"One-day Online Workshop on Chemotaxis"

on 31st of July 2021

Registration is closed.

Time table in ``Seoul--Tokyo" hour

10.55 -- 11.00 Welcoming issue

11.00 -- 11.50 Yong Jung KIM (KAIST)

Turing patterns from a chemotaxis model with motility suppressing signal

12.00 -- 12.50 Yuxiang Li (Southeast University)

Finite-time blow-up in a 2D Keller-Segel System with rotation

13.00 -- 14.30 Lunch break

14.30 -- 15.20 Jing LI (Minzu University of China)

Some recent results for a class of nonlocal Fisher-KPP models and the density-suppressed motility model with Fisher-KPP source

15.30 -- 16.20 Sachiko ISHIDA (Chiba University)

Weak stabilization of the quasilinear parabolic equations in divergence form

16.30 -- 17.20 Jaewook AHN (Dongguk University)

Asymptotics of PDEs arising from chemotaxis

17.30 -- 17.50 Takeshi SUGURO (Tohoku University)

Well-posedness of the Cauchy problem of a Keller--Segel system in uniformly local spaces

17.50 -- 18.10 Jianlu Yan (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)

Global generalized solutions to a Keller-Segel system with nonlinear diffusion and singular sensitivity

18.10 -- 18.15 Closing issue

Organizers: Kentaro Fujie (Tohoku University) and Jie Jiang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)