Private sector partners including Cyber Defense Institute and Trend Micro supported the operation through information sharing and analysis of cryptojacking cases, and providing the participating countries with guidelines for patching infected routers and advice on preventing future infections. The National Cyber Security Center of Myanmar also issued a set of good cyber hygiene guidelines for protecting against cryptojacking.

As a crime type which is not yet widely known to law enforcement worldwide, Operation Goldfish Alpha also served to increase awareness of cryptojacking, how to identify it and how to mitigate the threat.

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Specifically, the idea was to see if the fishes' navigation skills are universal and work in extremely unfamiliar environments, a concept known as domain transfer methodology. And you have to admit that driving a tank inside an enclosure in a research lab is a pretty unfamiliar environment for a goldfish.

The FOV is, in essence, a fish tank on wheels. Unlike the rat-mobile, there are no physical controls for the fish to learn to use. Instead, a downward-looking camera tracks the fish's position in the tank. If the fish is near one of the tank walls and is facing outward, the fish-control algorithm (which runs on an onboard Raspberry Pi 3B+) will move the FOV in that direction. A lidar sensor on the same mast overrides the fish control algorithm if the FOV comes within 20 cm of the walls of the terrestrial environment, a 4x3 meter enclosure.

Six fish took part in the experiment and were taught to drive in 30-minute sessions, conducted three times a week, every two days. To begin with, the fish were given a reward if they navigated to a target (a pink corrugated board) from the center of the enclosure.

The fish did indeed learn to drive the FOV, becoming more proficient in its operation over time both in terms of achieving tasks (navigating to a target) and in the time taken to complete that task. The authors wanted to check that the fish weren't just memorizing a set of movements to earn a reward, so they repeated some tests with a new starting position inside the enclosure or added decoy targets that were a different color.

Not only were the goldfish able to cope with those changes, but they were also able to approach targets from different angles, suggesting that the animals have an internal representation of the world around them. And that's despite the fact that the interface between the air, the tank's plexiglass walls, and the water would create nonlinear refractions that presumably look quite different in fish-vision than the environment in which those fish eyes evolved.

Aquaponics is an interesting combination of the two systems listed above. Fish and plants coexist for the benefit of each other. Tanks hold fish and the waste is piped into a system where plants are grown in water. The nutrients act as the fertilizer for the plants with only a small amount of added nutrients into the system. Water is cleaned through the plants and an additional filtration system, while later being returned to the fish holding tanks. The circulation allows for the reuse of water and providing a continuous product for farmers. Plants can be harvested daily in larger systems and provide a significant boost to the profit of the farm.

At approximately 5:00 p.m. that same day, the police took Wang to an interrogation room. The physical layout of the room was as follows: Wang was seated alone in a chair in the center of the room; Wang's interrogators sat behind a desk; that desk was atop a raised platform at one end of the room; at least three men sat behind the desk and asked Wang questions while a woman seated with them took notes. The men proceeded to tell Wang of something they referred to as the Communist Party policy: if Wang told the officers everything, he would receive leniency; if he refused to speak, he would be treated with severity. At some point after this, Zhu Yi-Zhong ("Zhu"), the Deputy Chief of the Division of Preliminary Hearing in the PSB, entered the interrogation room and told Wang that people had been arrested in Hong Kong and the United States in connection with "the goldfish." The officers thereafter proceeded to question Wang about the underlying facts of a conspiracy to ship heroin to the United States.

For the United States Attorney's Office for the Northern District of California and the Drug Enforcement Administration ("DEA") San Francisco Field Office, what now is known as the "Goldfish" case first came to light in early March 1988. DEA Special Agent Thomas Aiu learned from his supervisor, Carter Osleber, that authorities in the PRC had intercepted a shipment of heroin, concealed in the cavities of dead goldfish, bound for San Francisco.

The controlled delivery was made on May 10, 1988, and arrests followed thereafter in Hong Kong, China, and San Francisco; among those arrested in China was Wang. See Section A, supra. At some point in March 1988, both Swenson and Aiu learned of Wang's arrest in China. Aiu also knew of two suspects in Hong Kong who were central to the conspiracy to import heroin, namely, Chico Wong, who was a United States citizen and who had been released on detention bail, and Liang, aka Leung Tak Lun, whom Aiu viewed as the "mastermind" of the drug smuggling operation and whom Hong Kong authorities were holding in custody.

