With state-of-the-art cameras being carried around in almost every pocket across the globe, capturing an image has never been so easy. The ability to upload images to the internet instantly wherever you are has given rise to image-heavy platforms such as Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr and Tumblr and makes image creation accessible to all.

According to Trend Reports, between 65 and 85 percent of people describe themselves as visual learners. In this fast-paced digital world there is such an enormous glut of images being displayed on websites, social media, in the press and indeed everywhere we look (!) that it can be rather overwhelming for the consumer. Users have to pick and choose from a whole host of quality content and images all vying for their attention.

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Images are an important part of your business arsenal and should be considered a crucial business asset. Not only will having good images help you to win customers, but it will also give you a bargaining tool to use when collaborating with other brands and businesses.

For example, by inviting social media influencers and bloggers to use your images for free in exchange for a link back to your website can create inbound links which is a proven way of boosting your search ranking.

If you invest in good, creative, top quality images you are able to use them across a multitude of platforms including social media, news articles, your website, your business profile, print brochures and so much more.

Image size is also vital to consider. Page load speed is a key factor for search engines and so if large images are slowing down your website then your search engine rank will be affected. Yes the images need to be great quality, but if they are slowing down your load speed they can have a detrimental effect. Use an editing tool (such as Canva) to minimise your image size (whilst retaining good quality).

Anchor is one of the most popular platforms for creating, distributing and monetizing your podcast. All for free! It integrates with all key podcasting outlets and free social media platforms for audio. Its easy distribution with Spotify - the great audio disruptor allows you to analyze podcast performance through analytics through engagement insights. We use it at the DMI for distributing our own digital marketing podcast, Ahead of the Game.

Animoto is another great video platform that allows non-experts to create captivating multimedia. Animoto allows you to turn existing video clips and images into video slideshows with little effort. You can either use one of their existing storyboard templates or build a video from scratch depending on how much time you have and your ambition!

After you create your video, you can download it in various formats and levels of quality and upload it directly to your social media platforms. There are many ways to use video in your social media marketing, so make sure you do some research to find out the best route for you.

One more video tool in this list is PlaceIt. This image and video tool allows brands to showcase their products and digital designs in realistic web/video environments. It can save hundreds or even thousands of dollars on externally sourced product videos and images.

Whether your content includes images that illustrate text or simply accompany an article, readers want to see visuals. Articles and blog posts that contain images get over 90% more total views than those without. Press releases also see a 45% increase in views when a photo or video are included.

The same goes for social media. Tweets with images receive 150% more retweets than tweets without images, and Facebook posts with images see over 2x more engagement than those without. BuzzSumo also found that articles featuring an image every 75 to 100 words were shared twice as much as articles with fewer images.

Stock photos are pre-captured, professional photos and are the most convenient type of marketing image. You can find stock photos on a variety of sites, both paid and free. My personal favorite free stock photo sites are Pexels and Stocksnap.io. Shutterstock and Getty Images are popular sites for paid stock photos.

There are a couple ways you can employ GIFs in your marketing. For one, you can create your own animated GIF of a graphic or visual. There are plenty of free or inexpensive tools that can help you do this with little or no expertise required.

Social media is certainly an image-heavy medium. Networks such as Instagram and Snapchat practically require images, but brands Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others also benefit immensely from the use of images and visuals.

Images can help with this. Whether sharing product photography, branded images, or fun GIFs, sending emails with images can keep your readers engaged, interested, and better informed about the purpose of your email.

Images within the blog post could be infographics, explainer photos, screenshots, or product images, and any blog post cover images (the image displayed at the top of the post and with the post summary) should represent the purpose of the content.

Marketers have known this for a while: a well-suited image makes for a successful campaign. But how do images really work their magic on us? And how can you exploit the potential of visuals in a digital space already cluttered with countless images?

The lack of visuals in the content you put online often means it is doomed to be ignored. In fact, consumers are 60 times more likely to make contact with a brand that shows up with an image in search results compared to one that doesn't.

As humans, we are not just happy to look at images, we are also intuitively good at understanding them. The speed at which we analyze an image is astounding and, in fact, we are able to feel the sense of a visual scene in an astonishing 1/10 of a second; way faster than getting the gist out of any text we read.

When promoting your brand online, always pair your content with visuals which will help viewers get a feel for what you are promoting. According to Skyword, content that is presented with a picture gets up to 94% more views than content that is presented without images.

More than any other type of content, images can evoke emotions in us. These emotions are more visceral than those triggered by reading a story and people make strong associations between these emotions and the content that evoked them.

When choosing what image to pair with your online content, make sure the images you select invoke some sense of emotion. A dramatic landscape can be eye-catching, but a dramatic landscape with a loving family in it can be emotional. It is important that the image reflects the message you are trying to get across, but it should also blend well with the overall aesthetics of your website; your viewers won't receive a picture well that looks out of place.

Easy to understand and able to evoke emotions, images stay in our heads. The benefit of pairing images to your online content is so powerful that, as this report points out, people's ability to remember information after three days goes up from 10% in the case of text alone to 65% when the content is paired with an image.

Apart from grabbing our attention, triggering emotions and being memorable, pictures have one more superpower. As any marketer knows, images increase engagement. People don't just want to look at pictures, they want to share them and then they want to see more of them, and in fact, content with images receives up to 40% more shares than content without pictures.

As the all-encompassing power of images becomes more evident to marketers and researchers alike, everyone wants a piece of this cake and even tech companies are trying to harness this potential. Over the last few years, we have seen the rise of visual search engines offered by platforms such as Google, as well as social media companies like Pinterest.

Bear in mind that consumers today have a lot of experience in judging pictures. Their online experience mostly revolves around this, and they have become skilled in evaluating the quality of pictures and telling apart stock images as opposed to original branded assets.

Brands are aware of the power of images and they have been using them successfully in their marketing campaigns. Nike is one of the all-time winners in this battle where companies fight to the last pixel for that extra engagement.

Each of their images is an intense experience and it tells a story of people challenging conventions, unleashing their inner strength, and finding togetherness through the brand, defiantly and unapologetically.

Visuals are vital to represent your brand and make sure it stands out authentically against its competitors. In order to be successful, the images you develop or select need to be consistent with the message you send across all your channels. To achieve this, it is important to develop and follow brand guidelines.

New research that includes a University of Kansas researcher has found that the level of smile intensity in marketing photos influences how consumers perceive the marketer's competence and warmth, which can lead to different results depending on the context.

"We found that broad smiles lead people to be perceived as warmer but less competent," said Jessica Li, assistant professor of marketing in the School of Business. "We ask how that can influence consumer behavior and in what situations might marketers want to smile more broadly."

The researchers conducted experiments in which respondents viewed marketing images that included marketers with either broad or slight smiles. Also, they conducted a content analysis of postings on a crowd-funding website, Kickstarter.com, where people commonly seek donations for causes or business ventures.

Past marketing and psychological research have focused on smiles leading consumers to perceive people as being friendly and viewed in a more positive light. However, Li said the research team's new study shows that is true but that there can be a trade-off in how a smile might elicit action from a consumer. e24fc04721

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