The OpenStack Block Storage service (Cinder) adds persistent storageto a virtual machine. Block Storage provides an infrastructure for managingvolumes, and interacts with OpenStack Compute to provide volumes forinstances. The service also enables management of volume snapshots, andvolume types.

Interacts directly with the Block Storage service, and processessuch as the cinder-scheduler. It also interacts with these processesthrough a message queue. The cinder-volume service responds to readand write requests sent to the Block Storage service to maintainstate. It can interact with a variety of storage providers through adriver architecture.

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The cinder-backup service provides backing up volumes of any type toa backup storage provider. Like the cinder-volume service, it caninteract with a variety of storage providers through a driverarchitecture.

Cinder Client:The openstack CLI is recommended, but there are some advanced featuresand administrative commands that are not yet available there. For CLI accessto these commands, the cinder CLI can be used instead.

Contributions to Cinder are welcome. There can be a lot of backgroundinformation needed to get started. This section should help get you started.Please feel free to also ask any questions in the #openstack-cinder IRCchannel.

The cinder.conf.sample is no longer maintained and tested in the source tree. Currently you can obtain a copy by running the command 'tox -e genconfig' in a cloned version of the Cinder project and then look in etc/cinder/ for the cinder.conf.sample file.

You can transfer a volume from one owner to another by using theopenstack volume transfer request create command. The volumedonor, or original owner, creates a transfer request and sends the createdtransfer ID and authorization key to the volume recipient. The volumerecipient, or new owner, accepts the transfer by using the ID and key.

The volume must be in an available state or the request will bedenied. If the transfer request is valid in the database (that is, ithas not expired or been deleted), the volume is placed in anawaiting-transfer state. For example:

Cinder is the code name for the OpenStack Block Storage project. OpenStack Block Storage provisions and manages block devices known as Cinder volumes. Cinder also provides a self-service application programming interface (API) to enable users to request and consume storage resources without having to know anything about their type or location.

Under a typical scenario, Cinder volumes provide persistent storage to guest virtual machines -- known as instances -- that are managed by OpenStack Compute software. Cinder can also be used independent of other OpenStack services as stand-alone software-defined storage.

OpenStack Cinder permits organizations that deploy it to make available a catalog of block-based storage devices with differing characteristics. For instance, one potential storage volume type might be a high-performance option for database storage. Another storage volume might be devoted to lower performing backup storage.

Cinder features basic storage capabilities, such as replication, snapshot management and volume clones. However, because OpenStack Cinder is an abstraction layer for storage management, a user may not have access to the special features and functionality of a given storage device or system unless the vendor makes those capabilities available through product-specific drivers.

Cinder was originally known as nova-volume when it was a component of the OpenStack Compute project, which is known by its code name, Nova. The OpenStack Block Storage project emerged in the fall of 2012 with the OpenStack Folsom release.

More than 100 drivers are available to enable hardware and software devices, systems, and public cloud storage to serve as back ends for OpenStack Cinder. The list includes volume drivers, backup drivers and Fibre Channel zone manager drivers. Available drivers are listed at

The leading Cinder driver in production use is the Ceph RADOS Block Device (RBD), according to annual surveys from the OpenStack Foundation. Other drivers include the default logical volume manager (LVM) for Linux, NetApp, NFS, Dell EMC, VMware Virtual Machine Disk, Hewlett Packard Enterprise 3PAR and SolidFire.

You can create and attach a new volume (using volume-create and volume-attach) and then install the OS on that, but there's doesn't appear to be any way to convert this volume into a Glance-hosted image for use by other instances.

As an administrator I can obviously log in to the storage host and create a new glance image directly from the volume block device, but this isn't an avenue available to anyone interacting via the API or web GUI.

I've successfully built images for openstack using KVM on my local linux machine using a local disk image file (raw or qcow2), converted the image file to a compressed qcow2, and uploaded that with glance.

Cleaning up the image (erasing logs and shell history, disabling passwords, deleting /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules, and so on) and zero-filling the disk image before making a compressed qcow2 to upload is a good idea. You can quite easily shrink a VM image with a 10GB disk to 300-500MB, which is faster to upload and faster to copy when openstack launches an instance.

