Current classes

We are  offering on coding and technology for  girls in grades 5-10. Classes are free unless a materials fee is listed. Please note, all times are in Eastern Time.  Take note of our no-show and repeat class policies

Difficulty rating: ⭐- no experience needed, ⭐⭐ - some coding experience helpful , ⭐⭐⭐ - some coding experience needed

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May 2024

May 11 - Creating tours in VR

In Person - Blount County Public Library, Maryville, TN

10am to 3pm- Eastern Time.

Virtual Reality or the ability to step inside another world. Learn about how Virtual Reality (VR) works, create your very own virtual tour in CoSpaces. The girls will use 360 degree cameras to  create phot spheres of each tour location. Having an iPhone or Android phone is helpful in exploring VR, but not required to attend.

Lunch will be provided.

May 18 - Build Your Own Voice App with Voiceflow

Virtual class

10am to Noon - Eastern Time.

Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant are very popular technologies allowing you to interact with technology by just talking. What makes those technologies work? The answer is Artificial Intelligence-powered software, like apps! You don’t need to work for Amazon or Google to build apps for Alexa and Google Assistant. Anyone can write apps! In this workshop, students will learn how to build their own voice apps using the Voiceflow free platform.

May 25 - Where Do Emojis Come From?

Virtual class

10am to Noon - Eastern Time.

Everyone loves emojis. But who decides on new emojis? How are are emojis and text stored in computer memory? In this fun class you will learn the secrets of emojis and get hands-on experience with them.

June 2024

June 1 - Code Some Chords ⭐⭐

Virtual class

10am to Noon - Eastern Time.

Become your own DJ using Python to create some awesome songs! If you have no experience in Python or music do not worry! You will learn basic Python and musical concepts using EarSketch to create interesting and unique music. We can not wait to hear the spectacular songs you come up with!

June 29 - Computer Simulations for Science ⭐⭐

Virtual class

10am to Noon - Eastern Time.

Complex systems are all around us from a flock of birds creating beautiful patterns, to the spread of diseases to understanding and protecting eco-systems. Computer simulations are a great tool scientists use to understand complex systems. In this class, you will learn about computer simulations and create your own simulations of an epidemic and what factors make it spread faster or stop which we like more. We will be using the online tool StarLogo Nova to create the simulations.

July 2024

July 27 - Introduction to JavaScript ⭐⭐

Virtual class

10am to Noon - Eastern Time.

JavaScript is what makes the web move. JavaScript is used to make apps, interactive websites, responsive animations, web games... pretty much whatever you can think up. In this course, you will learn the basic concepts of JavaScript, learn to talk directly to your website, and create your own JavaScript program.

August 2024

August 10 - Did someone say Cookies? ⭐⭐

Virtual class

10am to Noon - Eastern Time.

Have you heard there are cookies on your computer? Cookies are small pieces of information your web browser stores locally, for example to remember preferences you set on a website, but they can also be used to target ads. In this class you will learn all about cookies, how the cookies setting on your browser work and how to use them on your own webpage using JavaScript.