In 10 months, Opera Mini has inspired more than eight million users to surf more than two billion pages and embrace the benefits of mobile browsing. Industry leading operators, such as T-Mobile International, have installed Opera Mini on select handsets in order to offer their subscribers everything the Web can instantly provide, including mobile social networking and personal Web-based services. Content providers such as 4INFO and Mobileplay, are also seizing the opportunity to instantly mobilize online access by distributing Opera Mini.

The issue stems from the fact that Opera-Mini gets its pages through a proxy server at Opera, and even if you have Opera-Mini installed locally you still can't test out your sites without putting them on the Internet first. This is the problem I'm trying to get around.

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Cookie-Editor is designed to have a simple to use interface that let you do most standard cookie operations. It is ideal for developing and testing web pages or even manual management of cookies for your privacy.

Ok so I have 2 old e72s, I cannot use of them because its imei is clonned, but it has opera mini installed and I can use it with wifi. The other one however I can't install opera mini. I download the sisx file from the opera website and when I try to install it says that its sertificate is outdated and stop the install process. How can I install it?

The application is still developed and run by the original company that started it in Norway. Two Chinese companies own 80% of the shares. It's still a Norwegian app operating from Norway with millions of users around the world.

Synaptic is a graphical interface for Aptitude, the package manager in Ubuntu/Linux. It provides a listing of available software packages that are available to download and install from the repositories listed in your Software Sources. Synaptic is less intimidating to use than apt-get in a Terminal interface for users not used to dealing with the command line.

To install Opera manually, go to the Opera website ( and download it from there. Presuming that you have your downloads set to go to your Downloads Folder, you can run the following in Terminal:

By now, you can simply go to Download Opera browser, then click the button above Opera for Windows, Mac or Linux and the website will detect your operating system and processor architecture (32 or 64 bits) using device fingerprinting and prompt you a .deb package to download and install by a simple click using the Ubuntu Software Center.

While installing Opera, the installer will ask you to set up Opera repository for easy upgrade of Opera browser by which you can easily upgrade Opera during the regular system upgrades. Choose Yes and press enter.

an odd thing just happened, while trying your install method using Welcome, I installed and started Opera (it installed pepperflash plugin too!), my network (WiFi on my mini notebook) crashed on me, I removed Opera and the flash plugin and restarted, my WiFi works again?.

Step 1) You need to have the correct Java environment on your Palm. You can pick this up from WebSphere. Hotsync this to to your Palm in the usual way. This installs the IBM Java VM app. You also get preferences in the standard 'preferences' Palm interface. Install the Java VM via a hot sync. Edit March 2008: The free download is no longer available. the best I can find to date is SuperWaba VM for Palm, but please note I have not tested it. Please comment if you have tried it. Also check latest comments for other sources.

i'm so bare with me. Is there any way to install java on a treo650 without having to hot sync it from a pc?i don't have access to one @ the moment and want to use the opera browser. any1 have some advice?

I just installed Opera Mini on my Palm T|X and quickly removed it. When I made a wikipedia enquiry, opera switched to Blazer with a blank address. When I directly entered a URL, the editor prevented me from entering a period. (as in the dot in dot com) I am not impressed.

I installed the 2 required files onto my internal PDA RAM as well as the appropriate opera prc file. I even installed the java prefs file to view the preferences on my TX. nothing has helped me get opera to even run

It's a long while since I did the install, but as I recall you need two files for the JavaVM: J9JavaVMMidp20.prc and JavaVMCheck_enUS.prc. You get to the preferences via the standard Palm preference dialogue.

I have a Palm Treo 68O, I did the hot sync, but when I click at Opera, on the main menu, the installation stops, almost at the end and appears a message: "FAILED TO CONNECT TO THE INTERNET. Go to with your desktop browser or contact your service provider fot internet settings."

I take it you've installed the JavaVM application and I wonder if ti is something to do with how the Treo is making the phone connection that's the problem. You should be able to find some help on the OperaMini forum and specific phone compnay settings are here.

I have tried to install the latest Opera Mini 4.2 on Tungsten C (Update 3.0, JVM 5.7.2) but no matter how hard I try (AMS, JarToPRC, playing with JVM settings, etc.) the result is still the same: Opera freezes shortly after launch saying "Installing" with progress bar in approx. 25% ? I also tried 5.0 beta, but all I get is a Java exception after launch.