*1515 On March 14, 1988, the American Embassy in Beijing sent a cable to the Department of State and to the DEA in San Francisco, containing the following summary of the controlled delivery and the cooperation between the United States and the PRC:

Around March 28, 1988, Boucher sent to DEA Hong Kong Country Attache James Harris eleven sets of "interrogation minutes," summaries of statements that suspects in the Goldfish conspiracy had given to police officials. Harris forwarded these minutes to Aiu and Swenson, who received them around April 1, 1988. Among the interrogation minutes Boucher sent were three for Wang. Although the prosecution team received seven other sets of interrogation minutes for Wang after the Goldfish trial commenced in January 1990, the three sent by Boucher were the only ones that Swenson or Aiu possessed for Wang prior to the start of trial.

(Id. at 5.) The third set of interrogation minutes, also dated March 19, 1988, includes Wang's description of numerous telephone calls he placed to Liang De Lun during the course of the smuggling operation. (Ex. 8.) With the single exception of the eve-of-trial request discussed in Section G, infra, no member of the United States prosecution team asked any PRC police official whether there were additional interrogation minutes of Wang.

As already noted, the change in Wang's story was not lost on Aiu. He knew that the later statement, given on March 19, was significantly more inculpatory of Liang, whom the prosecution team considered the "mastermind" of the smuggling operation. Aiu also recognized something else: that the PRC police probably had interrogated Wang many times, certainly more than the three sessions for which the prosecution team had minutes.

During this same time period, late April and early May 1988, Aiu made a connection between these two observations, that Wang's story had changed and that Wang, in all probability, had been interrogated on numerous occasions. Aiu thought that the change in Wang's testimony possibly had been brought about by what Aiu described as "unconventional" interrogation techniques. (Tr., Apr. 7, 1993, at 46:15.) Included in Aiu's definition of "unconventional" interrogation techniques were torture, physical force, sleep deprivation, food deprivation, and electric shock treatment. This connection was not the product of sheer speculation by Aiu. He had taken courses that had examined, inter alia, the operation of the Chinese criminal justice system. Each of those courses had featured a discussion of the use of torture in China, and Aiu had this information in mind when he reviewed the interrogation minutes.

On April 19, 1988, Aiu drafted an "update" cable to advise DEA headquarters in Washington, D.C. of the status of the Goldfish case.[6] (Ex. 39.) With respect to Leung (who was referred to in the cable by yet another name, Leung Pak Leung), Aiu wrote that Hong Kong would prosecute him "for suspected passport violations," but not for "narcotic violations." (Id.  9.) Aiu went on to state, however, that the Hong Kong Police "strongly" believed "that Leung Pak Leung was the individual who coordinated the ... movement of the sea heroin and goldfish from Canton to Shanghai to San Francisco. Further, the [Hong Kong Police have] advised that the PRC authorities have obtained *1519 statements from their six (6) defendants which implicate Leung Pak Leung." (Id.)

While in Hong Kong, Swenson met with Boucher for about an hour. During this meeting, Boucher told Swenson he had a videotape related to the investigation, and that Wang appeared on that videotape. (Swenson Depo. at 931:20-23.) Swenson did not ask to see the videotape, nor did he ask Boucher for a copy of it. Although Swenson was a guest for five days at the home of a Hong Kong prosecutor, John Cunningham, Swenson never asked Cunningham (who did not have responsibility for the Goldfish case) or any other individual from the Crown Counsel's Office about the reasons Hong Kong decided not to prosecute the case.

After the appearance before Magistrate Judge Langford, Swenson, Wang, the two PRC police officers (including Huang), and Lam returned to Swenson's office. The two PRC officers thereafter excused themselves for several minutes, leaving Swenson alone with Wang and with Lam; this was the only time during Wang's September 1988 visit to the United States that he and Swenson were alone together, outside the presence of PRC officers. Swenson did not takes notes during this meeting. Wang got Swenson's attention and, with Lam translating, asked Swenson whether he could do anything to help Wang and prevent him from being executed. Swenson, via Lam's translation, told Wang that he thought his cooperation would result in the Chinese according him leniency. Swenson also told Wang there was a possibility he would return to the United States to give testimony at a trial; Wang did not respond in any way. Soon after this brief interchange, the PRC officers returned to Swenson's office. e24fc04721

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