
November 23 (Mon) - 27 (Fri), 2020

online JGRG workshop 2020

Because of the influence of Covid19, the usual JGRG workshop of this year had been postponed. JGRG is a valuable opportunity not only to provide young researchers with the place for presentations but also for researchers from various fields to meet and discuss together. Losing such opportunities is a huge disadvantage to our community. Therefore, we decided to hold an online workshop in place of the normal JGRG workshop.

We hope this online workshop provides a place where people can exchange ideas and pursue future trends of research. The workshop will cover a wide area of research related to general relativity and gravitation.

Schedule and program

Workshop Dates: November 23 - 27, 2020 (online reception on 22th Nov. )

Program (updated on 26th Nov, pdf version is here)


outstanding Presentation Award Gold Prize

Award winners

Taishi Ikeda (Physics Department, Sapienza University of Rome)

Black hole binaries and light fields: gravitational molecules

Jun'ya Kume (RESCEU, Univ. of Tokyo)

Offline noise subtraction in KAGRA using independent component analysis

Yusuke Mikura (Nagoya Univ.)

Conformal inflation in the metric-affine geometry

Keisuke Nakashi (Rikkyo Univ.)

Towards rotating non-circular black holes in string-inspired gravity

Yuichiro Tada (Nagoya Univ.)

Manifestly covariant theory of stochastic inflation

Daisuke Yoshida (Kobe Univ.)

Classification of initial singularity

Contributed Presentations

Oral Presentation (15 min including Q&A)

All oral presentations are supposed to be given by sharing the speaker’s monitor. In addition, we would like to ask all speakers to upload their presentation PDF files in the assigned channel of the Rocket.Chat before your talk just in case if some participants cannot access the live video.

Poster Presentation (1 min short talk and table discussion)

We assign one priority table as well as a Rocket.Chat channel for each poster presentation during the workshop. During the intensive poster presentation, the poster presenters are encouraged to stay at the assigned priority tables. We would like to ask all poster presenters to upload the presentation PDF file in the assigned channel of the Rocket.Chat before the workshop opening so that participants can refer to your poster presentation file.

Instructions for Participants

All participants

  1. After 11th Nov. please visit the Rocket.Chat URL ( and register by using the email which you entered in the registration form for the workshop.

  2. You have already been registered for Remo events with your email. Please check your connection in the provided test and reception events on 18th, 19th, 20th, and 22nd (please refer to the announcement email for URL links or #info_manual@Rocket.Chat).

  3. (Chairs and presenters) Please check that you are available at the assigned session. If the program conflicts with your schedule, please contact organizers as soon as possible (via e-mail


  1. (Oral) All oral presentations are supposed to be given by sharing the speaker's monitor in a Remo event. In addition, we would like to ask all speakers to upload their presentation files (see the instructions below) in the assigned channel of the Rocket.Chat before your talk just in case if some participants cannot access the live video.

  2. (Poster) We assign one priority table as well as a Rocket.Chat channel for each poster presentation during the workshop. We would like to ask all poster presenters to upload the presentation files (see the instructions below) in the assigned channel of the Rocket.Chat before the workshop opening. We do not collect the slides for 1min talks. Please prepare the slides for your 1 min talk and follow the speaker’s manual for the presentation.

  3. The presentation files will be collected from the Rocket.Chat system for the proceedings. If you want to upload a different file for the proceedings, please update your file before the deadline for the proceeding submission.

========== INSTRUCTIONS for uploading the presentation file ===========

  • Only PDF format is allowed.

  • Your file name should be: ID_FamilyName.pdf (e.g., 22M1_Yukawa.pdf)


Connection Details

All talks and posters will be presented remotely on the Remo conference system [ ].

A platform for interactions and discussions among participants will be provided by Rocket.Chat app [ ].

(Sorry, in the current setting, Rocket.Chat app for Android and iOS does not seem to work.)

We activated the accounts of all participants for the chat tool. Please visit the system URL (, and complete the registration by using the email which you entered in the registration form of the workshop.

Important dates

23th (Wed) Sep, 2020 : Open registration

20th (Tue) Oct., 2020 : Deadline of registration

18th (Wed) Nov., 2020 : Connection test event -1 for all participants

19th (Thu) Nov., 2020 : Connection test event -2 for all participants

20th (Fri) Nov., 2020 : Connection test event -3 for all participants

22th (Sun) Nov., 2020 : Online reception party

23th (Mon) Nov., 2020 : The first day of online JGRG workshop 2020

27th (Fri) Nov., 2020 : The last day





Takahiro Tanaka (Chair: Kyoto U.), Shun Arai (YITP, Kyoto U.), Hideki Asada (Hirosaki U.), Tomohiro Harada (Rikkyo U.), Shin'ichi Hirano (Nagoya U.), Akihiro Ishibashi (Kindai U.), Masashi Kimura (Rikkyo U.), Koutarou Kyutoku (Kyoto U.), Kei-ichi Maeda (Waseda U.), Shinji Mukohyama (YITP, Kyoto U.), Kouji Nakamura (NAOJ), Ken-ichi Nakao (Osaka City U.), Atsushi Naruko (YITP, Kyoto U.), Ken-ichi Oohara (Niigata U.), Ryo Saito (Yamaguchi U.), Norihiro Tanahashi (Chuo U.), Shinji Tsujikawa (Waseda U.), Kei Yamada (Kyoto U.), Jun'ichi Yokoyama (RESCEU, U. of Tokyo), Shuichiro Yokoyama (KMI, Nagoya U. ), Chul-Moon Yoo (Nagoya U.)


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