Promods Based Global Roex Map Combos Changelogs

The Changelogs timezone based on (GMT+01:00 Winter Time or GMT+02:00 Summer Time)!
Important! The creation of the Map Combo started on January 18, so the start date period in the real Winter time zone before that is not included in the Time zone Period, but otherwise it is officially considered winter from October 30, 2022!
Time zone periods:


Load order updates (2024.07.16, 13:41):

Roex content priority:
Added mods:

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2024.07.13, 12:18):

Roex content priority:

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2024.07.11, 12:42):

Roex content priority:

Added mods:

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2024.07.08, 11:21):

Load order updates (2024.07.01, 12:58):

Roex content priority:

Added mods:

Updated mods:

Removed mod:

Load order updates (2024.06.29, 14:05):

I recently announced 1 week ago that I won't be able to test the Mods and update the Map Combos for 1 week, and since I'm home today I've already done the first Map Combo update today, I'll tell you when I can that the No Roex Map Combo update is due tomorrow, the others (ETS 2: SCS Based Global Map Combo, ATS: C2C Based Global Map Combo) will be done sometime later!

By the way, I've tried to catch up with the others on Map Combos, so I'm catching up, although it can cause problems, so if you have a problem with Map Combo, feel free to report it to me here on the forum! 

Roex content priority:

Added mods:

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2024.06.18, 12:03):

Yesterday, after a long wait, the 2.70 update of Promods was finally released, which should have been 2.69, but the developers decided to skip that version number and release 2.70 now, unfortunately the Roex content Priority RC is the only RC available at the time of the load order update, as the Promods content Priority RC may be released later, but let's get to the point that unfortunately the Roex content Priority RC overrides some fantastic new changes in several countries like Romania, Georgia etc., hopefully if the Promods content Priority RC ever comes out it won't overwrite them, not sure if 1.50 will have such a RC 🙁 , but I'll keep it as a placeholder in the loading order! 🙂

Additional mods (Put above Background Map):

Map mods:

Roex content priority:

Promods content priority:


Load order updates (2024.05.15, 10:58):

Roex content priority:

Added mod:

Updated & Replaced mod:

Promods content priority:

Added mod:

Updated & Replaced mod:

Load order updates (2024.05.13, 13:38):

Roex content priority:

Added mod:

Updated mod:

Promods content priority:

Added mod:

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2024.05.11, 13:12):

I'm going back to the imxiaoanag version again as this version is more up to date and has several new improvements and fixes like the country names which made me switch back, when the Kworey version is more up to date and better I'll possible switch to that! 🙂

Roex content priority:
Added mods:

Replaced mod:

Removed mod:

Promods content priority:
Added mods:

Replaced mod:

Removed mod:

Load order updates (2024.05.04, 12:40):

Roex content priority:

Added mod:

Updated mods:

Promods content priority:

Added mod:

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2024.05.01, 11:32):

Roex content priority:

Removed mod:

Added mod:

Promods content priority:

Removed mod:

Added mod:

Load order updates (2024.04.29, 12:42):

Roex content priority:

Removed mods:

Updated mods:

Promods content priority:

Removed mods:

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2024.04.26, 10:15):

Roex content priority:

Updated mod:

Promods content priority:

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2024.04.23, 10:52 & 12:17):

Load order updates (2024.04.23, 10:52):

Roex content priority:

Added mod:

Updated mod:

Promods content priority:

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2024.04.23, 12:17):

Roex content priority:

Updated mod:

Promods content priority:

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2024.04.22, 13:16):

Roex content priority:

Removed mod:

Promods content priority:

Removed mod:

Load order updates (2024.04.21, 13:25):

Roex content priority:

Added mods:

Promods content priority:

Added mods:

Load order updates (2024.04.19, 13:14):

Roex content priority:

Added mods:

Promods content priority:

Added mods:

Load order updates (2024.04.17, 12:35):

Roex content priority:

Added mods:

Promods content priority:

Added mods:

Load order updates (2024.04.07, 9:37):

Roex Content Priority:
Added mod:

Promods Content Priority:
Added mod:

Load order updates (2024.04.03, 12:07):

Roex Content Priority:
Added mods:

Updated mods:

Replaced mod:

Promods Content Priority:
Added mods:

Updated mods:

Replaced mod:

Load order updates (2024.03.28, 9:34):

I'm updating HAF to 0.1_fix, but I'm still not updating HOA along with RIW RC as there are still company problems in some cities, which of course I reported on Kiko's Mods Discord server!

