Instant Client RPM packages for Oracle Linux can now be installed from for Oracle Linux 8 and Oracle Linux 7. Older releases are available for Oracle Linux 8, Oracle Linux 7 and Oracle Linux 6.

Oracle recommends using the latest 19c Release Update of Oracle Instant Clientor Oracle Database Client. This is a Long Term Release.

Alternatively you can use the latest 21c Release Update if you require clientfeatures introduced in this Innovation Release.

Oracle 11g Client 32 Bit Free Download

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DigiCert retired the Organizational Unit (OU) field for all public TLS/SSLcertificates to comply with industry standards as of August 2022. This meansthat public TLS/SSL certificates issued by DigiCert will no longer have an OUfield. Refer to MOS note 2911553.1for details.

To avoid disruption to applications connecting to Oracle Autonomous Database onShared Exadata Infrastructure (ADB-S) during the server side certificatechange, you must use hostname based matching of the server certificate.

The following versions of Oracle Instant Client automatically support hostnamebased matching:

Versions: 18.19 (or later), 19.2 (or later), 21 (base release or later)

Oracle Call Interface (OCI), Oracle C++ Call Interface (OCCI) or ODBCapplications must use one of the above client versions.Oracle Database drivers based on Oracle Instant Client or Oracle DatabaseClient (e.g ODPI-C, python-oracledb Thick mode, cx_Oracle, node-oracledb,godror, PHP OCI8, PHP PDO_OCI, ruby-oci8, ROracle, and rust-oracle) must usethe driver with a compatible client version from the list above.An additional step is required if you have changed the ADB-S connection string.

ADB-S connection strings contain a hostname "...(HOST=xyz)..." which depends onthe region. For example, in the Chicago region the hostname would be"". If you have replaced the default hostnamewith an IP address or a custom hostname, then hostname based DN matching willfail. The solution is to add a new entry to your /etc/hosts file using theoriginal ADB-S domain suffix. Your connection string should then use this newname. For example an entry ""could be created and used.

Can anyone point me to an Oracle document that actually states that production use of the Oracle client is covered by the server license?

All of the documents I've found talk about how database is licensed, but nothing ever actually states that the client software is covered by the server license. I've found lots of posts where people say the client is covered by the server, but no response by a person who works for Oracle.

I have an Oracle database server I need to connect to on production. We need to use orapki to create the Oracle wallet for use with Oracle Data Access Component (ODAC). The DB server admin told me to download the full client from -windows-downloads.html, but the license agreement that shows up when you do the download explicitly states that it may not be used on production.

I asked the server admin to provide the Client software and they stated they can't because their licenses are for their use, but I suspect they didn't actually check what their license covered. I'm hoping if I point to a document that states the client is covered by the database license they will provide the client software since it's their license covering it.

I've attempted to get a response to my licensing issue by contacting Oracle multiple times over the past couple weeks using multiple email addresses and the most I've got out of that is that someone will contact me back, but that hasn't happened yet.

I'd appreciate any help anyone can provide. Of course, if someone knows a better way to get orapki I'd love to know that too. I'm also looking into the openSSL solution, but that's proving harder than getting an answer to the client license question.

IIRC, the install was just pointed to a network share, then a .reg file was generated and rolled out to the clients, so when they opened up an app that needed the client, it pointed to the client on the network drive.

Present day, company I am doing some work for is still using an Oracle 10 client for a legacy app using Oracle 10 database, which is going away in a few months. In the meantime, they need to test an app that needs an 11 or later client, and are also rolling out Windows 10 before the end of the year and want to include a newer Oracle client as part of the roll out.

I'd like to look at having the client on a network share, initially so this new app can be tested with a newer client, and if there are no show stopping issues with this use the network install approach instead of installing it on client workstations.

