Promods Based Global No Roex Map Combos Changelogs

The Changelogs timezone based on (GMT+01:00 Winter Time or GMT+02:00 Summer Time)!
Important! The creation of the Map Combo started on March 2, so the start date period in the real Winter time zone before that is not included in the Time zone Period, but otherwise it is officially considered winter from October 30, 2022!
Time zone periods:


Load order updates (2024.07.16, 13:41):

Load order updates (2024.07.13, 12:18):

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2024.07.11, 11:36):

If you go to many or some topics on SCS Forum you probably know that I suggested to BorisBritva a different SRMap mod because I didn't know that there is another better working version of SRMap and luckily I didn't encounter any problems except the pink texture that I had to deal with, now I will use this one and not the one I suggested to BorisBritva, but in the meantime I found out that SRMap Fix was updated before my suggestion, anyway have fun with the update 🙂😁

Added mods:

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2024.07.01, 10:59 & 13:30):

I recently announced 1 week ago that I won't be able to test the Mods and update the Map Combos for 1 week, and since I'm home since Friday I've already done the this Map Combo update today! In other Map Combo update news: (ETS 2: SCS Based Global Map Combo, Promods Based Global Roex Map Combo ATS: C2C Based Global Map Combo) will be done sometime later!

By the way, I've tried to catch up with the others on Map Combos, so I'm catching up, although it can cause problems, so if you have a problem with Map Combo, feel free to report it to me here on the forum! 

Load order updates (2024.07.01, 10:59):

Added mods:

Additional mods (Put above Background Map):

Map mods:

Load order updates (2024.07.01, 13:30):

Updated mods:


Load order updates (2024.05.15, 10:58):

Added mod:

Updated & Replaced mod:

Load order updates (2024.05.13, 13:38):

Added mod:

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2024.05.11, 13:12):

I'm going back to the imxiaoanag version again as this version is more up to date and has several new improvements and fixes like the country names which made me switch back, when the Kworey version is more up to date and better I'll possible switch to that! 🙂

Added mods:

Replaced mod:

Removed mod:

Load order updates (2024.05.04, 12:40):

Added mod:

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2024.05.01, 11:32):

Load order updates (2024.04.29, 13:05):

Removed mods:

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2024.04.26, 10:15):

Load order updates (2024.04.23, 10:39 & 12:10):

Load order updates (2024.04.23, 10:39):

Added mod:

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2024.04.23, 12:10):

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2024.04.22, 13:16):

Removed mod:

Load order updates (2024.04.21, 13:25):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2024.04.19, 13:10):

Load order updates (2024.04.17, 13:24):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2024.04.07, 9:14 & 9:27):

Load order updates (2024.04.07, 9:14):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2024.04.07, 9:27):

Added mod:

Load order updates (2024.04.03, 12:07):

Added mods:

Updated mods:

Replaced mod:

Load order updates (2024.03.28, 10:07):

I'm updating HAF to 0.1_fix, but I'm still not updating HOA along with RIW RC as there are still company problems in some cities, which of course I reported on Kiko's Mods Discord server!

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2024.03.25, 12:43 & 13:50):

I haven't tested HOA and HAF together in the new versions, so until I test it, which is expected next week or sometime this week, and if the test is successful, I will remove the option instruction, but you can still use HOA  and HAF together at your own risk

Load order updates (2024.03.25, 12:43):

Updated mods:

Sadly, while testing the HOA-HAF, I found out that the compatibility is still not the best, so I'm downgrading the HOA and keeping the current option system!

Load order updates (2024.03.25, 13:50):

Downgraded mods:

Load order updates (2024.03.22, 12:12):

Allworld Map 2.8 has been updated to 2.9 which no longer requires the manual fix as the mod already includes the fixes that had to be made in 2.8, and Allworld Map 2.5.5 now remains as a secondary option which should have been there for a long time, but I didn't bother with it, and 2.5.5 will still require the manual fix as that version does not include it!

Updated mod (First option):

Load order updates (2024.03.21, 12:51):

Added mod:

Load order updates (2024.03.19, 8:38):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2024.03.16, 13:43):

Added mod:

Load order updates (2024.03.13, 8:30):

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2024.03.11, 12:50):

Added mod:

Load order updates (2024.02.27, 12:23):

Added mods:

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2024.02.26, 8:48):

Added mod:

Replaced mod:

Removed mods:


SCS Forum Changelog RIP (Before 2024.02.26, 8:48 Changelogs)


Load order updates (2024.02.14, 12:46):

Since we already have an RC for SRMap thanks to the Caucasus Expansion-SRMap RC, I updated the ferry mod from which I removed the Poti Ferries and only the Varna-Poti ferry remained, which is included in the Promods, but I won't touch this! 