Roex Content Priority:
Updated mods:

Promods Content Priority:
Updated mods:

Load order updates (2024.03.25, 12:43 & 13:50):

I haven't tested HOA and HAF together in the new versions, so until I test it, which is expected next week or sometime this week, and if the test is successful, I will remove the option instruction, but you can still use HOA  and HAF together at your own risk

Load order updates (2024.03.25, 12:43):

Roex Content Priority:
Updated mods:

Promods Content Priority:
Updated mods:

Sadly, while testing the HOA-HAF, I found out that the compatibility is still not the best, so I'm downgrading the HOA and keeping the current option system!

Load order updates (2024.03.25, 13:50):

Promods Content Priority:
Downgraded mods:

Load order updates (2024.03.22, 12:25):

Allworld Map 2.8 has been updated to 2.9 which no longer requires the manual fix as the mod already includes the fixes that had to be made in 2.8, and Allworld Map 2.5.5 now remains as a secondary option which should have been there for a long time, but I didn't bother with it, and 2.5.5 will still require the manual fix as that version does not include it!

Can be used for both editions:
Updated mod (First option):

Load order updates (2024.03.21, 12:51):

Promods Content Priority:
Added mod:

Load order updates (2024.03.20, 13:28):

Roex Content Priority:
Added mods:

Promods Content Priority:
Added mods:

Load order updates (2024.03.16, 13:43):

Roex Content Priority:
Added mod:

Promods Content Priority:
Added mod:

Load order updates (2024.03.13, 8:30):

Roex Content Priority:
Updated mod:

Promods Content Priority:
Updated mod:

Load order updates (2024.03.11, 12:50):

Roex Content Priority:
Added mod:

Promods Content Priority:
Added mod:

Load order updates (2024.02.27, 11:59):

Roex Content Priority:
Added mods:

Updated mod:

Promods Content Priority:
Added mods:

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2024.02.25, 13:07):

Roex Content Priority:
Added mod:

Updated mods:

Replaced mod:

Removed mods:

Promods Content Priority:
Added mod:

Updated mods:

Replaced mod:

Removed mods:


SCS Forum Changelog RIP (Before 2024.02.25, 13:07 Changelogs)


Load order updates (2024.02.09, 10:46):

Roex content priority:

Added mods:

Promods content priority:

Added mods:

Load order updates (2024.02.08, 10:36):

Roex content priority:

Added mods:

Updated mods:

Promods content priority:

Added mods:

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2024.02.04, 14:16):

Censored part by the moderators of the SCS Forum in reference to this alleged violation: Removed - Rule 2.3, now here's a load order update again that I've been collected for today, there's no significant change apart from the fact that Promods Content Priority has been Merged the Roex Romanian content, I haven't tested them yet, but they should be error-free

Even if this is the possible (I don't want to believe it) last load order update, thank you for using my Map Combos (don't worry, I won't stop making Map Combos, i still contuining)!

Roex content priority:

Added mods:

Replaced mod:

Promods content priority:

Added mods:

Updated mods:

Replaced mods:

Load order updates (2024.01.28, 10:25):

Roex content priority:

Added & Updated mods:

Promods content priority:

Added & Updated mods:

Load order updates (2024.01.27, 8:49):

Promods content priority:

Updated mod:

Removed mods:

Load order updates (2024.01.13, 16:31):

Roex content priority:

Added mods:

Promods content priority:

Added mods:

Load order updates (2024.01.06, 10:56):

Roex content priority:

Added mod:

Promods content priority:

Added mod:

Load order updates (2024.01.05, 12:03):

The Silesia prefab problem is finally solved, now it can be used again in Map Combos!

