If you need to create a new user, review the grants created in samples/tutorial/sql/create_user.sql. Then open a terminal window, change to the samples/tutorial/sql directory, and run the create_user.sql script as the SYSTEM user, for example:

The example above connects as the SYSTEM user. The connection string is "localhost/orclpdb1", meaning use the database service "orclpdb1" running on localhost (the computer you are running SQL*Plus on). Substitute values for your environment. If you are using Oracle Autonomous Database, use the ADMIN user instead of SYSTEM.

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Edit db_config.py and change the default values to match the connection information for your environment. Alternatively you can set the given envionment variables in your terminal window. For example, the default username is "pythonhol" unless the envionment variable "PYTHON_USER" contains a different username. The default connection string is for the 'orclpdb1' database service on the same machine as Python. (In Python Database API terminology, the connection string parameter is called the "data source name", or "dsn".) Using envionment variables is convenient because you will not be asked to re-enter the password when you run scripts:

cx_Oracle also supports "external authentication", which allows connections without needing usernames and passwords to be embedded in the code. Authentication would then instead be performed by, for example, LDAP or Oracle Wallets.

Python may not always be able to identify accidental from deliberate indentation. Check your indentation is correct before running each example. Make sure to indent all statement blocks equally. Note the sample files use spaces, not tabs.

If you know the query returns a fixed number of rows, for example 20 rows, then set arraysize to 20 and prefetchrows to 21. The addition of one for prefetchrows prevents a round-trip to check for end-of-fetch. The statement execution and fetch will take a total of one round-trip. This minimizes load on the database.

An arbitrary number of named arguments can be used in an execute() call. Each argument name must match a bind variable name. Alternatively, instead of passing multiple arguments you could pass a second argument to execute() that is a sequence or a dictionary. Later examples show these syntaxes.

PL/SQL is Oracle's procedural language extension to SQL. PL/SQL procedures and functions are stored and run in the database. Using PL/SQL lets all database applications reuse logic, no matter how the application accesses the database. Many data-related operations can be performed in PL/SQL faster than extracting the data into a program (for example, Python) and then processing it. Documentation link for further reading: PL/SQL Execution.

soda.createCollection() will create a new collection, or open an existing collection, if the name is already in use. (Due to a change in the default "sqlType" storage for Oracle Database 21c, the metadata is explicitly stated to use a BLOB column. This lets the example run with different client and database versions).

As types grow in size, generics parameterized by further generic types, then type inference can aid readability. The Scala and C# languages allow to replace the type in a local-variable declaration with the keyword var, and the compiler fills in the appropriate type from the variable initializer. For example, the declaration of userChannels shown previously could be written like this:

This may initially seem like an interesting piece of language trivia that has very little use, but it can be useful in some circumstances. For example sometimes you want to return a few values as an intermediate result inside some method. Normally you would have to create and maintain a new class just for this purpose, only to use it inside a single method. Inside the Collectors.averagingDouble() implementation a small array of double values is used for this purpose.

For the examples to work we must first unlock the SCOTT account and create a directory object it can access. The directory object is only a pointer to a physical directory, creating it does not actually create the physical directory on the file system of the database server.

The way you handle quotes on the command line will vary depending on what you are trying to achieve. Here are some examples that work for single tables and multiple tables directly from the command line.

That database user performing the export and import operations will need the appropriate level of privilege to complete the actions. For example, if the user can't create a table in the schema, it will not be able to import a table into a schema.

Transferring data from a higher database version to a lower version is possible by using the VERSION parameter on the export. For example, if I am exporting from a 19c database and I want to import into a 18c database I would do the following.