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2024.02.13, 9:25):

Since many people asked for it, I tried to add it to Map Combo, it seems to have no particular problem yet, but I'll make it optional since it's not 1:19 scale and I can't guarantee 100% error-free!

Added mods:

Load order updates (2024.02.09, 10:48):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2024.02.08, 10:56):

Added mods:

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2024.02.04, 14:42):

Censored part by the moderators of the SCS Forum in reference to this alleged violation: Removed - Rule 2.3, now here's a load order update again that I've been collected for today, there's no significant change

Even if this is the possible (I don't want to believe it) last load order update, thank you for using my Map Combos (don't worry, I won't stop making Map Combos, i still contuining)!

Added mods:

Replaced mods:

Load order updates (2024.01.28, 8:53):

Added & Updated mods:

Load order updates (2024.01.25, 9:39):

I encountered this problem the day before yesterday, which I found out during this morning's testing that Ukraine Expansion v0.13 in this Map Combo is causing graphical bugs in Russia for some reason, so I had to downgrade to fix this problem!

Here is the console log of the problem which disappeared when downgrading to Ukraine Expansion v0.12: 

00:20:46.707 : <ERROR> [dx11] Unable to map attribute (v.tangent)

00:20:46.707 : <ERROR> [dx11] Unable to map attribute (v.tex_coord_6)

00:20:46.708 : <ERROR> [dx11] Failed to create vertex input layout!

00:20:47.252 : <ERROR> [dx11] Unable to map attribute (v.tangent)

00:20:47.252 : <ERROR> [dx11] Unable to map attribute (v.tex_coord_6)

00:20:47.252 : <ERROR> [dx11] Failed to create vertex input layout!

00:20:47.554 : <ERROR> [dx11] Unable to map attribute (v.tangent)

00:20:47.554 : <ERROR> [dx11] Unable to map attribute (v.tex_coord_6)

00:20:47.554 : <ERROR> [dx11] Failed to create vertex input layout!

00:20:47.807 : <ERROR> [dx11] Unable to map attribute (v.tangent)

00:20:47.807 : <ERROR> [dx11] Unable to map attribute (v.tex_coord_6)

00:20:47.807 : <ERROR> [dx11] Failed to create vertex input layout!

00:20:48.164 : <ERROR> [dx11] Unable to map attribute (v.tangent)

00:20:48.164 : <ERROR> [dx11] Unable to map attribute (v.tex_coord_6)

00:20:48.164 : <ERROR> [dx11] Failed to create vertex input layout!

Added mods:

Downgraded mod:

Load order updates (2024.01.23, 9:13):

Removed mods:

Load order updates (2024.01.13, 16:42):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2024.01.06, 11:17):

Load order updates (2024.01.05, 12:08):

The Silesia prefab problem is finally solved, now it can be used again in Map Combos!

Added mod:

Load order updates (2024.01.01, 10:34):

Added mods:

Updated mods:

Removed mods:

Load order updates (2023.12.23, 11:28):

Because of the many problems with Silesia I decided to remove it from the loading order until someone finds a solution as everything is sensitive to it (e.g. mod version update for any mod) and so on, I hope it will be fixed and i can put it back!

Added mod:

Updated mods:

Removed mod:

Load order updates (2023.12.17, 12:11):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.12.16, 11:30):

Added mods:

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2023.12.14, 7:06):

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.12.12, 0:08):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.12.11, 7:22):

Updated mods:

Removed mod:

Load order updates (2023.12.10, 10:51):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.12.09, 11:03):

Added mods:

Updated mods:

Additional mods:

Map mods:

Load order updates (2023.12.07, 9:51 & 11:42):

Itarevamp temporarily removed from the Map Combo because I noticed the road breaks in Denmark, after the update released i will testing again and after testing i will put the mod again back to the Map Combo

Load order updates (2023.12.07, 9:51):

Removed mod:

Load order updates (2023.12.07, 11:42):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.12.06, 12:42):

Added mods:

Additional mods (Put under Background Map):

Map mods:


Load order updates (2023.11.23, 10:32 & 10:42 & 11:42):

Load order updates (2023.11.23, 10:32):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.11.23, 10:42):

Replaced mod:

Load order updates (2023.11.23, 11:42):

Added mod:

Load order updates (2023.11.14, 13:41):

Added mod:

Load order updates (2023.11.13, 10:40):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.11.03, 5:42):

Added mod:

Load order updates (2023.10.28, 19:37 & 19:49):

Load order updates (2023.10.28, 19:37):

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.10.28, 19:49):

Added mod:

Load order updates (2023.10.26, 3:02 & 9:12 & 13:22 & 13:28):

Load order updates (2023.10.26, 3:02):

Updated mods:

Removed mod:

Load order updates (2023.10.26, 9:12):

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.10.26, 13:22):

Removed mods:

Load order updates (2023.10.26, 13:28):

Added mod:

Load order updates (2023.10.23, 19:28):

Added mods:

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2023.10.22, 9:48):

Tested at Today, not founded any issues yet

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.10.21, 2:02):

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2023.10.17, 10:22):

Added mods:

Removed mod:

Load order updates (2023.10.14, 20:54):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.10.13, 1:35):

New SCS Base Version Map Combo update is released, Only the Basic Map Combo is available at moment because the Fresh release and other Map mods is under testing at moment, i will update the Map Combo after some mods testing is done, thanks for understanding!

