OrangeConnects is a free online navigation platform that connects you with providers who can help. It works by asking a short list of questions about your thoughts and feelings, and then matches you to a list of providers who specialize in supporting those needs.

I had similar problem with new Cube Orange fresh out of the bag. Found after MUCH fiddling with mission planner install, reinstall and setup that QGroundControl saw two comms and was perfectly happy to connect. So I flashed Ardupilot Copter with it. I then went back to Mission Planner. Now Mission Planner saw two comms and connected successfully. The comms did not look like what is in the Cube documentation but at this point all I care about is that it is working.

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I've been having this issue for months now and have been completely unable to use my headset because of it. I will plug my Rift S into the correct ports that have worked in the past, but the only thing I will receive is an orange/red light (I am colorblind so its a little hard to tell but I think it's orange) inside the headset with no green checks in the Oculus Rift S detection screen and only spinning circles. I have attached some images below.

My pc will recognize the Rift S, changing my audio devices to the Rift S as well as my microphone input, but still nothing will show on the actual Oculus app itself. This makes me completely unable to do anything as I'm just stuck on a black display with an orange light that can still have audio come through and is recognized by my pc. I've been messaging support for a few weeks now but they have been zero help whatsoever. I have tried to use a separate pc entirely to use the Rift S, but the same issue occurs. As for the controllers, i will press the buttons on them, they will flash 3 times, then turn off. they also do not connect. My cables are not damaged at all and work perfectly fine. I have tried so many fixes that I am very close to just giving it up and calling it quits.

Hey there Bckpack12! Sounds like this has been a pretty confusing issue for you. We're happy to help get your Rift S back in working order! The light is indeed orange, which means the headset isn't connecting for some reason. We have troubleshooting steps available for this exact issue right here and if those steps don't help, you can always reach out to our support team here for some extra assistance. We look forward to getting you back in the game!

Hello there VRKnoxNZ we noticed that your reporting that you are having No connection to Oculus App with Orange Light inside headset we definitely understand you would like to get back to your VR experience.

Howdy @scotturwiler! We see that you are reaching out because you are experiencing some connection issues with your PC app. We know how important it is to be able to get into the fun world of VR and how having to deal with this can really hinder that experience, so we'd love to help you get this issue sorted out as quickly as possible! Just to gain a little further clarity on our end, can you please describe to us in full detail what issues you are experiencing. Also, what troubleshooting steps have you tried as we'd hate to rehash anything for you. We look forward to hearing back from you and continuing to work together in order to get this issue resolved.

Heyyy @scotturwiler! We just wanted to follow-up with you to see if you were still needing assistance with the connectivity issues that you were experiencing. Feel free to reach back out to us if you happen to have any further questions or concerns as we are always happy to help!


what i understand from your setup is that the cube driver is not correct. Strangely there is no yellow mark on the device manager either. When you connect the cube to the computer, you should see cube orange comx in the device manager. Strongly recommend to troubleshoot from here rather than changing your qgc or px4 versions

you could update the serial usb driver and see what happens

Yes. I see the deficiency in the device manager.

I am unable to locate an updated orange cube driver for windows 10 that is not free.

The sites all expect a payment.

I will continue my search, however, if you could suggest a download site, I would be very grateful.

Hi all, I'm at my wit's end here. I've only had my PS4 for three months. Just a few days ago, I powered the PS4 up and my controller would only flash white a few times, then fade to orange, when I pressed any button. I've factory-reset the controller, powered the console off and tried reconnecting the controller, tried two different controllers from a friend (reset them as well), they'd all flash white and then go orange. I rebuilt the database in safe mode (the only place where my controller works). I bought a new USB cord for the controller. Nothing has worked. Is it a bluetooth problem, or something to do with the console? I've never owned a Playstation before and don't know where to go from here, how much repairs would cost, etc. If anyone has any insight on next steps or what else I could try, I'd be appreciative. Thank you very much.

