Oral Surgeon Washington DC

Some people visit their dentist regularly for the assessment and cleaning of their teeth. If you are one of the people who are not happy with their smile then it can be one of the reasons why you need to see a cosmetic oral surgeon Washington DC.

Some other reasons that compel you to visit your cosmetic dentist may include:

Straightening teeth: If you have unaligned teeth since your childhood or have lost their alignment due to any accident or injury then you should see your cosmetic dentist to straighten them. He can use a method requiring less maintenance and visibility as compared to the braces for this purpose, like clear trays.

Fixing implants: If you have lost some of your tooth due to any reason then a cosmetic dentist can help you in getting an original-like artificial tooth by providing a substitute for its root through implants.

The artificial teeth provided through implants are fixed permanently into your mouth as the implants are attached to your jawbone. These implants not only improve your smile but also allow you to use them like original teeth.

Repair of damaged teeth: If you have damaged your teeth due to some accident or increasing age then your cosmetic dentist can help in improving their condition by repairing them. The cracks and chips on the teeth usually damage them which can turn into severe problems like spoiled and decayed teeth if not treated well in time.

Dental Implants Washington DC

Your dentist can repair them by using bonding method in which materials are fused to cover and support to the damaged part of your teeth.

Oral Dental Surgeon Washington DC

Reshape teeth: The shape of your teeth changes with your age. If they started looking odd in shape due to any reason then you must see your cosmetic dentist as soon as possible. He can use veneers, crowns and implants to improve the aesthetics of your teeth.

Teeth whitening: Whitening of discoloured teeth is another reason why you need to see a cosmetic oral surgeon Washington DC. Your cosmetic dentist can whiten your teeth in a most effective and safest manner. He can apply a chemical on your teeth at his office or provide you equipment with instructions to use at your home to bleach your discoloured teeth.

Resources of Oral Surgeon

Sometimes they simplify the teeth whitening process by making a specially designed mouthpiece for this purpose. In this way your cosmetic dentist can help in improving your smile along with providing you healthy and brighter teeth than ever.