Announcement about Rusmap 2.50 in the load order (Archived)

Important announcement about Rusmap 2.50 in the load order!

Now recently there was a post on the RusMap VK page that this update is problematic and not real and indeed it is, but I added it because I didn't encounter any serious problems except for some problems like some pink company textures etc., if you experience serious problems when using the map you can safely skip the Load order with the ROEX42RusMap250 RC mod as it is not required!

Here's the English translation of the VK post I already did in another topic, but I don't want to duplicate it, so I'll just post the link to it:

RusMap 2.50 Chaos VK Post Announcement

Until the situation changes, this announcement will remain actual!

UPDATE (24.07.07, 11:36): Since then, Rusmap 2.51 from Aldimator has been released and the situation is getting better, so you can now use Rusmap with confidence! - SCS Forum Page