Has anyone ever setup a SQL connection for Orange? The API ( -mining-library/reference/data.sql.html) does not provide any decent examples, from my read of things. If you could point me to a link or show me an example connection object in Python, that would be great. I am trying to do some CN2 classification on a table in my MySQL database.

When I double click the SQL Table widget I get what appears to be a dialog box to configure the connection (Server, Database[/Schema], Username, Password) but all of the fields are disabled and the message "Please install a backend to use this widget" appears at the top of the dialog.

How is the topology of your network? Physical or virtual? If the former, are all your switches working properly, If the latter, are you correctly routing the virtual network? You might discover that your problem is not IPFire configuration at all but something outside its domain. To test this hypothesis I would connect directly to IPFire green interface one machine and the same to the orange assigned ethernet card so to simplify the system. Also, I would make sure as mentioned by @luxskywalker that is not the routing inside your green machine or orange machine the problem due to a local firewall rule. Finally, are you messing with the ICMP traffic?

You can have dhcp on orange but it requires you to install a dhcp server onto a machine on orange. That machine usually the must have static ip but all others can then be run from dhcp.

I have that setup and running on my orange zone.

Lucky Orange is web analytics software that helps marketers and sales professionals better connect with leads by surfacing exactly how they use your website. You can find this information by accessing real-time dynamic heatmap overlays, screen recordings, and user chat logs. All of this information than added to the HubSpot contact timeline as part of the integration, when a visitor becomes a lead.

This is my understanding as to WHY it is orange. "If the device you connected is only capable of 10/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet LAN connection, the LAN port lights amber to show that it is connected at a slower speed than what is supported by the router. If your device has a Gigabit Ethernet port, the LAN port lights white."

The Powerline 1200 should be well above 10/100. It is listed as, "10/100/1000Mbps Gigabit Ethernet port" Hence the question, why is the Nighhawk port orange? All other LAN port lights are white as expected.

I am writing this on behalf of my mother-in-law. She has had a HP Tango X printer for just over a year so it is out of warranty. It was printing fine and she had an instant ink subscription. Her internet provider changed her router and she was unable to connect it to the new router. I tried also (for hours) and then did a factory reset as was suggested on a post online (we were desperate).

Now we cannot get it to do anything. If I try to connect to it, it says that the printer is offline. There is an orange flashing light at the front and the information light is flashing orange. It is looking like we will need to get another printer.This seemed like a perfectly good printer until you have to change wireless networks, which seems ridiculous. I can see that this printer has now been discontinued which could tell me something...

I'm not sure about this for my mother-in-law. However, I took it home and tried it with my own 2.4GHz router. But the problem now is not so much about connecting to the wireless but rather it is not possible to get the printer to do anything because of the orange flashing lights. You cannot get it into setup mode.

These cookies make it possible to share or react directly on the social networks to which you are connected or to integrate content initially posted on these social networks. They also allow social networks to use your visits to our sites and applications for personalization and targeting advertising.

I am trying to use Orange Pi Zero. When I connect TTL debug port eveything ok. I can connect Wi-Fi from TTL command prompt. I can make update, download application but I cannot connect with SSH to device over Wi-Fi. But when I bring Orange Pi near to Wi-Fi modem(about 1m) I can connect ssh. I cannot find any solution about this problem. When I use wavemon to check Wi-Fi signal strength, I saw this values; signal level : -40 dbm, link quality: 91/100

If I tell my problem more clearly, I can connect Orange Pi from ssh when it close Wi-Fi modem. If I get way from modem and power up Orange Pi I cannot connect from ssh. But Orange Pi can reach internet.

I have someone that everything looks fine for the Z3 in Meraki's interface, and things plugged in to it work fine, but the link light is orange. Has anyone heard of something like this? Have rebooted it and the ISP's provide modem (powered both off, gave it a minute, plugged in the modem, waited for it to boot up, and then plugged in the VPN). ff782bc1db

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