Roex content priority:

Added mod:

Promods content priority:

Added mod:

Load order updates (2024.01.01, 10:03):

Roex content priority:

Added mods:

Promods content priority:

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.12.31, 13:10):

Roex content priority:

Added mods:

Removed mods:

Promods content priority:

Added mods:

Removed mods:

Load order updates (2023.12.23, 11:02):

Because of the many problems with Silesia I decided to remove it from the loading order until someone finds a solution as everything is sensitive to it (e.g. mod version update for any mod) and so on, I hope it will be fixed and i can put it back!

Roex content priority:

Added mod:

Updated mod:

Removed mod:

Promods content priority:

Added mod:

Updated mods:

Removed mod:

Load order updates (2023.12.18, 10:27):

Roex content priority:

Added mod:

Updated mods:

Promods content priority:

Added mod:

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2023.12.16, 13:06 & 2023.12.17, 11:41):

Load order updates (2023.12.16, 13:06):

Roex content priority:

Added mods:

Updated mods:

Replaced mod:

Promods content priority:

Added mods:

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2023.12.17, 11:41):

Roex content priority:

Added mods:

Promods content priority:

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.12.14, 7:14):

Roex content priority:

Updated mod:

Promods content priority:

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.12.11, 7:54 & 23:59):

Load order updates (2023.12.11, 7:54):

Roex content priority:

Updated mods:

Removed mod:

Promods content priority:

Updated mods:

Removed mod:

Load order updates (2023.12.11, 23:59):

Roex content priority:

Added mods:

Promods content priority:

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.12.09, 10:23):

Roex content priority:

Added mods:

Updated mods:

Additional mods:

Map mods:

Promods content priority:

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.12.07, 14:01):

Added mods:

Additional mods (Put under Background Map):

Map mods:


Load order updates (2023.11.23, 10:49 & 11:43):

Load order updates (2023.11.23, 10:49):

Additional mod:

Replaced mod:

Load order updates (2023.11.23, 11:43):

Promods content priority:

Updated mod:

Roex content priority:

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.11.14, 13:35):

Promods content priority:

Added mod:

Roex content priority:

Added mod:

Load order updates (2023.11.13, 10:35):

Promods content priority:

Added mods:

Roex content priority:

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.11.05, 7:51):

Roex content priority:

Added mod:

Promods content priority:

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.10.28, 19:34):

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.10.26, 11:55 & 12:35 & 13:25):

Load order updates (2023.10.26, 11:55):

Added mods:

Additional mods (Put under Background Map):

Map mods:

Load order updates (2023.10.26, 12:35):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.10.26, 13:25):

Removed mods:

Load order updates (2023.10.21, 9:14):

Promods content priority:

Added mod:

Roex content priority:

Added mod:

Load order updates (2023.10.12, 6:37):

Promods content priority:

Updated mod:

Roex content priority:

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.10.11, 5:23 & 13:21):

Load order updates (2023.10.11, 5:23):

Added mod:

Roex content priority:

Promods content priority:

Load order updates (2023.10.11, 13:21):

Added mod:

Roex content priority:

Promods content priority:

Load order updates (2023.10.09, 8:35):

Added mod:

Roex content priority:

Promods content priority:

Load order updates (2023.10.07, 16:08):

Added mods:

Roex content priority:

Promods content priority:

Load order updates (2023.10.04, 6:38):

Added mods:

Can be used for both editions:

Updated mod:

Roex content priority:

Promods content priority:

Load order updates (2023.09.30, 11:28):

Promods content priority:

Added mods:

Updated mod:

Roex content priority:

Added mods:

Replaced mod:

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.09.24, 21:45):

Promods content priority:

Updated mod:

Roex content priority:

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.09.23, 6:25):

Promods content priority:

Updated mod:

Roex content priority:

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.09.22, 3:10):

Promods content priority:

Updated mods:

Removed mod:

Roex content priority:

Updated mods:

Removed mod:

Load order updates (2023.09.19, 18:05 & 23:19):

Load order updates (2023.09.19, 18:05):

Promods content priority:

Added mods:

Roex content priority:

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.09.19, 23:19):

Promods content priority:

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.09.18, 15:40):

Promods content priority:

Added mods:

Updated mods:

Roex content priority:

Added mods:

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2023.09.17, 13:25):

Promods content priority:

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.09.15, 6:21):

Added mods:

Roex content priority:

Promods content priority:

Updated mods:

Roex content priority:

Promods content priority:

Load order updates (2023.09.14, 6:50):

I have created a new edition for those who prefer Promods content or its mixing, the Roex content priority edition can still be found unchanged.

