One thing apparently clear at the moment is the PA10 (#31) pin can be exposed to the header. Just cut a 5 V pin, and wire the PA10 pin to it. It is better to make it go through a small resister (22 R or 100 R).

Is there no debug functionality at all?? The specs on it say"Serial Wire Debug", well I'm more than a little perturbed if it hasno serial wire debug functionality and those pins are only retainingthe NAME and only used for programming.

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Whatever your project is. Just do the normal configurations as per the application. To enable the serial wire debugging, you only have to add an extra step which is the one below.Step4: Set The Trace Serial Wire DebuggingNote: the pin B3 is now the SWO and needs to be connected to the respective pin on the ST-Link v2 debugger

I am using a system clock of 168 Mhz and a Stimulus of '0' inside the 'STM32 ST-Link Utility' , but also tried other common settings like Stimulus 'all' without success.

Menu-item in ST-Link Utility: ST-LINK->printf for SWO viewer.

Because ITM_SendChar() is used to redirect the output of printf() in your "AWECore ST_EVAL_CortexM4 Release-8.B.5.1_ST_Eval_build61" application,

I guess it worked for you. It is defined in "BoardSetup.c" fputc(), but to be sure, as explained I also used ITM_SendChar() directly inside "Platform.c" like this:

Anyways, I added DBGMCU->CR = 0x00000020; to be executed only once to main.c and now I can see the trace with the "serial wire viewer" of the ST-Link utility. System clock is 168000000, Stimulus is 0 - as expected

Hello, I am new to mbed-os. Now I am trying to upgrade a program from mbed-os 5 to mbed-os 6.15. I am using the NUCLEO_H743ZI2 development board. I am using the library SWO viewer -viewer/ to set up the SWO reading for my board.

I have tried to use stm32CubeProg Serial Wire Viewer to read the SWO, but it only read first several word then lost connection.

I have developed a library of function calls for the 1-wire DLL, ibfs32.dll (OWICOM method, I prefer not to use .NET). This DLL contains all the functions you need to communicate with the 1-wire device. Maxim's documentation explains exactly how to start a session, communicate with the device, and then end the session. You must follow their instructions and you must use the ibfs32.dll functions. I have used the DS9490R USB adapter with the DS1996L NVRAM iButton. It works great. I have attached an example vi that starts a session. Once the session is started, you need to pass the session handle to the next subvi to communicate with the device.

You are off to a very good start. Your code will start the communications. I created small subvi's for each function call as you saw in my example. You might want to do the same. That way if there is an error, you can skip each successive step until you get to the end. No use running any further if you can't detect any devices. For each DLL function call, create a subvi. Use a case statement and wire the error in to the question mark. If error, do nothing. If no error, call the function. After calling the function, look at the return value to determine if an error was returned. If so, build an error out cluster with the error information. See how it is done in the vi I attached previously.

I've never used the DS2490 EEPROM. But if you look HERE you will see tons of white papers and information on how to use the DS2490. Like all 1-wire devices, you have to set up a session first, then you communicate with the device. See my first post above for the session setup steps.

In attachment I put one VI to show you how it is easy to communicate with thebus. But TMReadPacket return (-9)wrong typeof device for this function. Does it mean for me that the function is notsupported with this 1-wire EEPROM memory

About your code. If you plan on writing more code for 1-wire devices, you should build each dll call into a subvi. It is easier to string a bunch of subvi's together than to create a call library node every time you want to access a dll function. Also, what if you have more than two devices. You are using Find First, then Find Next. What about devices beyond the second one? Put Find Next into a loop and exit when no more devices are found.

What I would recommend for your code is to break down each element of what you want to do into its own VI. For instance, the first thing to do for 1-wire communication is "reset and presence detect", so create a VI to reset the device by sending "r" and scan the serial port for "P" which is the reset response for the DS2431. Scan the response in a loop and give the loop a little delay (1 or 2 ms should be sufficient).

The code was tested on an F401, F446 and F103 using the ST-LINK Utility software on the Host PC.It is also possible to use a Segger J-Link SWO viewer when you have access to a Segger J-Link and the SWO port.You need to download and install the ST-LINK Utility software found here. The ST-Link Utility software may also be used to flash code produced by the online compiler. Just compile as usual, save the file on your PC, import the file in ST-LINK and press 'target' and ''automatic mode''. See the manual for details. Start the SWV when flashing has completed.

