Complication Linked with Opioid Overdose

opioid overdose

Opioids are a class of highly addictive substances which is prescribed for acute pain management. Unfortunately, one of the most rapidly growing problems of the U.S. is its addiction to the opioid painkiller which is growing as an epidemic.

Patients suffering from chronic pain, post-surgical pains, prolonged dental or toothache pain are often given the prescription opioids. Generally, the physicians prescribe a limited dose of the drug however, with extended use of the drug, it can lead to opioid overdose.

The quintessential opiate painkiller, Morphine and OxyContin have legitimate medical uses. But it can lead to symptoms such as:-

  • poor body and mind coordination
  • physical agitation -depression or irritability
  • nausea, vomiting and constipation
  • constant drowsiness
  • anxiety and panic attacks
  • decreased or slow breathing rate

It is important for both the physician and the patient to understand the difference amongst drug tolerance, dependence and addiction. The overdose of opioids can lead to behavioral, physical or psychological changes which, in extreme cases can require rehabilitation to recover. But patients who have suffered from the health hazards unknowing of the side effects of these drugs can file a lawsuit. Thousands of clients have filed legal actions against the pharmaceutical companies for not earning them enough of the related complications.

With more than 90 Americans dying every day from opioid overdose, it has become a very serious issue of the nation to fight against its abuse. Get in touch with the expert opioid attorneys of Bramzon Law Firm PLLC at 855-982-1787. You can also find the details about the lawsuit and the affected group at