Added mods:

Promods content priority:

Load order updates (2023.09.13, 12:23):

Added mods:

Replaced mod:

Removed mod:

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.09.12, 3:42):

Added mods:

Replaced mod:

Removed mods:

Load order updates (2023.09.11, 7:06):

Added mods (As Option with Roex):

Load order updates (2023.09.09, 2:06):

Added mods:

Additional mods:

Map mods:


Load order updates (2023.08.13, 7:23):

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2023.07.23, 8:48):

Relocated mods:

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.07.17, 6:44):

Relocated mods (Under Middle-East RC):

Load order updates (2023.07.15, 11:22):

Please report any issues you find, as the issues seems to have come from my side only, thanks for very much!

Relocated mod (Above RTAF RC):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.07.14, 11:40):

The only problem is...

Re-Added mods:

Removed mods:

Load order updates (2023.07.13, 12:37):

This Map Combo is also not expected to have the Maghreb Map as I ran into problems here too, so the Maghreb Map is removed! To the delight of many, RTAF has now been released for free players, so after a little testing I'm adding it to the Map Combo, the Africa mods will be removed until they are tested (except Horn of Africa)!

Pastebin error log:

Added mods:

Updated mod:

Removed mods:

Load order updates (2023.07.06, 1:30):

Re-added mod:

Load order updates (2023.07.04, 1:51):

Removed mod:

Load order updates (2023.07.03, 3:40):

Updated mod:

Removed mod:

Relocated mod (Above Russian open spaces):

Load order updates (2023.07.01, 3:39):

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.06.30, 12:24):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.06.28, 8:05 & 19:36):

Load order updates (2023.06.28, 8:05):

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.06.28, 19:36):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.06.26, 4:12):

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.06.25, 8:26):

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.06.23, 7:32):

Added mod:

Relocated mod (Above Russian_open_spaces Map Combo Fix):

Load order updates (2023.06.22, 8:14 & 13:36):

Load order updates (2023.06.22, 8:14):

Added mod:

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.06.22, 13:36):

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.06.21, 10:18):

Replaced mod:

Removed mods:

Load order updates (2023.06.18, 19:53):

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2023.06.16, 20:59):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.06.14, 13:12 & 21:03):

What I already did with my No RoEx Map Combo, I did here as well, although I polished the loading order a bit afterwards, because when I updated it, I was in a hurry and didn't have time to write an update post, which I'm posting now, so I apologize! And I also added Western Estonia as Optional mod and Project Balkans mod as options instead of Pécs Rebuild or vice versa 😀

Load order updates (2023.06.14, 13:12):

Added mods:

Relocated mod (Under Altai Map mod):

The ROS 13.0 English City Names mod and the ROS(13.0)&SibirMap(2.6.0) RC have arrived, so I will add them to the Map Combo!

Load order updates (2023.06.14, 21:03):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.06.10, 9:17):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.06.08, 19:53):

Added mods:

Replaced mods:

Removed mods:

Load order updates (2023.06.01, 13:48):

Updated mods:

Replaced mods:

Load order updates (2023.05.31, 12:33):

This has been working so well so far that it can be called stable

Load order updates (First Stable Release: 2023.05.31, 12:33):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.05.26, 15:21):

After a long time, the Roex combo based on Promods has arrived, which follows the loading order of Vinnie Terranova and is modified in some places 😀

Loading order updates (First Beta Release: 2023.05.26, 15:21):

Added mods:

Additional mods:

Map mods:

Since this is beta, unexpected bugs may occur! - SCS Forum Page