AI Chat

AI Chat

ChatGPT is an application launched by OpenAI company to run long-form question answering that helps you to answer complex questions. The ai chat is a revolutionary technology that provides an opportunity to learn content writing and users can ask questions. Many users use the app to own the ability to get human-like responses. Users can easily interact with machines and the application also provides sufficient information.

History of ChatGPT

AI Chat

ChatGPT application is launched in 2015 by Sam Altman in collaboration with Elon Musk which has been established as a non-profit organization. After a period of time, Elon Musk left the project but after that, a big investment was made by Microsoft, led by Bill Gates. It release the ai chat prototype on November 30, 2022, with the help of Microsoft. According to Sam Altman who is CEO of OpenAI, the project reached more than 2 million. Number of users is constantly increasing day by day.

How should you use a ChatGPT?

Follow the step-by-step guide to use the ChatGPT application:

Opportunities for Businesses

ChatGPT provides you the wide opportunity for companies and businesses because this application helps businesses in growth. It allows users to perform automated repetitive tasks and provide more engaging interaction with users, running chat-based or ai chat as you interact with humans. Below we-mentioned some tasks performed by ChatGPT's capabilities:

AI Chat