Starting from July 2023 SHA1 support is being phased out in OnedrivePersonal in favour of QuickXorHash. If necessary the--onedrive-hash-type flag (or hash_type config option) can be usedto select SHA1 during the transition period if this is importantyour workflow.

Before rclone 1.62 an SHA1 hash was used by default for OnedrivePersonal. For 1.62 and later the default is to use a QuickXorHash forall onedrive types. If an SHA1 hash is desired then set this optionaccordingly.

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As a rule of thumb if nearly all of your data is under rclone's rootdirectory (the root/directory in onedrive:root/directory) thenusing this flag will be be a big performance win. If your data ismostly not under the root then using this flag will be a bigperformance loss.

You must first look for an answer to your question on -us/onedrive, if that fails, ask your question on Microsoft's community support site: -us/ If your post for support does not contain a link to -us/ it will be removed.

I am not sure if this is related but I have read (and experienced) the "brown box icon" issue displayed over my document name - I thought this was dropbox syncing issues but have come to find it is a microsoft onedrive issue... I think.

The idea is to have an ability to set a password to a regular Team folder (not shared folder) so members need to insert it when opening the folder.

This is similar to the OneDrive Vault -us/microsoft-365/onedrive/personal-vault so members can keep sensitive files and require a password before being able to access the content.

This would be useful in many scenarios such as being able to lock a folder before leaving the computer desk, making sure that no one without the password can just come onto the computer and access the files. OR having team members being able to co-use some computers and have access to normal team folder access WITHOUT having to relog and re-sync all the files.

A OneDrive Storage Gateway is created with the commandglobus-connect-server storage-gateway create onedrive, and can be updated with the commandglobus-connect-server storage-gateway update onedrive.

This is a really important feature request still, formalising and ensuring stable working over file syncs (onedrive/dropbox/box) is very important for consultancy work especially when teams are spread over different countries. As @DevinLavigne states for workspaces not just projects. Can someone from Esri give us an update on this @ThomasFuchs perhaps? ff782bc1db

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