The PATH= option points to a service name which is typically defined in the tnsnames.ora file. The tnsnames.ora files are typically pushed to client machines by an automated process, but they don't have to be. Your DBA can help you verify that your connection information is correct and the that the Oracle instance is running. If SAS and Oracle are running on the same machine it is possible to connect without using the PATH= option. This is called a bequeath connection. This is uncommon, so let's take a look at an example tnsnames.ora entry from my PC:

The Oracle tnsping utility can help in this situation. tnsping will use information from the tnsnames.ora file to check to see if the Oracle instance is up-and-running. Here are two examples: 1) shows a successful ping 2) shows what happens when the service name (bogus) isn't present in the tnsnames.ora file:

If you know the connection information you can bypass the tnsnames.ora. I hesitate to show this because it is very prone to error and can be difficult to get it to work. This is useful when you can't edit the tnsnames.ora file but you know what the entry should look like. The following LIBNAME statement matchs the tnsnames.ora snippet from the previous example:

Historically, Oracle's highest level was the Oracle Instance. When someone mentions they are connecting to an Oracle database this is what they are talking about. The Oracle instance has users. There is no concept of a schema in Oracle. For example, DB2 has a CREATE SCHEMA statement and Oracle does not. We can fake a schema in Oracle by creating a user which cannot connect to the database. That being said, if you mention an Oracle schema people will understand; DBAs may correct you but probably not.

I am having similar problem right now. I connect to oracle 11g xe edition from SAS 9.4 with statement on system running windows 10 enterprise OS.Though I was able to connect successfully through sql-plus and oracle sql developer but not through SAS 9.4.

I was reading the paper

"AT004: The Dark side of the transparent moon--Tips, Tricks and Traps of handling Oracle Data Using SAS"  by Xinyu Ji. (NESUG 16)( )

In the introduction section of the paper the author writes

"there is a database account for the user 'samji'... the data resides in the path='nesug' and the public schema is 'sasusers' ".

The author then creates a libname statement as follows.

libname nesug ORACLE user=samji pw=.. path='nesug' schema=sasuser;

I don't understand the word public schema.

My understanding is that oracle has a public role and schema is the metadata of all the objects by a user and has the same name as the login. Thus in instant case for the user 'samji' schema will be 'samji'.

Download the Oracle JDBC driver and place it under $PXF_BASE/lib of your Greenplum Database coordinator host. If you relocated $PXF_BASE, make sure you use the updated location. You can download a Oracle JDBC driver from your preferred download location. The following example places a driver downloaded from Oracle webiste under $PXF_BASE/lib of the Greenplum Database coordinator:

Create a JDBC server configuration for Oracle as described in Example Configuration Procedure, naming the server directory oracle. The jdbc-site.xml file contents should look similar to the following (substitute your Oracle host system for oracleserverhost, and the value of your Oracle service name for orcl):

To get the session identifier, the session serial number, and the SQL identifier of a SQL statement, query the V$SESSION view. The following example gets all sessions and SQL identifiers for the user AWSUSER.

To flush the database smart flash cache, use the Amazon RDS procedure rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.flush_flash_cache. The flush_flash_cache procedure has no parameters. The following example flushes the database smart flash cache.

For all parameter values, use uppercase unless you created the user with a case-sensitive identifier. For example, if you run CREATE USER myuser or CREATE USER MYUSER, the data dictionary stores MYUSER. However, if you use double quotes in CREATE USER "MyUser", the data dictionary stores MyUser.

The following example grants the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE and EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE to USER1. Since the with admin option is used, USER1 can now grant access to SYS objects that have been granted to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE.

To list existing RDS_X$ views, use the RDS procedure rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.list_created_sys_x$_views. The procedure lists only views that were created by the procedure create_sys_x$_view. The following example lists X$ tables that have corresponding RDS_X$ views (sample output included).

You can grant select privileges for many objects in the SYS schema by using the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role. The SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role gives users SELECT privileges on data dictionary views. The following example grants the role SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE to a user named user1.

You can grant EXECUTE privileges for many objects in the SYS schema by using the EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE role. The EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE role gives users EXECUTE privileges for packages and procedures in the data dictionary. The following example grants the role EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE to a user named user1. 17dc91bb1f

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