
I would like to invite you to an open-source initiative called Open Optimization. This ecosystem is being formed to host open-source lecture notes, lecture slides, examples, code, figures, and textbooks on material and courses related to optimization. All material will be hosted at the GitHub repository and licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) that permits free reuse and alteration of the material provided the proper attribution is given. All material will be posted will be not just open-source, but open-source code as well - including LaTeX, tikz, and other means of generating content. This allows those interested in reusing material an easy way to change and adapt the material as needed.

Please check out the organization at Open Optimization and consider contributing your material. 

Your contributions to this endeavor are greatly valued and appreciated. We hope you will help with this project and also use it as a resource for future courses, lectures, and presentations.

Current Textbook Projects

Please consider contributing your open source textbooks. This is an excellent way to share your material and make it widely accessible. All content will be posted with source files (.tex) to make it easy to reuse material in the way that you see fit. All content comes with a CC-By-SA 4.0 license. 

Here are a list of our current textbooks.

See Manuscripts tab for a list of free books.


A repository of high quality, open source images related to optimization is hosted here

Code Examples

We seed to have examples of optimization problems in solved in a variety of different modeling languages. Please consider contributing your own here

Common Bibliography

In an attempt to create some masterfiles, the organization will host a repository for .bib files.  Ideally this will be an easy reference for material created through this organization or even for writing research articles.  Current files can be seen here.