Welcome and learn more about how to help our OPRF HS students find their success…
Parents 4 Student Success, the OPRFHS parent support organization, is committed to helping OPRFHS create a climate of academic and social excellence for all students.
What We Do:
- Advocate for the best educational and social outcomes for all students.
- Advocate helping parents and students navigate the school.
- Support activities that connect parents and students with the resources needed to create success in high school, and post high school.
- Raise funds to demonstrate support of the OPRF HS teachers, staff, and student programs.
- Coordinate and support key initiatives with other parent and community organizations.
Join Us & Contact
- The P4SS team welcomes all parents to participate. As parents and guardians to our students, the P4SS provides a venue for you to come, connect with other parents and help us improve the opportunities for every student to succeed.
- Please join us at our monthly meetings to learn more.
- To contact us: OPRFP4SS@gmail.com
- Find out about the most current news on the P4SS Facebook page
Programs & Meetings
Each academic year the P4SS Board and parent volunteers meet monthly to determine the priorities for our students and parents to enhance find success.
Programs include:
- College Callers - Provide parent support to improve connections between OPRF HS and College Caller options.
- Career Callers – Provides parents and students support to improve connections between OPRF HS and Career Caller options. OPRF HS Tutoring Center program enhancements to include more academics, staff and opportunity for student access
- Update the OPRF HS web site – partnered with OPRF HS IT & Communications team to update and optimize the OPRF HS web site and payment portals, for simpler navigation
Fundraise and provide breakfast for staff functions and snacks for teachers/staff during Parent Teacher Conferences
When and how does P4SS meet?
The P4SS board, staff and parent volunteer members meet 1x a month, the evening of the third Tuesday each month, at the high school.
- Meetings will be held 1x per month on the 4th Tuesday of each month
- Meeting dates for 2018-19: 8/28, 9/25, 10/23, 11/6, 1/22, 2/26, 3/12, 4/23, 5/21
Board members and volunteers can set project meetings for committees to ensure completion of the P4SS program.
Who We Are:
The P4SS team consists of a board, school principal, school board representative, OPRF HS counselor and faculty liaisons, parents and community members, engaged in ensuring all students find success.
The P4SS Board of Officers:
President – Natalie Thompson
Treasurer – Gerri Humbert
Communications/PR – Janet Vinci
Volunteer Coordinator – Linda Speracino