Is there a way for OpenSSL to list all certificates which it trusts? I know that I can consult that file myself (on my particular installation of OpenSSL), but is there a (installation-independent) way to get the trusted list from OpenSSL itself?

This problem is usually indicated by log messages saying something like "unable to get local issuer certificate" or "self signed certificate". When a certificate is verified its root CA must be "trusted" by OpenSSL this typically means that the CA certificate must be placed in a directory or file and the relevant program configured to read it. The OpenSSL program 'verify' behaves in a similar way and issues similar error messages: check the verify(1) program manual page for more information.

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Related to security models: another problem with the web app/browser model is you cannot package the one trust anchor or CA needed for your app and use it (assuming you have a trusted distribution channel). Your certificates gets tossed in the pile with the CA Zoo. Others can still claim to certify your site, and you can claim to certify other sites.

I recently looked into this, and found no way to get OpenSSL to list the certificates in its trusted set. The best way I found was to, as you point out, "consult that file [/etc/ssl/certs] myself (on my particular installation of OpenSSL)".

OpenSSL looks here for a file named cert.pem and a subdirectory certs/. Certificates it finds there are treated as trusted by openssl s_client and openssl verify (source: the article, What certificate authorities does OpenSSL recognize?).

To request an SSL certificate from a CA like Verisign or GoDaddy, you send them a Certificate Signing Request (CSR), and they give you an SSL certificate in return that they have signed using their root certificate and private key. All browsers have a copy (or access to a copy from the operating system) of the root certificate from the various CAs, so the browser can verify that your certificate was signed by a trusted CA.

OpenSSL will ask for a passphrase, which we recommend not skipping and keeping safe. The passphrase will prevent anyone who gets your private key from generating a root certificate of their own. The output should look like this:

Once you open a Git Bash window, you can run the same commands as for macOS or Linux, with one small difference. Due to how some console applications (specifically OpenSSL) work in Git Bash, you need to prefix all openssl commands using the winpty utility.

If you use something like ngrok to browse to your local development sites on mobile devices, you might need to add the root certificate to these devices. On iOS devices you can do so fairly easily by following these steps:

We now have three files: hellfish.test.key (the private key), hellfish.test.csr (the certificate signing request, or csr file), and hellfish.test.crt (the signed certificate). We can configure local web servers to use HTTPS with the private key and the signed certificate.

I tried to get this working on Windows 10 the last two days. I could see, that the public key and the serial no in the certificate received by the browser was different from key and serial no produced by openssl. Only Firefox received the right key. In the end I found out, that the AVG Online Shield had manipulated part of the certificate and made it useless that way. After switching off the SSL trafic scan in AVG everything worked as it should. So keep your AV-Software in mind, when it is not working.

Note that once you create a serial using the CAcreateserial you can use the serial again: openssl x509 -req -in -CA myCA.pem -CAkey myCA.key -CAserial -days 1825 -extfile -out

Important: if you want your CA certificate to work on Android properly, then add the following options when generating CA: openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key myCA.key -sha256 -days 1825 -out myCA.pem -reqexts v3_req -extensions v3_ca

Hello, thansk for this tuto ! i created a self signed certificate for my internal load balancer ! i try to add it to aws acm but i still get this error "An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the ImportCertificate operation: com.amazonaws.pki.acm.exceptions.external.ValidationException: Provided certificate is not a valid self signed. Please provide either a valid self-signed certificate or certificate chain." even if i convert the cert and his key in pem format i still get the same error ! now i believe because it signed with my authority i need to provide a certificate chain ! How can i do it ? thanks

just noticed that .srl file in the directory where i signed my Certificate Signing Request (CSR). the web told me this file contains a serial key that i need to provide to any other certificate signed with the same Certificate Authority (CA). i should do that with --CAserial .srl. is that correct? if so, it might be nice to add. thanks you for that well guided tutorial! hannessource: -creates-ca-serial-file/

When I follow the steps in this article I am able to create all necessary certificates. I have added the Root certificate to the Trusted Roots store. However, when I use openssl to combine the public and private keys to a pfx, and then import that pfx to an IIS server, I get the error of Err_cert_authority_invalid. I used this command: openssl pkcs12 -export -out certificate.pfx -inkey privateKey.key -in certificate.pem. Do I also need to add the private root certificate in the pfx? And if so, how do I do that?

There is one thing I stumbled across today when I was testing a dev environment with iPhone Simulator and Safari told me that the connection was not secure.Since September 2020, certificates are allowed to be valid for a maximum of 398 days. -us/HT211025

In 2004, I set up a small certification authority using OpenSSL on Linux and the simple management scripts provided with OpenVPN. In accordance with the guides I found at the time, I set the validity period for the root CA certificate to 10 years. Since then, I have signed many certificates for OpenVPN tunnels, web sites and e-mail servers, all of which also have a validity period of 10 years (this may have been wrong, but I didn't know better at the time).

I have found many guides about setting up a CA, but only very little information about its management, and in particular, about what has to be done when the root CA certificate expires, which will happen some time in 2014. So I have the following questions:

The situation is made slightly more complicated by the fact that my only access to some of the clients is through an OpenVPN tunnel that uses a certificate signed by the current CA certificate, so if I have to replace all client certs, I will need to copy the new files to the client, restart the tunnel, cross my fingers and hope that it comes up afterwards.

The certificate signing relationship is based on a signature from the private key; keeping the same private key (and, implicitly, the same public key) while generating a new public certificate, with a new validity period and any other new attributes changed as needed, keeps the trust relationship in place. CRLs, too, can continue over from the old cert to the new, as they are, like certificates, signed by the private key.

And, with the MS crypto API browser, Apache's presenting the old root, but the new root's still in the computer's trusted root store. It'll automatically find it and validate the cert against the trusted (new) root, despite Apache presenting a different chain (the old root). After stripping the new root from trusted roots and adding the original root cert, all is well:

I've noticed that CA extensions could be missing in the renewed certificate of the original CA key.This worked more appropriately for me (it creates a ./renewedselfsignedca.conf where v3 CA extensions are defined, and ca.key and ca.crt are assumed to be the original CA key and certificate):

When your root certificate expires, so do the certs you've signed with it. You will have to generate a new root cert and sign new certificates with it. If you don't want to repeat the process every few years the only real option is to extend the valid date on the root cert something like ten or twenty years: The root I generated for my own use I set out twenty years.

Generate a new root at least a year or two before your old one expires so you have time to change over without being against a time wall if something goes wrong. That way you can always temporarily switch back to the old certs until you get your teething problems with the new one resolved.

The answer seems to suggest it's not necessary to renew the private key - only renew the public key certificate is enough. However, it is best practice to rotate the private key of root CA once in a while.

Creating a new CA involves several steps: configuration, creation of a directory structure and initialization of the key files, and finally generation of the root key and certificate. This section describes the process as well as the common CA operations.

The third part contains the configuration for the req command, which is going to be used only once, during the creation of the self-signed root certificate. The most important parts are in the extensions: the basicConstraints extension indicates that the certificate is a CA, and keyUsage contains the appropriate settings for this scenario:

The fourth part of the configuration file contains information that will be used during the construction of certificates issued by the root CA. All certificates will be CAs, as indicated by the basicConstraints extension, but we set pathlen to zero, which means that further subordinate CAs are not allowed.

The fifth and final part of the configuration specifies the extensions to be used with the certificate for OCSP response signing. In order to be able to run an OCSP responder, we generate a special certificate and delegate the OCSP signing capability to it. This certificate is not a CA, which you can see from the extensions: e24fc04721

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