Unfortunately, the browser (tried chrome and firefox and ie) is trying to be smart and notices that the file is a text file, and therefore shows the content in a popup, instead of downloading it. To make matters worse, it seems that the browser is rendering the .out file as if it's html, and messes up all the line breaks and tabs (basically any white spaces).

Before Chrome 59 (58, 57, ...) when the user tries to login, the Facebook popup opens and the request for the Facebook credentials is made. But, in Chrome 59 instead of a popup, a new tab is opened. The problem is that this tab isn't in focus and the user don't see that it was opened, or sometimes it is opened and is infinitely loading.

Open Pdf In New Tab Instead Of Download - Javascript

Download File 🔥 https://geags.com/2y3AR4 🔥

I'm making a Greasemonkey script and would like to open a new tab which will not display a URL but some HTML that is part of the script. So basically I want to do something like this (which is obviously not working):

I am putting this here just in case anyone will need this. I have made a way to solve this problem, i created a little website ( ) that you can give html to in the hash! Example: (you might need to middle click the url for it to actually open in new tab)

The basic idea of his solution is to use the Apache servers header mod and edit the .htaccess to include a FileMatch directive that the forces all *.pdf files to act as a stream instead of an attachment. While this doesn't actually involve editing HTML (as per the original question) it doesn't require any programming per se.

The first reason I preferred Nick's approach is because it allowed me to set it on a per folder basis so PDF's in one folder could still be opened in the browser while allowing others (the ones we would like users to edit and then re-upload) to be forced as downloads.

The behaviour should depend on how the browser is set up to handle various MIME types. In this case the MIME type is application/pdf. If you want to force the browser to download the file you can try forcing a different MIME type on the PDF files. I recommend against this as it should be the users choice what will happen when they open a PDF file.

If the browser successfully opens the new browsing context, a WindowProxy object is returned. The returned reference can be used to access properties and methods of the new context as long as it complies with the same-origin policy security requirements.

The Window interface's open() method takes a URL as a parameter, and loads the resource it identifies into a new or existing tab or window. The target parameter determines which window or tab to load the resource into, and the windowFeatures parameter can be used to control to open a new popup with minimal UI features and control its size and position.

Remote URLs won't load immediately. When window.open() returns, the window always contains about:blank. The actual fetching of the URL is deferred and starts after the current script block finishes executing. The window creation and the loading of the referenced resource are done asynchronously.

Modern browsers have strict popup blocker policies. Popup windows must be opened in direct response to user input, and a separate user gesture event is required for each Window.open() call. This prevents sites from spamming users with lots of windows. However, this poses an issue for multi-window applications. To work around this limitation, you can design your applications to:

In some cases, JavaScript is disabled or unavailable and window.open() will not work. Instead of solely relying on the presence of this feature, we can provide an alternative solution so that the site or application still functions.

If JavaScript support is disabled or non-existent, then the user agent will create a secondary window accordingly or will render the referenced resource according to its handling of the target attribute. The goal and the idea are to provide (and not impose) to the user a way to open the referenced resource.

The above code solves a few usability problems related to links opening popups. The purpose of the event.preventDefault() in the code is to cancel the default action of the link: if the event listener for click is executed, then there is no need to execute the default action of the link. But if JavaScript support is disabled or non-existent on the user's browser, then the event listener for click is ignored, and the browser loads the referenced resource in the target frame or window that has the name "WikipediaWindowName". If no frame nor window has the name "WikipediaWindowName", then the browser will create a new window and name it "WikipediaWindowName".

These bogus href values cause unexpected behavior when copying/dragging links, opening links in a new tab/window, bookmarking, or when JavaScript is loading, errors, or is disabled. They also convey incorrect semantics to assistive technologies, like screen readers.

When extreme changes in context are explicitly identified before they occur, then the users can determine if they wish to proceed or so they can be prepared for the change: not only they will not be confused or feel disoriented, but more experienced users can better decide how to open such links (in a new window or not, in the same window, in a new tab or not, in "background" or not).

The above code solves a few usability problems related to links opening popups. The purpose of the event.preventDefault() in the code is to cancel the default action of the link: if the event listener for click is executed, then there is no need to execute the default action of the link. But if JavaScript support is disabled or non-existent on the user's browser, then the event listener for click is ignored, and the browser loads the referenced resource in the target frame or window that has the name \"WikipediaWindowName\". If no frame nor window has the name \"WikipediaWindowName\", then the browser will create a new window and name it \"WikipediaWindowName\".

When extreme changes in context are explicitly identified before they occur, then the users can determine if they wish to proceed or so they can be prepared for the change: not only they will not be confused or feel disoriented, but more experienced users can better decide how to open such links (in a new window or not, in the same window, in a new tab or not, in \"background\" or not).

Many people (including me) prefer using Yarn though: a faster CLI that integrates a powerful cache system, parallelizes downloads and provides an offline mode. Now Yarn is only a layer on top of the npm repository: it browses npm packages, but allows you to use their tool instead.

The most popular collaborative open source platform needs no introduction. GitHub is a wonderful product that fulfills everything developers can hope for and beyond. It hosts most of my projects. It hosts this blog. It connects with the best CI tools on the market. If you want to contribute to your favorite open source projects, build yourself a reputation and create the next best tools for other developers, look no further.

Travis CI is free for open-source projects and integrates well with third-party services. All you have to do is log in with your GitHub account and sync a project. By default, Travis will execute tests every time you push to your remote repository. Then, you can tell Travis what to do when tests pass with a .travis.yml file at the root of the project.

We have an app that we built with Web App Builder along with some custom LayerList and Swipe widgets. One of the requirements we got this morning is that instead of showing a popup with a Hyperlinked URL when a user clicks on a feature in the web map, the customer just wants to skip the popup behavior altogether and click on features to open the URL.

It's not currently, but can already be part of the map. I just need to suppress the popup and instead create a functionality where when a user clicks on a feature, it grabs the url from the 'url' column in the attribute table for that feature, then opens a browser window to that url. 2351a5e196

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