We are having some difficulties getting a new application to connect to Oracle with little help, so far, from the vendor (TIBCO). All they have recommended is installing ODAC, despite our reply that we already have the client installed. Here is our problem (and this may get lengthy as I will provide all we have done so far to resolve):

Right now we're just trying to install the new application on a limited number of developer computers. These computers all have both the 32 and 64-bit Oracle 11.2 client install (with the Administrator option selected). According to the OUI inventory, they have all the seemingly necessary components: ODBC Driver, Oracle Provider for OLE DB, Oracle Data Provider for .NET, and Oracle Providers for ASP.NET. Since the vendor has suggested ODAC, a coworker went ahead and installed it on top of the Oracle client. While it did fix the issue, it appears to have messed up Visual Studio. I'm hesitant to install ODAC simply because I've already got the 32 & 64 bit clients and I don't want to mess up the path variables and registry with unnecessary installs. Not to mention that whatever the final fix is will have to be deployed to dozens of machines, so I'd like to keep it simple.This co-worker sent me a screenshot of the files created by ODAC (12c). I found that all the OLEDB files were already in by BIN directory. However, some files were missing (like oramts.dll). After some googling, I found that the administrator install for the client doesn't exactly install everything. I reran OUI and installed the Oracles Services for Microsoft Transaction Server product, which created the missing files in by BIN directory. So now, I have the 11g version of every file contained in the ODAC screenshow my coworker provided and the application still doesn't recognize it. I have played with my path variable (the ODAC readme suggests putting both the home folder and the BIN folder at the front of the path variable) and done all sorts of combinations (32-bit first, 64-bit first). Also, my registry seems to be in order. HKLM\Software\Oracle\ODP.NET\ - the DllPath setting is pointing to the 64-bit client BIN directory; Oracle\KEY_OraClient11g_home1 is pointing to 64-bit directory.

For our Oracle connections I use the instant client. This unzips to a directory of your choosing. I then add a reference to that directory in the PATH system environment variable. You will probably have to reboot for the path variable to be added. (or add it manually...)

Asrujit, I downloaded the Instant Client Basic V Would this be the correct client? I just read in the ArcGIS Pro help that you can download the Oracle Instant Client from My Esri but I was unable to find it on an Esri site so defaulted to the Oracle site. Thank you for your help.

I just wanted to respond to this post just to put closure to it, even Henriette had helped you resolve the issue. Generally speaking, the issue appears to have stemmed from moving the location of the installation of the Oracle instant client. Alteryx did not know where to find it after that point. Pointing Alteryx to the new location, along with a few other troubleshooting steps, resolved your issue.

Viewed 10K+ times! This question is You Asked Hello,

We have had a vulnerability assessment done and found that we are prone to man in the middle attacks as we were not using SSL/TLS. As part of mitigating this risk, I found Oracle does allow for encryption/Integrity checks with authentication using SSL/TLS two way authentication. We will most likely take the self-signed route as the environment is a LAN with no access to external networks.

My question is with regards to the version of TLS available for authentication between clients and servers. Under Net Manager, i found both 12C and 19C only support SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 which are both prone to man-in-the-middle attacks due to known vulnerabilities. I believe the industry standard at this point in time is TLS 1.3? How can we work around this or do we simply accept this as a risk? Any thoughts on how experts on this forum have tackled this issue would be appreciated. 

The issue we would like to steer away from is fixing the risk and having the pen testers come back to break into the system posing as a valid terminal to the server to hack it. This of course will be the case with SSL 3.0 or TLS 1.0? 

and Chris said...Where are you reading this?

19c SQLNET.ORA parameters docs say:

Usage Notes

Clients and database servers must use a compatible version. This parameter should only be used when absolutely necessary for backward compatibility. The current default uses TLS version 1.2 which is the version required for multiple security compliance requirements.

If you set SSL_VERSION to undetermined, then by default it uses 3.0.




So while TLS 1.3 appears unsupported, you can certainly use TLS 1.2 

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Is this answer out of date? If it is, please let us know via a Comment Comments Comment Thanks for your answer ChrisA reader, December 10, 2021 - 9:33 pm UTC 0852c4b9a8

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