Added mods:

Additional mods (Put under Background Map):

Map mods:

Load order updates (2023.10.12, 0:09 & 6:31):

Load order updates (2023.10.12, 0:09):

Added mod:

Load order updates (2023.10.12, 6:31):

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.10.11, 5:17):

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.10.09, 8:41):

Added mod:

Load order updates (2023.10.07, 17:01):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.10.06, 9:16):

Added mod:

Load order updates (2023.10.04, 6:46):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.09.29, 0:55):

Added mod:

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.09.28, 7:06):

Load order updates (2023.09.26, 20:37):

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2023.09.25, 11:50):

I have added many mods, so if you find any conflicts or problems, please report them

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.09.24, 21:40):

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.09.23, 1:20):

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.09.22, 3:04):

Updated mods:

Removed mod:

Load order updates (2023.09.20, 6:26):

Added mod:

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.09.15, 1:38 & 6:09 & 10:37):

Load order updates (2023.09.15, 1:38):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.09.15, 6:09):

Added mod:

Load order updates (2023.09.15, 10:37):

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.09.14, 4:04 & 17:15):

Load order updates (2023.09.14, 4:04):

Updated mod:

Removed mod:

Load order updates (2023.09.14, 17:15):

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2023.09.13, 8:47):

I forgot to include this in the Map Combo because I just realized that it is also required in the Promods combos when using Rusmap

Added mod:

Load order updates (2023.09.12, 12:44):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.09.11, 1:17 & 6:36 & 10:34 & 11:31):

Load order updates (2023.09.11, 1:17):

Added mod:

Load order updates (2023.09.11, 6:36):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.09.11, 10:34):

Added mods:

Removed mods:

Load order updates (2023.09.11, 11:31):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.09.08, 3:37):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.09.07, 20:39):

Added mods:

Additional mods:

Map mods:


Load order updates (2023.08.12, 12:18):

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2023.07.23, 6:23):

Relocated mods:

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.07.15, 11:06):

It seems that there is still a problem with RTAF only comed from my side for some reason, sorry for the chaos!  But please report the issues in Map Combo, if you find it thank you very much!

Relocated mod (Above RTAF RC):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.07.14, 10:37):

I'm sad to report the news, but RTAF has a lot of conflict problems with Map Combo at the moment, so I removed it and restored the loading order, but I won't restore Maghreb Map as it's a problem mod and there's no need to bring it back, thanks a lot for understanding!

Re-Added mods:

Removed mods:

Load order updates (2023.07.12, 14:29):

Until the African mods adapt to RTAF, I have removed all African mods except Horn of Africa, so we have to wait for the fixes and then they can come back

Removed mods:

Load order updates (2023.07.11, 8:18):

I have good news, the Road to Africa has finally been released, which many have been waiting for, but for now I have removed the Maghreb Map until I test the Map mods (RTAF will most likely work well since it has the same compatibility as RTA), Sud de France as well updated from 1.8 to 1.8.1

Added mods:

Updated mod:

Removed mods:

Load order updates (2023.07.09, 10:17):

It seems that the conflicts in the Poland Rebuilding FLD Model disappear if I remove the Maghreb Map, so I decided to put it back into the Map Combo, but then you have to remove the Maghreb Map (See Note: 2) note)

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.07.07, 11:38):

Replaced & Relocated mod:

Added mod:

Load order updates (2023.07.05, 11:04):

Re-added mod:

Removed mod:

Load order updates (2023.07.04, 1:57):

Removed mod:

Load order updates (2023.07.03, 3:21):

Updated mod:

Removed mod:

Relocated mod (Above Russian open spaces):

Load order updates (2023.07.01, 3:44 & 14:52):

Load order updates (2023.07.01, 3:44):

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.07.01, 14:52):

Added mod:

Load order updates (2023.06.28, 19:13):

Added mods:

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.06.26, 4:07 & 4:18):

Load order updates (2023.06.26, 4:07):

Updated mod:

I just updated Western Estonia as well, as I already tried v0.2 in Map Combo yesterday and it worked fine

Load order updates (2023.06.26, 4:18):

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.06.23, 6:59 & 18:58):

Load order updates (2023.06.23, 6:59):

Added mod:

Relocated mod (Above Russian_open_spaces Map Combo Fix):

Load order updates (2023.06.23, 18:58):

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.06.22, 8:24 & 13:38):

Load order updates (2023.06.22, 8:24):

Added mod:

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.06.22, 13:38):

Updated mod:

Load order updates (2023.06.21, 9:59):

I decided to remove Poland Rebuilding from the loading order even though it was Optional due to FLD Model conflicts, this will probably be fixed in 1.48 which probably will be in 1-2-3 months!

