Oracle's Instant Client ODBC software is a standalone package that offers the full functionality of the Oracle ODBC driver (except the Oracle service for Microsoft Transaction Server) with a simple install.

An ODBC application has to load the Oracle Instant Client ODBC driver's shared library file (see next section) to connect to Oracle Database. On Linux/Unix the directory path of the shared library should be set in the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or platform equivalent. It can also be configured in /etc/ On Windows it should be set in the PATH environment variable.

Oraclient11g_home1 Odbc Driver Download

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On Linux and UNIX Patching the Instant Client ODBC driver on Linux/UNIX can be done by generating the Instant Client ODBC package and Basic or Basic Light package in a patched ORACLE_HOME. The procedure for patching and generating Instant Client ODBC, Basic and Basic Light packages is given in the Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide. These new packages should then be unzipped into the Instant Client directory that needs to be patched. This method of patching is recommended.

On Windows Patching the Instant Client ODBC driver on Windows can be done only by manually copying the ODBC driver shared library files and supporting library files from a patched ORACLE_HOME or from an unpacked Oracle Database Bundle patch. These should be copied into the Instant Client directory. Generating an Instant Client ODBC package is not available on Windows.

As for actually removing the driver, if you uninstalled oracle, then the only thing to be removed is two entries in the Windows registry. Unfortunately, I don't have access to a system with Windblows, so cannot give you the details. If you are not experienced in mucking about in the registry, you could just leave that in place, as it is not hurting anything.

I lost half day trying to connect my old VB6 app (VB6 is 32 bit only, so supports only 32 bit ODBC drivers) to an Oracle database through ODBC.It is a different question if you have the app in VB.NET, you have more choices, as the response from @Wernfried indicates.

The problem was that the Windows 64 bit server has an Oracle 11g 64 bit install in production, so only ODBC 64 bit was available. I didn't want to cause problems on that installation so my idea was to add only the essential to allow ODBC 32 bit Oracle driver to be available in the system.

NOTE: if when creating the ODBC driver at this step, appears this error:"The Setup routines for the Oracle in instantclient_11_2 ODBC driver could not be loaded due to system error code 14001: The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail. (.. \ SQORAS32.DLL)."

Is there a 64-bit Oracle ODBC driver that supports TNS-less connection (or EZ-Connect) convention? I used to use "Microsoft ODBC for Oracle" which allowed a TNS-less connection string, but that has been depreciated for a long time and there is no 64-bit version (i.e. it won't work for 64-bit Office/Excel).

I've had the experience that user's in my organization sometimes have a missing or invalid tnsnames.ora file. I want to use a DSN-less connection-string in that does not require tnsnames.ora that can be successfully executed on any computer with the proper Oracle drivers installed. This is an example of my old DSN-less, TNS-less connection string that used the depreciated "Microsoft ODBC for Oracle" driver (still works for users on 32-bit office):

I have been trying to connect with Oracle in OraClient11g_home1 ODBC drivers from Oracle but no matter how I try (including EZ_Connect) I can not get it to work without it needing tnsnames.ora, I constantly get this pop-up asking me to specify a service name anyway:

The ODBC driver is typically preinstalled on your computer.For details about the driver installation or troubleshooting the installation,contact your database administrator or refer to your database documentationon ODBC drivers. For information about the Microsoft ODBC DataSource Administrator, see DriverInstallation.

When setting up an ODBC data source, you can specify a user data source name (DSN) or a system DSN. A user DSN is specific to the person logged into a machine. Only this person sees the data sources that are defined on the user DSN tab. A system DSN is not specific to the person logged into a machine. Any person who logs into the machine can see the data sources that are defined on the system DSN tab. Your ability to set up a user DSN or system DSN depends on the database and ODBC driver you are using. For details, contact the database administrator or refer to the ODBC driver documentation.

Background: to connect to some Oracle db, I'm using the excellent pypyodbc module, which is a pure-Python ODBC implementation - basically a not-so-thin layer on top of your installed ODBC providers - that works great with Python 3. If you have to support multiple database vendors (in my case, Oracle, MSSQL, DB2 and maybe others), it makes sense to avoid packing a module for each product and just let ODBC work its magic.

