ATS C2C Based Global Map Combo Changelogs

The Changelogs timezone based on (GMT+01:00 Winter Time or GMT+02:00 Summer Time)!
Important! The creation of the Map Combo started on June 2, so the start date period in the real Winter time zone before that is not included in the Time zone Period, but otherwise it is officially considered winter from March 31, 2024!
Time zone periods:


Load order updates (2024.07.17, 12:01):

Load order updates (2024.07.02, 11:12):

After a long break, the ATS Map Combo update has finally arrived! The reason for the long silent pause was that I had a 1 week Map Combo Update break due as I was not at home and also had to catch up with the other Map Combos in ETS 2 to keep up to date! Have fun with the Update đŸ™‚

Added mods:

Updated mods:

Load order updates (2024.06.08, 11:46):

Load order updates (2024.06.02, 11:23 & 11:51):

I've recently started playing with ATS again but with C2C which I used to hate, but now I'm more accepting of it, so I've maded a Map Combo that I'm playing, I hope it won't be too much of a problem, enjoy đŸ˜€

Load order updates (2024.06.02, 11:23):

Added mods:

Additional mods (Put above Background Map):

Map mods:

Load order updates (2024.06.02, 11:51):

Updated mods: