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Cyberpunk 2077: A Futuristic Odyssey – In-Depth Review

The review is written by Max Paine of OnemoreGame

"Cyberpunk 2077," developed by CD Projekt Red, was one of the most anticipated games, promising a groundbreaking experience in the futuristic metropolis of Night City. This review delves into the various aspects of the game, evaluating its promise versus performance.

Graphics and Environment:

The visual experience in "Cyberpunk 2077" is a key highlight, showcasing a masterful blend of futuristic aesthetics and gritty realism. Night City, the game's central locale, is a sprawling metropolis, alive with vibrant colors, dynamic weather effects, and bustling crowds. The attention to detail extends from the grandeur of skyline vistas to the minutiae of street-level advertisements, graffiti, and NPC interactions. Each neighborhood in the game offers a distinct visual and cultural flavor, from the opulent corporate zones to the anarchic outskirts. The game's day-night cycle and dynamic weather system further enhance the environment, altering the mood and feel of different areas. Lighting effects, particularly the use of neon and holographic displays, add depth and atmosphere, immersing players in a convincing cyberpunk world. These elements combined create not just a backdrop for the action, but a living, breathing character in its own right, integral to the overall experience of the game.

Gameplay Mechanics:

In "Cyberpunk 2077," character progression and customization play a central role. Players can deeply customize their character, V, choosing from a variety of skills and cyberware upgrades that significantly impact gameplay style. The skill system is divided into categories like hacking, combat, and stealth, each with its unique perks. This allows for a high degree of specialization, enabling players to tailor V to their playstyle, whether it's a gun-blazing street warrior or a stealthy netrunner. The game's RPG mechanics are robust, offering a satisfying sense of progression as players unlock new abilities and enhancements.

Story and Characters

The narrative of "Cyberpunk 2077" is a tapestry woven with intricate storylines and multidimensional characters. Beyond V and Johnny Silverhand, the game introduces players to a diverse range of personalities, each contributing to the game's rich storytelling. Characters like Panam Palmer, a nomad with a rebellious spirit, and River Ward, a principled NCPD detective, add layers to the narrative, offering unique perspectives on the game's central themes of power and identity. The game also delves into the complex relationships between characters, with choices impacting not just the plot but the interpersonal dynamics as well. This deep character development, combined with the game's branching narrative paths, ensures a personalized and emotionally resonant experience for each player. The intricate writing and voice acting bring these characters to life, creating a story that is both expansive and deeply personal.

Gear, Technology, and Skills in Cyberpunk 2077: A Deep Dive into Customization and Combat

In "Cyberpunk 2077," the complexity and richness of the game's gear, technology, and skills contribute significantly to the player's experience. The management of loot, unlike in some games where it can be a cumbersome aspect, is streamlined for a smooth gameplay experience. The game strikes a balance between offering a variety of weapons and items and avoiding overwhelming the player. This is achieved through an efficient crafting and upgrade system, which allows for clear decisions on gear management.

The inventory system in "Cyberpunk 2077" is designed to be user-friendly, ensuring that players can quickly identify items worth keeping, upgrading, or disposing of. Selling unwanted items is made convenient with kiosks and merchants scattered across the game's expansive map, while dismantling items is a quick process, enhanced by skills that maximize the benefits of this action.

The weapon arsenal in "Cyberpunk 2077" is diverse, catering to various combat styles and preferences. Whether players prefer the precision of pistols, the brute force of shotguns, or the elegance of a Katana for close combat, the game offers a weapon for every situation. Players often find themselves gravitating towards a particular combat style, which is further enhanced by the game's customization options.

The crafting system, while challenging due to the scarcity of certain components, is balanced by an accessible and effective upgrading system. This allows players to continuously improve their favorite weapons and gear. The ability to add mods to weapons provides an additional layer of customization, tailoring gear to the player's specific needs and style.

Skills and cyberware in "Cyberpunk 2077" are another highlight, offering a wide range of customization options. Players can develop their characters in numerous directions, from elite hackers to skilled combatants. This versatility in character development allows for unique approaches to encounters, whether it involves hacking into systems or engaging in direct combat. The flexibility of weapon mods, including the option for non-lethal outcomes, adds depth to the gameplay, allowing players to handle encounters in various moral dimensions.

Overall, "Cyberpunk 2077" excels in integrating its gear, technology, and skills into a cohesive system that enhances the player's experience, offering a depth of customization and variety that keeps the gameplay engaging and diverse.

Performance and Issues:

The game's launch was notoriously rocky, marked by performance issues, especially on last-gen consoles. These ranged from minor visual bugs to game-breaking glitches. CD Projekt Red has released several patches to address these issues, improving stability and performance. However, the initial launch left a lasting impact on the game's reputation.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty" Expansion

In the upcoming expansion for "Cyberpunk 2077," titled "Phantom Liberty," players can expect a thrilling new chapter in the Night City saga. This DLC promises to expand the game's universe with new storylines, characters, and gameplay mechanics. Players will delve into a spy-thriller narrative, exploring uncharted territories of the city and encountering fresh challenges. The expansion is set to introduce new weapons, cyberware, and enemies, enhancing the already rich and immersive gameplay experience. With a focus on narrative depth and player choice, "Phantom Liberty" aims to elevate "Cyberpunk 2077" to new heights, offering fans a deeper dive into its dystopian world.


"Cyberpunk 2077" is an ambitious game that delivers an engaging story and stunning visuals but is let down by technical issues. It offers a glimpse into a potential future of gaming, albeit one that's not fully realized. For players willing to overlook its flaws, there's a rich and rewarding experience to be found in the streets of Night City.

