those who cannot wait, the link http://orcspi-vis.local:5555 will connect you to Jupyter 😎

You can also connect to the camera using ssh. On Mac and Window you should have a terminal program. Open is and enter this command ssh pi@orcspi-vis.local - answer yes to the first finger print question, then enter the password (same as last class, Slack me if you need it). You should see a command prompt for your Raspberry Pi where you can enter commands.

Shutting down

The Raspberry Pi is a 'real' computer and just like a laptop or computer it needs to be shutdown before turning off power. Many times just turning it off will be ok, but it has the (small) danger of damaging the file system on the microSD card and not booting again. The proper way to shutdown is

Trouble shooting

WiFi connectivity

If the link above does not connect you to your camera, here are a few trouble shooting steps. Try them in order and check after every step if connecting starts working.

UPDATE was updated to include a few more options in the file that might help with certain networks. If you are having issues, try generating wpa_supplicant.conf again and copy if to the SD card.

Camera / Raspberry Pi does not turn on

So you built the camera, insert the microSD card and powered it up, but there is no green light blinking on the Raspberry Pi (see photo where to look). Here are some trouble shooting tips. Note if the camera gets too hot to touch or you notice a 'burned smell', unplug it immediately - you have some wiring issue. Here are things you can try, easiest first 🙂

Another common reason for the Raspberry Pi not to start is a missing or corrupted microSD card. Here is what to check:

Any questions or a cool project to share, email us at