Opening Up Chaplaincy

Stig Graham (Anglican) and Jo Mutlow (Humanist) open up a debate on healthcare chaplaincy through lively podcast dialogue with each other and invited guests. Informed by the realities of current demographics, the ever-evolving NHS, and their own practice, Jo and Stig question assumptions about who claims and controls the chaplaincy discourse. Although their existential beliefs may be different, Jo and Stig share a common understanding of how to deliver differentiated, person-centred, and compassionate care of the human spirit and both are committed to enriching chaplaincy through inclusive practice. 

All views expressed are entirely their own. 

Available on Spotify, Apple and Google podcast platforms

Contact us with your views and ideas at

Stig Graham (Anglican)

Stig's faith led him along a chaplain rather than a vicar route, and he has spent over two decades as a chaplain in hospices. Despite retiring just before the pandemic kicked in, he remains active as a volunteer at a local hospital and GP surgery.

Joanna Mutlow (Humanist)

Jo has been working in Chaplaincy since training in 2017, following careers in learning disability and higher education. Until mid July 2024 she is working on the SPaRC team at Bradford Teaching Hospital. She is a trainer and sector coordinator at the Non-Religious Pastoral Care Network (NRPSN) and author of Being There: Responses in Humanist Pastoral Care.

Be our guest

We ask people we know and meet to be guests on our podcast, but also welcome you coming forward yourself to volunteer - especially if you have a perspective or ideas that would contribute to the idea of opening up chaplaincy. If you have written a book or published some research or if you have been part of an innovation or what to share some good practice scenarios, please come forward. Our 2022 guests are profiled here.

Upcoming webinars:

NRPSN CPD: Being There Equally for Non-Religious People
18 July, 2024, 12:30 – 14:00, online.
A practical session on inclusive conversations in chaplaincy, hosted by Jo Mutlow, based on her experiences and insights from her book. 

NRPSN CPD: The Challenge of Conversations in Limboland
9 October, 12:30 – 14:00, online.
Jo Mutlow leads an exploration of how to be alongside people who are waiting for whatever is going to happen to them next. Recognising and naming this Limboland experience, but carrying no clinical or logistical responsibility for it, allows us to engage in conversations about its emotional and spiritual impact.

Anyone interested in taking over this podcast in the autumn of 2024?

Stig and Jo are coming to the end of their run hosting this podcast and we are looking for folk to carry it on as there are regularly 50+ people who listen in to each episode and over 100 followers.  We so enjoy the conversations, we are loath to hand it on, but we are both trying to retire. Do email us if you are interested - we would love to hear from you.