The main problem with ODBC has always been the dark magic involved in crafting connection strings. Each driver provides different options, and when the syntax is not correct, in most cases there is precious little feedback. This is why we have sites like

Desperate, I eventually thought of daring the (usually unwieldy) original driver documentation from Oracle. And lo, I've found in the FAQ doc for Oracle ODBC, on page 13, a very helpful table listing all the options you can specify in a connection string. "SERVER" was nowhere to be seen. Ouch.

This feature will be removed in a future version of Windows. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Instead, use the ODBC driver provided by Oracle.

The ODBC Driver for Oracle enables an application to access data in an Oracle database through the ODBC interface. The driver can access local Oracle databases or it can communicate with the network through SQL*Net. The following diagram details this application and driver architecture.

The ODBC Driver for Oracle complies with API Conformance Level 1 and SQL Conformance Level Core. It also supports some functions in API Conformance Level 2 and most of the grammar in the Core and Extended SQL conformance levels. The driver is ODBC 2.5 compliant and supports 32-bit systems. Oracle 7.3x is supported fully; Oracle8 has limited support. The ODBC Driver for Oracle does not support any of the new Oracle8 data types - Unicode data types, BLOBs, CLOBs, and so on - nor does it support Oracle's new Relational Object Model. For more information about supported data types, see Supported Data Types in this guide.

If the 1157 and 126 ODBC error messages still occur after completing the steps above, and you are using a CR ODBC driver, reinstall Crystal Reports so that the specific CR ODBC driver (see below for list of CR ODBC drivers) is installed. To do this, complete the following steps:

1157 - This error means that the ODBC driver itself (DLL file) cannot load its dependency files. This is generally because the database client software is not installed or its working directory (usually called "bin") is not in the Windows search path for this computer.

126 - This error means that the ODBC driver itself (DLL file) cannot load its dependency files. This could be because the database client software is not installed or its working directory (usually called "bin") is not in the Windows search path for this computer. Also, it could mean that the ODBC driver has not been properly installed.

" [RODBC] ERROR: state IM003, code 160, message Specified driver could not be loaded due to system error 126: The specified module could not be found. (Oracle in OraClient11g_home1, C:\app\BuiltInAdmin\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN\SQORA32.DLL)."


So it turns out all registry items had been removed. The issue is that the user DSN tab (in data sources (odbc)) still has entries for client 11.x, but the system DSN has entries for client 12.x. I can not remove these entries. I get an error message saying the drivers have already been removed. I am assuming that Rstudio is looking in the user DSN before the system DSN.

Alma uses it's own interface to Oracle Analytics, so institutions no longer need to have Oracle ODBC drivers installed on staff workstations. Follow these instructions to delete the Oracle drivers from your workstations.

To uninstall Oracle Software and the ODBC driver, locate the Universal Installer application. You may find this in the Windows menu under Oracle - OraClient10g_home, or you may use the Setup.exe file from C:\oracle10g\10203_client_vista-win7\.

On my Windows 7 machine, I created an ODBC data source to an Oracle database via the ODBC Data Source Administrator (c:\windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe). Sometime later, I had to uninstall and reinstall Oracle Client, which resulted in a different Oracle home. So the existing ODBC data sources no longer worked. However, if I try to remove the data source, I get the following error messages:

Python is a popular general purpose scipting language that is also becoming popular among web developers. If you want to use an Oracle database as a data storage for your Pyhon app, this tutorial teaches how to connect Python to an Oracle database using ODBC driver, code samples included. There are many ways to connect to Oracle database from Python, including cx_Oracle, a Python extension module that enables access to Oracle database, most of the applications though use either ODBC or JDBC driver to connect to Oracle. One of the most convenient methods to connect to an external database or access cloud data from Python is using the pyodbc Python module that implements the Python DB specification and allows you to easily connect Python appplications to data sources with the Devart ODBC driver for Oracle. ff782bc1db

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