Replaced mod:

Removed mods:

Load order updates (2023.06.18, 20:01):

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2023.06.16, 15:00 & 20:37):

Load order updates (2023.06.16, 15:00):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.06.16, 20:37):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.06.13, 12:13 & 13:28):

After a long wait, ROS arrived, so I'm adding it to Map Combo as an optional mod, but it can't be used with Kirov Map!

Load order updates (2023.06.13, 12:13):

Added mods:

I decided to add Poland Rebuilding to the Map Combo as an Optional mod due to the FLD model conflicts in the mod, if this bothers you and you insist on Poland Rebuilding then I recommend this Map Combo: viewtopic.php?t=318383

Load order updates (2023.06.13, 13:28):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.06.09, 6:50 & 16:05):

Load order updates (2023.06.09, 6:50):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.06.09, 16:05):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.06.01, 8:29 & 13:22):

Load order updates (2023.06.01, 8:29):

Added mods:

Replaced mods:

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2023.06.01, 13:22):

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2023.05.25, 6:39 & 8:41):

Load order updates (2023.05.25, 6:39):

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2023.05.25, 8:41):

Added mods:

Load order updates (2023.05.24, 2:47):

Relocated mods (Above VolgaMap & not tested yet):

Load order updates (2023.05.23, 9:08):

After small a break I had time to expanding and improving the Map Combo😀

Added mods:

Updated mods:

Relocated mods (Reversed):

Removed mods:

Load order updates (2023.05.17, 13:24):

After small a break I had time to expanding the Map Combo, and now I've tested the EAA once the Road to Asia mod is released and works without recache, so it's been added to the loading order as an optional!😀

Added mods:

Updated mods:

Removed mods:

The Sign conflicts in the 1.47 Reworked German cities have been resolved by removing the Iberia Map RW PM v1.1 mod from the load order until an mod update fixes it🙂 - SCS Forum Page

Load order updates (2023.05.14, 6:37):

Updated mods:

Now don't need to modify the manifest.sii file - SCS Forum Page

Load order updates (2023.05.13, 15:24):

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2023.05.12, 15:24):

After the release of Today ATS Map Combo update I will update now this loading order to be updated and extended, enjoy 

Sorry for the late post update, I didn't feel like making the update post 

Added mods:

Updated mods:

In Stuttgart, unfortunately, I found empty sign conflicts in the city center, which I have a guess as to which mod could be causing it (all I'm saying is that it can't be the Kirov MAP just added🙂), but I'll have to test this further

During the tests, I found a truck with a pink texture trailer, I hope it can only be caused by the Maghreb map and not another map mod, so that's why I made it optional!🙂 - SCS Forum Page

Load order updates (2023.05.11, 12:08):

After the release of EuRoadNet Map Combo Basic phase 1.47 Map Combo update I will update now this loading order to be updated and extended, enjoy😀

Added mods:

Relocated mod (Under SibirMap Caps Fix):

Apart from the pink textures on SRMap I haven't noticed any other bugs, let me know if there are any other bugs that make the game experience spoil! - SCS Forum Page

Load order updates (2023.05.09, 16:04):

After a long and patient wait, Promods 2.65 arrived with 1.47 Map Combo update and unexpectedly I was able to update the Map Combo today, so enjoy😁

Added mods:

Additional mods:

Map mods:

There are pink signs in many places on SRMap, but luckily no black texture was found, and it looks playable despite its flaws. - SCS Forum Page


Load order updates (2023.04.12, 11:02 & 2023.04.13, 13:40):

After a one month break, Map Combo has been updated with a new mod and update, Project Greenland and Shetland mods removed from Map combo because incompatibility with SFIG!

Load order updates (2023.04.12, 11:02) & (2023.04.13, 13:40):

Added mods:

Removed mods:

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2023.03.15, 18:19):

The EAA has been updated on the Cluberotas site, so I need to update the version number in the map combo!

Load order updates (2023.03.15, 18:19):

Load order updates (2023.03.12, 12:36):

The new Ferry mod is ready, I managed to make it, I hope you'll enjoy it, it's only the first version, so there might be some bugs and problems with the ferry even though it works!

Load order updates (2023.03.12, 12:36):

Load order updates (2023.03.11, 17:01):

Load order updates (2023.03.11, 17:01):

I finally got around to it today, because I had time today! - SCS Forum Page

Load order updates (2023.03.03, 16:57):

Load order updates (2023.03.03, 16:57):