I finally found the JVM files after many hours of search. but still I could not get it to working. I am using TH55 and all I want is Opera Mini to work in it. anybody has any idea what can I do? at the moment it says, this Java VM is not compatible with your device, please contact your manufacturer" and on clicking okay, it says, "Please ensure that IBM's WebSphere Micro Environment Java VM is installed". Its getting really tough.

I have tried Opera mini on my Treo 650 and it works fine.

1. First install the IBM java. I'm using IBM Java VM 2.2.012.

2. Make sure your Palm can connect to the Internet, then launch the Java VM.

Thanks for this useful page.

Unfortunately I can't get Opera-Mini on my Palm Tungsten C. Like the person on March 7th 2010 my Palm is not getting further than appr. 25% of the Installation.

I used the same way to install Opera as described at the comment of November 24th, 2010.

The installation as midled is finished with a success-message. But when I start Opera, it is not getting further than appr. 25% of the Installation.

My Java-Setting is "Use double buffering".

What confuses me: _c/ describes the installation of the jad-file, but instead offers a prc-file.

With the prc file, you should just be able to download the prc to your desktop and install it through the standard 'quick install' software, but I've not tried this with recent editions of Opera Mini.

I'd like to know how to install Opera Mini without internet connection, because I'm going to test an application in my tablet, but it needs a browser that support proxy configuration and I don't have wi-fi to install Opera Mini.

I already downloaded the apk, but to install Opera Mini it needs connection to download itself. There is anyway I can install it without internet connection on my tablet? There is a full apk? If you have can you post the link for download or upload by yourself?

In PSPKVM, select System Midlets > Find Applications. Select "Install from Memory Stick", and find the "opera-mini-4.5.XXXXX-advanced-en.jar" file you copied earlier. Select that and the installation process will begin.

The buttons shown in the lower left and right of the screen are triggered using SELECT and START respectively.

Choose device J2ME 480*272 when prompted.

Opera Mini will launch, show a splash screen with "Installing..." on it, and then it will ask you to accept the terms and conditions. Once you accept that, you will have successfully installed Opera Mini and it will be listed under Installed Midlets.

You can now use the browser, but you can also change the browser's settings. After launching the browser, go to Menu > Tools > Settings.

There are options related to synchronizing your bookmarks and history with the desktop browser, but those features are no longer functional.

PSPKVM includes the (horrifyingly ugly) DejaVu Serif fonts, and for some reason Opera Mini makes use of them, displaying all web pages and the browser's UI with them. If you want to change them for something less jarring, you can replace them by overwriting the files prop.ttf, prop_b.ttf (bold), prop_ib.ttf (bold italic) and prop_i.ttf (italic) located in the /PSP/GAME/pspkvm folder. This may break other JAR applets you may have installed (or may install), but I haven't tested it. In my screenshots, I replaced them with Noto Sans, which you can get free from Google Fonts. Make sure to rename them accordingly, or you might end up with all-bold fonts or something.

In case you're wondering, you can install Opera Mini 8, but it's so slow that it's just not worth it. It doesn't even have color themes (okay, Opera Mini 4 has just three but still). It also takes a long time to install, so just don't.

Opera Software has partnered with seven smartphone and tablet manufacturers based in India to ensure that its Opera Mini browser comes pre-installed on a large number of future devices running Android.

A new piece of malware is trying to take advantage of Opera's popularity as a mobile browser alternative on Android smartphones. Cybercriminals have created a new variant of Opfake that bundles the real Opera Mini version 6.5 so as to further mask what the malware is actually doing (earning its creators money from unsuspecting users by sending international text messages). GFI, which first discovered the malware, is calling this particular threat Trojan.AndroidOS.Generic.A. The package is named "" while the file name is "opera_mini_65.apk" (both can easily be changed).

As you can see above, two sets of "Permission to Install" pages are displayed during installation. The first (above in the middle), comes from the malware itself: it asks for read and modify rights to all SMS and MMS messages, read rights to all contacts stored on the smartphone, modify or delete rights to the SD card, and so on. The second (above on the right) one appears once users agree to install the first, which is simply the permissions required for the legitimate Opera Mini browser. 2351a5e196

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