This is an old question, but what you want to do is use kvm to make a raw disk image using the cdrom iso file and an empty volume. Then, you can upload the raw disk to glance and use it to boot others.

It makes sense to be able to revert a volume to a previously takensnapshot. The revert function can be used to revert a volume to a previoussnapshot, restoring the volume to the state at the time the snapshot wascreated. The feature supports reverting a volume to the most recent snapshottaken, also manila (shared file system service) has already supported whatwe are proposing in Ocata [1].

The primary use case is the situation when an instance or volume crashes dueto any adverse situation, attack or malfunctioning while storage data is keptalive. In this situation, the following workflow will be used:

Theoretically, if multiple snapshots exist, a storage system could restorea volume to any one of those snapshots. But revert a volume to asnapshot which is not the latest one typically deletes the later snapshots,which is a form of data loss and may not be what the user intends. So thisfeature will limit cinder to revert the most recent volume snapshot knownto cinder.

For this use case, reverting backwards in time starting with the most recentsnapshot makes sense. Only the user can determine whether a volume is usableor must be reverted, so getting back to a good state is a manual iterativeprocess:

if two users call volume-revert-to-snapshot and snapshot-delete at thesame time, the calls race and someone may be surprised when the volumeis reverted to an even earlier snapshot than expected (which is a formof data loss).

To keep the REST interface explicit, and to avoid the race conditionsdescribed above, the interface will accept the ID of the snapshot to berestored. cinder will verify that the snapshot is the most recent one viathe created_at field on the snapshot object, returning an error if not. Atno time will cinder delete any snapshots during the revert operation, andit will not operate on any snapshot other than the one specified in the RESTcall.

To guarantee that a volume restore actually took place, a new scenariotest will be needed that writes data to a volume, creates a snapshot,modifies the volume, restores the snapshot, and ensures the original datais present in the volume.

I followed the instrctions in the link -deploy-ops-guide/ocata/content/cinder.eseries.iscsi.configuration.html after installing openstack using tripleo and configuring Cinder with a NetApp Backend using the link _deployment/cinder_netapp.html with no luck.

Support for Consistency groups has been deprecated in Block Storage V3API. Only Block Storage V2 API supports consistency groups. Futurereleases will involve a migration of existing consistency group operationsto use generic volume group operations.

In this section, we will configure a Cinder volume type, associate thevolume type with a backend capable of supporting consistency groups,create a Cinder consistency group, create a Cinder volume within theconsistency group, take a snapshot of the consistency group, and thenfinally create a second consistency group from the snapshot of the firstconsistency group.

To delete a consistency group, first make sure that any snapshots of theconsistency group have first been deleted, and that any volumes in theconsistency group have been removed via an update command on theconsistency group.

In this section, we will configure a Cinder volume type, associate thevolume type with a backend capable of supporting groups, create a Cindergroup type, create a Cinder group, create a Cinder volume within the group,take a snapshot of the group, and then finally create a group from thesnapshot of the first group.

Currently only the Block Storage V3 API supports group operations. Theminimum version for group operations supported by the FlashArray drivers is3.14. The API version can be specified with the following CLI flag--os-volume-api-version 3.14. Optionally an environment variable canbe set: export OS_VOLUME_API_VERSION=3.14

The FlashArray volume drivers support the consistent_group_snapshot_enabledgroup type. By default Cinder group snapshots take individual snapshotsof each Cinder volume in the group. To enable consistency group snapshots setconsistent_group_snapshot_enabled=" True" in the group type used.

This guide will walk you through configuring OpenStack Cinder with Kubernetes.OpenStack Cinder is a block storage service that allows you to create persistentvolumes for your Kubernetes cluster. After following this guide, you will be ableto create persistent volumes backed by Cinder block storage.

Before deploying the manifests, we're going to delete one of the manifests thatis not needed for this guide. The csi-secret-cinderplugin.yaml manifest isused to create a secret that is used to authenticate with the OpenStack API. Wewill be using the cloud-config secret that we created in the previous step oralready exists in your cluster. 2351a5e196

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