Thanks for your feedback. We will work to improve the mini viewer in the future. There may be a couple misunderstandings that I wanted to point out, but perhaps I myself am not understanding you properly? If so I apologize.

Resizing the mini viewer window

The mini viewer also allows resizing. Mouse over a corner of the window to resize it, then your cursor will change and you can drag the window larger similar to any other window in Windows.

As a standard procedure, I add some console functionality to my embedded applications. That way I have a command line interface and can inspect and influence the target system. One interesting hardware feature of ARM Cortex-M is Single Wire Output (SWO): it allows to send out data (e.g. strings) over up to 32 different stimulus ports, over a single wire.

I have SWO working, and I am getting the printouts in Eclipse, but this only works after I open the J-Link SWO viewer. So if I program and run my project I do not see any printouts at all. If I open the SWO viewer while I have Eclipse connected via the J-Link I get the print outs in Eclipse (and not SWO Viewer) as expected. I have tried running the J-Link SWO viewer with both -swoattach 0, and -swoattach1 thinking that maybe when I was running it there was some configuration going on that Eclipse was not doing properly.

My thirst thought is that the viewer can find the height of the true hole wire, and then render a pyramid of solder, the base of the pyramid is the pad on the board, and the height is the length of the true hole wire. This can be maximized to be a certain factor of the size of the pad. For more realism the side of the pyramid can be curved instead of straight.

Can we use uart and connect the tx pin to TDO to view some info on terminal? Some debuggers has Serial Wire Viewer / Serial wire output property, are these about having virtual com port and tx,rx connections

The stories will be distributed in a daily email to media across the state, and media will be free to use the content as they see fit without charge. If the wire service is successful in the fall, the School may charge media a small fee to use the content beginning in 2017 to fund student internships for the wire service during the summer.

During the semester, students will also get feedback from business wire service experts, such as AP business editor Lisa Gibbs and Tom Contiliano of Bloomberg News, who provided guidance on how the wire should be formed before it started.

Act 188 levied a tax on cable television enterprises but did not tax the proceeds resulting from the "unscrambling" of satellite signals. The similarity of the services is demonstrated in the testimony of Paul Gardner, Jr., president of the Arkansas Cable Television Association. He testified that his company offered both cable service and decoders for "unscrambling" satellite television broadcasts which a viewer using a satellite dish could not otherwise receive. He testified that his company charged the *205 same to a cable viewer for the premium HBO channel, for example, as it charged a satellite viewer. Act 188 thus imposed a tax which cannot pass First Amendment muster, and we must remand this case to the chancellor for orders consistent with this opinion.

The Sunday night game received a 0.4 rating and 748,000 viewers on ESPN, Nielsen Media Research said. That's down from a 0.7 rating and 1.14 million viewers for Real Salt Lake's win over Los Angeles in 2009.

Telephone lines were open for viewer comments on Congress' decision to adjourn in September 2014 until after the 2014 midterm election. Russell Berman, political correspondent for The Wire, also talked by telephone about Congress' decision. He talked about members' agendas for when they return in November.

Dear Spark, 

 I have a friend whose handbag, which had a long strap, was stolen by a thief who jostled her and ripped the whole bag from her shoulder, even though she had her arm around the bag. The bag you showed on Spark could still be stolen and cut open later by the thief. A better idea is to line a backpack with chicken wire. Backpacks are commonly cut open from the underside but the wire would stop this from happening. To stop thief cutting the straps, you could thread bicycle wire -- the thin cable used for bicycle brake and gear-changing -- through the arm straps of your rucksack. The reinforced rucksack is near impossible to steal from you -- even in a crowded holiday town. 

 Alex Williams, United Kingdom

Dear Spark, 

 When are they going to come out with wireless headsets (for iPods, MP3s etc) so you are not trapped to the thing by long wires that get continually tangled? 

 Kimeran Daley, United Kingdom

At this time, you have created a mashup with two individual widgets. TheLinear Graph widget is empty and need to be wired with something thatprovides information to draw, and the Map Viewer is a good option toshow any kind of "Points of Interest" and allow the user to select themeasily. e24fc04721

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